We are happy to release the new version of DeepHyper with software quality updates.
- DeepHyper is now compatible with `Python>=3.10;<=3.13`.
- The [pip installation](https://deephyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install/pip.html) was updated.
- The package build tools have been updated to modern tools (mainly, `pyproject.toml`, hatchling, and ruff). wigging
- The code base style/content was improved accordingly. wigging
- Our [contributing guidelines](https://deephyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/developer_guides/contributing.html) have been updated. wigging
- The CI tests pipeline has been updated. wigging
The `Evaluator` API has been updated to avoid possibly leaking threads when using `search.search(timeout=...)`. The `"serial"` method is now only accepting `coroutinefunction` (i.e., using the `async def` keywords in the function definition). The running job received by the run-function `def run(job)` now has `job.status` (`READY`, `RUNNING`, `DONE`, `CANCELLING`, `CANCELLED`) to handle coopérative cancellation. The user can regularly check this status to manage the job termination (useful with parallel backends such as `"serial", "thread", "mpicomm"`. The dumped `results.csv` will now provide the final status of each job. Deathn0t
New examples will be provided in the documentation.
Two new `Storage` are now available to benefit from shared memory in distributed parallel execution.
- [MPIWinStorage](https://deephyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_autosummary/deephyper.evaluator.storage.MPIWinStorage.html#deephyper.evaluator.storage.MPIWinStorage): specific to `"mpicomm"` execution and based on one-sided communication (a.k.a., remote memory access RMA). Deathn0t
- [SharedMemoryStorage](https://deephyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_autosummary/deephyper.evaluator.storage.SharedMemoryStorage.html#deephyper.evaluator.storage.SharedMemoryStorage): specific to `"process"` execution. Deathn0t
Removing deprecated modules
The `deephyper.search` and `deephyper.problem` subpackages previously deprecated are now removed. The `deephyper.hpo` should be used instead.
Spack installation
Our team is currently undergoing an update of our [Spack installation](https://deephyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install/spack.html). If you are a Spack user and would like to experiment with it, please get in touch with us. bretteiffert