
Latest version: v1.4.2.1

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New Features / Critical Changes

- *Base package*
- Adding FunctorHolder to transform any callable object (e.g. function,
functor, lambda function,...) into a valid DGtal functor.
(Roland Denis, [1332](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1332))
- Adding better checks for floating point arithmetic in the test module (Kacper Pluta,

- *Documentation*
- Module page about functions, functors and lambdas in DGtal.
(Roland Denis, [1332](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1332))

- *Image package*
- Adding ConstImageFunctorHolder to transform any callable object
(e.g. function, functor, lambda function,...) into a CConstImage model.
(Roland Denis, [1332](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1332))
- RigidTransformation2D/3D depends on a vector functor that can be,
for example, VectorRounding (Kacper Pluta,

- *Kernel package*
- Adding PointFunctorHolder to transform any callable object (e.g. function,
functor, lambda function,...) into a CPointFunctor model.
(Roland Denis, [1332](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1332))
- ⚠️ The conversion between PointVector of different component types now follows
the classical conversion rules (e.g. float to double is OK but double
to int fails if the conversion is not explicitly specified).
Component type after an arithmetic operation also follows the classical
arithmetic conversion rules (e.g int * double returns a double).
Adding some related conversion functors.
(Roland Denis, [1345](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1345))
- Making binary operators of PointVector (+-\*/ but also dot, crossProduct,
inf, isLower,...) available as external functions. The component type of
the result follows the classical arithmetic conversion rules.
(Roland Denis, [1345](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1345))
- Adding square norm method to Point/Vector class. (David Coeurjolly,

- *Helpers*
- Classes Shortcuts and ShortcutsGeometry to simplify coding with
DGtal. Integrate a lot of volume, digital surfaces, mesh,
surface, geometry, estimators functions, with many conversion
and input/output tools. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- *Shapes package*
- Add two new star shapes: Astroid and Lemniscate
(Adrien Krähenbühl, Chouaib Fellah,

- *Geometry package*
- Parametric 3D curve digitization see (UglyNaiveParametricCurveDigitizer3D)
(Kacper Pluta, [1339](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1339))
- A set of 3D parametric curves: EllipticHelix, Knot_3_1, Knot_3_2, Knot_4_1,
Knot_4_3, Knot_5_1, Knot_5_2, Knot_6_2, Knot_7_4 (Kacper Pluta,
- DecoratorParametricCurveTransformation - a decorator to apply isometries to
parametric curves (Kacper Pluta, [1339](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1339))
- LambdaMST3DBy2D - a variation of 3D Lambda Maximal Segment tangent estimator
that uses only 2D tangents along maximal axis. This estimator has only a
research value (Kacper Pluta, [1339](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1339))
- DSSes filtration during L-MST3D computations (Kacper Pluta,
- An option for filtering DSSes during LambdaMST3D calculations (Kacper Pluta,
- New LpMetric class (model of CMetricSpace) for distance computations in R^n.
(David Coeurjolly, [1388](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1388))

- *Documentation*
- Replacing html internal links by ref command in Digital Topology module
documentation. Also ignoring doxygen warning when ref begins with a digit.
(Roland Denis, [1340](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1340))
- Fix examples filenames in Digital Topology module documentation (Isabelle
Sivignon, [1331](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1331))
- Fix doc bug with Hull2D namespace, (Tristan Roussillon,
- Checking boost version when including boost/common_factor_rt (David Coeurjolly,
- Fix computational costs of separable metric predicates in the documentation.
(David Coeurjolly, [1374](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1374))
- Fixing doxygen warnings (typo and doxygen upgrade to v1.8.14)
(Roland Denis, [1376](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1376))
- Module page about functions, functors and lambdas in DGtal.
(Roland Denis, [1332](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1332))


- *Configuration/General*
- Simplifying Travis CI scripts (David Coeurjolly,

- *Kernel package*
- Fix NumberTraits for `long long int` types and refactor it.
(Roland Denis, [1397](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1397))

- *Topology*
- Remove the internal object from VoxelComplex, improving performance
(Pablo Hernandez, [1369](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1369))

- *Documentation*
- Improving KhalimskySpace related classes documentations by displaying
a short description in the member list.
(Roland Denis, [1398](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1398))

- *Helpers*
- Small fixes in Shortcuts and ShortcutsGeometry, doc, and colormaps.
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1364](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1364))

- *Topology*
- Specializes the method DigitalSurface::facesAroundVertex in the
3D case, such that faces (ie pointels) are ordered
counterclockwise with respect of the vertex (ie surfel) seen from
the exterior. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
- This PR fixes two issues related to CubicalComplexFunctions:
issue [1362](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/1362) and
issue [1381](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/1381) for
programs testCubicalComplex, testVoxelComplex and
testParDirCollapse. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
- Move operators outside of functions namespace in VoxelComplexFunctions.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1392](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1392))

Bug Fixes

- *Configuration/General*
- Continuous integration AppVeyor fix
- Fixing documentation checks and updating Travis scripts
(Roland Denis, [1335](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1335))
- Fixing warning of Clang when including GraphicsMagick v1.3.31
(Roland Denis, [1366](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1366))
- Fix compilation warnings with gcc 8.2.1
(Boris Mansencal, [1384](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1384))
- Fix compilation with Visual Studio (15.9.5) and some io tests
(Boris Mansencal, [1380](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1380))
- Fixing & updating Travis: documentation deployement and DGtalTools job
(Roland Denis, [1383](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1383))
- Various warnings fixed on Xcode (David Coeurjolly,
- Fix compilation and adding debug version for the generated file with Visual Studio
(Raphael Lenain, [1395](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1395))
- Correct pragma pop in ITK related files
(Boris Mansencal, [1400](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1400))
- Fix compilation and execution with Visual Studio
(Raphael Lenain, [1407](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1407))

- *Kernel*
- Fixing issue 1341 about unwanted conversions between PointVector with
different component types (like from double to int) by making explicit
the default conversion constructor and checking type compatiblity when
using operators.
(Roland Denis, [1345](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1345))
- Fixing issue 1387 about the wrong result of PointVector::crossProduct
in 2D. Also disabling this method for dimensions other than 2 and 3.
(Roland Denis, [1345](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1345))
- Fixing many issues related to invalid conversion between PointVectors
of different component types.
(David Coeurjolly, Roland Denis, Monir Hadji, Bertrand Kerautret,
Tristan Roussillon, [1345](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1345))

- *Base*
- Fixing wrong members in PredicateCombiner (David Coeurjolly,
- Fix testClone2.cpp and efficiency issue in Clone/CountedPtr mechanism
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1382](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1382)). Fix issue

- *Shapes*
- Fixing openmp flags (David Coeurjolly,
- Add assignment operator to ImageContainerByITKImage (Pablo Hernandez,
- Fix compilation warning: const qualifier ignored in cast (Pablo Hernandez,
- Filter data passed to acos in order to avoid division by zero or an argument
out of range. (Kacper Pluta, [1359](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1359))

- *IO*
- Improve ITKReader, testITKio and testITKReader (Boris Mansencal,
- Fix wrong typedef for double case in ITKReader (Adrien Krähenbühl,
- Fix safeguard when using ImageMagick without cmake activation (David Coeurjolly,
- Fix Color::Green definition (David Coeurjolly,
- Fix Visual Studio ContourHelper tests.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1386](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1386))

- *Geometry*
- Fix a possible tangent vector flapping during L-MST3D and L-MST3DBy2D (Kacper Pluta,
- Fix a possible issue with data structures orderings in L-MST3D accumulation step (Kacper Pluta,
- Add missing API to StandardDSS6Computer i.e., isInDSS (Kacper Pluta,

- *DEC package*
- Adding missing headers in some files of DEC.
(Roland Denis, [1349](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1349))

- *Image*
- Fix bug in ImageLinearCellEmbedder.
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1356](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1356))

- *Miscellaneous*
- Fix Small bug in Integral Invariant Volume Estimator in 2D
(Thomas Caissard, [1316](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1316))
- Change from private to public access of types Input and Output in SCellToPoint
(Daniel Antunes, [1346](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1346))
- Correct small typo when compiling with DEBUG defined
(Boris Mansencal, [1401](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1401))

- *Math packages*
- Fix possible division by zero in the MultiStatistics class.
(Kacper Pluta, [1358](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1358))

Bug Fixes

- *Documentation*
- Fixing path to Mathjax CDN in documentation (David Coeurjolly,


New Features / Critical Changes

- *Shapes*
- Mesh Voxelizer using 6- or 26-separability templated
(David Coeurjolly, Monir Hadji,

- *Topology Package*
- Adding the half-edge data structure to represent arbitrary
two-dimensional combinatorial surfaces with or without boundary
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
- Add VoxelComplex, an extension for CubicalComplex, implementing the Critical-Kernels
framework, based on the work of M.Couprie and G.Bertrand on isthmus.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1147](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1147))

- *Shapes Package*
- Adding classes and helpers to create triangulated surfaces and
polygonal surfaces to convert them from/to mesh, as well as a conversion from digital
surfaces to dual triangulated or polygonal surface (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud [1266](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1266))

- *Geometry Package*
- Laplace-Beltrami operators on digital surfaces. (Thomas Caissard,


- *Math package*
- New SimpleMatrix constructor with a initializer_list argument
(Nicolas Normand,

- *IO*
- New simple way to extend the QGLViewer-based Viewer3D interface,
for instance to add callbacks to key or mouse events, or to modify
what is drawn on the window.
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1259](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1259))
- TableReader can now read all elements contained in each line of a file
with the new method getLinesElementsFromFile().
(Bertrand Kerautret,
- New ImageMagick writer to export images to PNG or JPG formats for
instance. (David Coeurjolly,
- SimpleDistanceColorMap new colormap to easily display distance maps.
(David Coeurjolly, [1302](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1302))
- Fix in MagicReader allowing to load colored images. (David
Coeurjolly, [1305](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1305))
- Include New ImageMagick writer in GenericWriter. (Bertrand Kerautret,

Bug Fixes

- *Build*
- Fix compilation by using DGtal from swift wrapping (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Fix C++11 cmake flags and cmake >3.1 is now required (David Coeurjolly,
Pablo H Cerdan, [1290](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1290))
- Fix HDF5 link missing in compilation (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Fix compilation with QGLViewer (2.7.x) and Qt5 (Boris Mansencal,

- *Shapes Package*
- Fix ImplicitPolynomial3Shape and TrueDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator.
Improves projection operator on implicit surface and curvature
computations. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- *Configuration/General*
- Upgrading the benchmarks to match with the new google-benchmark API
(David Coeurjolly,
- The documentation mainpage now refers to the DGtalTools documentation
(David Coeurjolly,
- Fix ITK related try_compile command to work for non-default locations.
(Pablo Hernandez,

- *IO*
- Fix for compilation with 2.7.0 QGLViewer version.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1280](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1280))
- Fix on the ITK reader when used with a functor which is not able to
handle 32/16 bits images. Also includes a new testITKReader and ITK tests in
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1255](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1255))
- Viewer3D: fix bad light source move according X/Y mouse move and new Key_Z to
move away/closer the light source.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1262](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1262))
- Fix ImageContainerByITKImage, fill the itk image buffer with 0 when using the
domain constructor.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1307](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1307))

- *Kernel Package*
- Fix testBasicPointFunctor. (Bertrand Kerautret

- *Arithmetic Package*
- Fix SternBrocot and variants static instanciations. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud

- *Topology Package*
- Fix invalid KhalimskyCell coordinates in ctopo-fillContours.cpp example.
(Roland Denis, [1296](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1296))

- *Documentation*
- Add import with functors in GenericReader in the main default reader.
(mainly motivated to show documentation of specialized version of
importWithValueFunctor and importWithColorFunctor). The tiff format
was also added to the generic readers when ITK is present (Bertrand
Kerautret [1251](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1245))
- Fix exampleArithDSS3d compilation (which was not activated).
(Bertrand Kerautret

- *DEC*
- Fix dependencies flags for DEC examples.
(Jean-David Génevaux, [1310](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1310))


New Features / Critical Changes

- *Configuration/General*
- The project has a now a unique compiled library: DGtal. The DGtalIO
target has been removed. (David Coeurjolly,
- New mandatory dependency for DGtal: zlib must be installed in the system.
(David Coeurjolly, [1228](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1228))
- Remove cpp11 deprecated usage of std::binder1st and std::binder2nd
--generates error with c++17 flag. (Pablo Hernandez,
- Remove cpp11 deprecated usage of std::unary_function and
std::binary_function --generates error with c++17 flag.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1291](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1291))

- *Topology Package*
- Implementation of ParDirCollapse with CollapseSurface and CollapseIsthmus.
(Mohamad ONAYSSI, Bibiana MARTINEZ, Mohamed MELLOULI, Kacper PLUTA,

- *Geometry Package*
- VoronoiMap, PowerMap, (Reverse)DistanceTransformation and ReducedMedialAxis
now work on toric domains (with per-dimension periodicity specification).
(David Coeurjolly, Roland Denis,

- *IO*
- New version (3) for the VOL file format that allows (zlib) compressed volumetric
data. VolReady and VolWriter can still manage Version 2 Vols.
(David Coeurjolly, [1228](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1228))


- *Configuration/General*
- Continuous integration Travis bots are now based on ubunutu/trusty containers.
(David Coeurjolly, [1227](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1208))
- Set flag -std=c++11 only if needed. Modern compilers set compatible flags
by default (gnu++14, etc). (Pablo H Cerdan,

- *Documentation*
- All the example descriptions are now in their the examples file (instead in
dox files).
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1240](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1240))

Bug Fixes

- *Configuration/General*
- Fixing errors and warnings raised by g++ 4.7.x.
(Roland Denis, [1202](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1202))
- Explicit M_PI definition if needed.
(David Coeurjolly, [1208](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1208))
- Continuous integration Travis bots are now based on ubunutu/trusty containers.
(David Coeurjolly, [1227](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1208))
- Fix usage of DESTDIR at install time for linux packagers.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1235](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1235))
- Fix, let CMake handle DESTDIR instead of manual manipulation.
(Pablo Hernandez, [1238](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1238))

- *Geometry Package*
- ArithDSSIterator: fix missing postfix ++.
(I. Sivignon, [1187](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1187))
- ContourHelper: add a method to transform a contour into a 8 connected path.
(B. Kerautret, [1127](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1127))

- *IO Package*
- Missing TContainer template parameter for overloaded functions/methods that
rely on PointVector.
(Roland Denis, [1232](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1232))
- Viewer3D: fix bad rendering when changing the scale.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1217](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1217))

- *Documentation*
- Fixing various BibTeX references.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1237](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1237))


New Features / Critical Changes

- *Documentation*
- Fixing all doxygen warnings.
(Roland Denis, [1182](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1182))
- New "seeDGtalTools" doxygen command to cite a DGtalTools tool in
DGtal documentation (David Coeurjolly,

- *Geometry Package*
- New robust normal vector estimator using spherical accumulators and statistical
voting (Boulc'h & Marlet, SGP 2012).
(David Coeurjolly, [1149](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1149))

- *Math Package*
- New RealFFT class for in-place real-complex Fast Fourier Transform using
fftw3 library.
(Roland Denis, [1185](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1185))

- *Topology Package*
- Adding periodic closure for KhalimskySpaceND and per-dimension closure
(Roland Denis, [1086](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1086))
- Adding CPreCellularGridSpaceND concept and KhalimskyPreSpaceND model
to manipulate unbounded Khalimsky space and cells.
KhalimskySpaceND now checks that all given cells are within the bounds.
(Roland Denis, [1086](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1086))

- *Configuration/General*
- Travis Continuous integration will check that doxygen raises no warnings
and that the documented file names are valid.
(David Coeurjolly, Roland Denis,
- Cleaning remaining preprocessor directives related to C++11 features.
(Roland Denis, [1141](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1141))
- Travis Continuous integration will check that DGtalTools still compiles with
changes in new pull-requests. (David Coeurjolly,
- Add cmake configuration file NeighborhoodTablesConfig to
decompress and install look up tables. (Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan,
- Documentation graphs are now in SVG instead of PNG. (David Coeurjolly,
- Check and add all DGtal examples in the Examples listing section.
(Bertrand Kerautret,[1166](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1166))))

- *Base Package*
- Alias and ConstAlias now raise compilation error when using invalid
constructor, like from a rvalue reference. Adding ConstAlias in many classes
that need it.
(Roland Denis, [1140](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1140))
(With ITK related compilation fix, Bertrand Kerautret
- Moving all base concepts into namespace concepts. Update doc and
concepts graphs accordingly. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1164]

- *IO Package*
- Viewer3D: improvement of the viewer state record by saving the rendering
mode. A new setter was also added to desable/enable double face rendering.
(Bertrand Kerautret [1166](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1162))
- Viewer3D: add a mode to display ball primitive with OpenGL point instead of
quadrangulated mesh.
(Bertrand Kerautret [1162](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1162))
- Viewer3D: add a new mode to have the light source position defined from the
camera (default) or from the scene coordinate system (key P to change
position mode). A new lambertian rendering mode was added.
(Bertrand Kerautret [1149](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1149))
- Add the possibility to interact in QGLViewer Viewer3D class with the voxel
primitive (was limited to surfel). As with surfel, the user may assign integer
identifiers (OpenGL names) to voxel and callback functions, which are called
when voxel are selected. The selected elements are now highlighted.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1146](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1146))

- *Topology Package*
- Add pre-calculated look up tables to speed up Object::isSimple calculations.
(Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan, [1155](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1155))

Bug Fixes
- *Configuration/General*
- Simplification of the windows build instructions. (David
Coeurjolly, [1160](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1160))
- Various fixes in the documentation (e.g. links to concepts
pages). (David Coeurjolly,
- Fixing issues raised on some algorithms when changing Euclidean ring
for SpaceND and KhalimskySpaceND. (Jérémy Levallois,
- Moving last concepts to concepts:: namespace. (David Coeurjolly,

- *DEC Package*
- Fix compatibility with eigen 3.2.8 by changing default index type for sparse matrix.
(Pierre Gueth, [1197](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1197))
- Fixing warnings in DiscreteExteriorCalculus and DiscreteExteriorCalculusFactory.
(Roland Denis, [1139](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1139))

- *Geometry Package*
- VoronoiCovarianceMeasure: fix dimension-specific code.
(Roland Denis, [1145](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1145))
- AlphaThickSegmentComputer: fix segment display errors which could appear
when displaying a small segment. Fix a non initialized attribute with
some improvements on bounding box computation with orientation check.
(B. Kerautret, [1123](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1123))
- Frechet Shortcut: fix implicit rounding.
(I. Sivignon, [1180](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1180))

- *Image Package*
- Fixing issue [779](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/779) by
storing domain with smart pointer in ImageContainerBySTLMap.
(Roland Denis [1151](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1151))

- *IO Package*
- Display3D: Fix embedder usage when using default constructor in Debug mode.
(Roland Denis [1143](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1143))
- Viewer3D: Fix a problem when the show() method was called at the end of the
main program (the list creation was not called).
(Bertrand Kerautret [1138](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1138))
- Viewer3D: add three new modes for shape rendering (default, metallic and
plastic). The rendering can be changed by using the key M. The user can
also choose its own rendering with some setter/getter on the opengl
lightning/properties. (B. Kerautret,
- readers: fix a vol/pgm/raw reading bug occurring on Windows 10 due to the
different interpretations of end of line \r\n on Window versus \n on
unix/mac. Changing reading mode with binary mode instead text mode fix
the issue. (Bertrand Kerautret
- Fixing issue [899](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/899) in
all color maps, (David Coeurjolly, Bertrand Kerautret
- GenericReader: include longvol reader in GenericReader for 64 bit images.
Update the test for 64 bit longvol. (Bertrand Kerautret
- Fix the extension removal in Obj filename export in Board3D. (David
- Fix issue when drawing DSS with both points and bounding box. (David

- *Topology Package*
- Fix wrong starting point for surface tracking in example code
(Roland Denis, [1144](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1144))
- Fix interior/exterior fill methods of topology/helpers/Surfaces class which
was wrong on 3d and on closed Khalimsky space.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1156](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1156))
- Fix issue [1168]
(https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/1168), related to bad
linear interpolation for binary volume data in
volMarchingCubes.cpp (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- *Shape Package*
- Fix a tubular mesh construction problem (missing faces) which appears
when the center line is oriented in a main axis direction (in
createTubularMesh()). Also improves and fixes the face construction.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1157](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1157))


New Features / Critical Changes

- *Configuration/General*
- A CONTRIBUTING.md file has been added to describe how to contribute
to the library. (David Coeurjolly,
- DGtal requires now to have a C++11 enabled compiler (gcc>4.6,
clang>2.9, VS14, ...). This allows us to use new C++11 features in
DGtal core and to have more generic and reliable code. (David
Coeurjolly, [1080](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1080))
- DGtal core now compiles on Microsoft Windows, Visual Studio (only
VS14 or above). Many issues have been fixed for compatibility with
'cl' compiler. (David Coeurjolly, Jérémy Levallois,
- DGtal with QGLViewer option activated now compiles on Microsoft Windows,
Visual Studio (only VS14 or above). (Bertrand Kerautret,

- *Base Package*
- Traits class for containers in order to probe their category at
compile time. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
- Generic set operations for arbitrary containers. You may use
overloaded operators like &, |, -, ^ on arbitrary containers (list,
vector, unordered_set, map, etc). (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- *Geometry Package*
- Hull2DHelpers: implementation of the rotating caliper algorithm to compute
the width (vertical/horizontal or Euclidean) of a convex hull.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1052](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1052))
- MelkmanConvexHull: new reverse method to allow point insertions and convex
hull computation on both side of a point sequence.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1073](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1073))
- LogScaleProfile: new class to represent a (multi)scale profile e.g. a sequence
of statistics on digital lengths parameterized by a grid resolution.
(Backport of the ScaleProfile class of
[ImaGene](https://gforge.liris.cnrs.fr/projects/imagene) ).
(Bertrand Kerautret, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
- IteratorCompletion provides iterators and ranges access from a basic set of methods.
(Roland Denis, [1029](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1029))

- *Image Package*
- ArrayImageAdapter adds a read-write image adapter from any random-access iterator,
e.g. from a C-array.
(Roland Denis, [1029](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1029))

- *Math Package*
- MultiStatistics: new class to compute different statistics (like
mean variance, median) on multiple variables. (Backport of the
Statistics class of
[ImaGene](https://gforge.liris.cnrs.fr/projects/imagene) ).
(Bertrand Kerautret, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud

- *Topology Package*
- New class CubicalComplex and functions associated to
it. Arbitrary cubical complexes can be represented, displayed and
multiple operations are defined onto them: incidence, closing,
opening, closure, star, link, interior, boundary, set operations
and relations, as a collapse operation.
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, [1079](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1079))

- *Configuration*
- Types and classes in helper namespaces Z2i and Z3i for
StdDefs.h header (2D and 3D digital geometry with
computations on 32bit integers) are now explicitly instanciated in
the compiled library. This reduces compilation time when such types
are used. (David Coeurjolly,

- *DEC Package*
- DiscreteExteriorCalculus holds both primal and dual sizes of each cell.
Subsequent changes have been made to insertSCell.
(Pierre Gueth [1082](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1082))
- Convenient static members for KForm :
KForm::ones(), KForm::zeros() and KForm::dirac(KSpace::Cell).
(Pierre Gueth [1082](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1082))
- *Base Package*
- Enabling circulators in SimpleRandomAccessRangeFromPoint.
(Roland Denis, [1060](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1060))

- *Base*
- Deprecated OldAlias, OldClone, OldConstAlias have been removed. (David
Coeurjolly, [1074](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1074))

- *IO*
- By default, closing a Viewer3D does not save automatically the viewer
state anymore (in a .qglviewer.xml file). The automatic save can be
activated by a flag (myAutoSaveState). (Bertrand Kerautret
- In the Viewer3D, the light source position is now saved in the
QGLViewer state file (.qglviewer.xml). (Bertrand Kerautret
- Minor improvements of default settings in Viewer3D. (David
Coeurjolly, [1066](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1066))
- change the chronological order to display primitives (in the draw
function) in order to see the cube primitive through the
transparency of the ball primitives. (Bertrand Kerautret,
- New possibility to move the light source direction using the mouse move
in Viewer3D (with the key SHIFT+CTRL (SHIFT+CMD on mac)). The light source
direction is now defined according the main coordinate system (no more from
the camera center).
(Bertrand Kerautret [1070](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1070))
- Adding raw I/O capabilities for non integral types and signed integers.
(Roland Denis [1084](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1084))

- *Shapes Package*
- New methods to remove faces from a Mesh or to obtain the barycenter of a
(Bertrand Kerautret [1091](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1091))

Bug Fixes

- *Configuration/General*
- catch unit test framework upgraded to the develop version. (David
Coeurjolly, [1055](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1055))
- Fixing boost include path issue when building tools using DGtal and
its cmake DGtalConfig.cmake. (David Coeurjolly,
- Fixing parenthese warnings in Catch. Waiting for an official fix.
(Roland Denis, [1069](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1069))
- Fix constness in selfDisplay and operator<<. (Pierre Gueth
- DGtal cmake configuration scripts are now installed in the
${PREFIX_PATH}/lib/DGtal/ folder on linux systems (when
running make install command). The documentation is copied to
the folder ${PREFIX_PATH}/share/DGtal/html/. This fixes issue
[1095](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/1095). (David
- Fix for swapped coordinates in TangentFromDSS2DFunctor. (Kacper
- Update of the README.md page. (David Coeurjolly,

- *Base Package*
- Fix wrong initialization of reverse iterators in
SimpleRandomAccess(Const)RangeFromPoint. (Roland Denis,

- *Geometry Package*
- Fix pseudo-random number generator in KanungoNoise (David

- *IO Package*
- Fix line export in Board3D.
(Bertrand Kerautret [1119](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1119))
- Fix viewer tests including qt4 headers even with configuring WITH_QT5=ON.
(Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan, [1100](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1100))
- Fix Viewer3D axis display when they are included in a transparent element.
(issue 873)
(Bertrand Kerautret [1108](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1108)))

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