* Kernel: DGtalBoard mechanism for 2D drawing of DGtal objects, ..
* Geometry package
- Volumetric: distance transformation with separable metric
(l2, l1 and linfinity) in arbitrary dimension
- 2D: Arithmetical DSS, Greedy decomposition of a contour into
primitives, FreemanChain code iterators
* Topolopy package: Set, Adjacencies, Object, border extraction,
connected components computation, ...
* IO: 2D file formats with Magick++, Vol/Raw format in 3D, Raw
format in n-D (non-portable)
* Misc: Compiles on linux, MacOS and VisualStudio 2008
2010-21-05 dcoeurjo
* Iterators added to PointVector
* Debug methods removed in Trace class
* Many bug fixes for VS compatibility
2010-05-15 dcoeurjo
* Assert.h: added macro ASSERT() added based on the boost/assert.hpp (TODO:
implement a nice callback)
* Point and Vector templated classes added
* Space.*: skeleton of a DGtal::Space added
2010-03-03 dcoeurjo
* math/MeasureOfStraightLines: new class to compute the measure of a set
of Straight lines defined as a polygon in the (a,b) parameter space.
* test_measure: added
2010-02-17 dcoeurjo
* Trace: new class models for output streams in Trace class.
* TraceWriter/TraceWriterTerm/TraceWriterFile: added
2010-02-12 dcoeurjo
* models: bug fix in INLINE commands
* Trace/Clock: minor edit and bug report
2010-01-05 dcoeurjo
* Trace can be initialized on diffrent output stream (e.g. std::cerr or a file
* test_trace: update to test the new API
2010-01-04 dcoeurjo
* Clock: no more static variables and methods (in order to have several
running clocks)
* Trace: new interface and the endBlock displays and returns the
ellapsed time within the block
2009-12-28 dcoeurjo
* Trace: a new class to trace out messages to the standard output. Four type
of messages are possible: info, debug, error and "emphased". On
color linux terminal, messages appears with an appropriate color
* test_trace: an illustration of the Trace interface
2009-12-14 dcoeurjo
* CMakeLists, test_clock updates to ensure compatibility with VisualStudio
* New cmake options
- OPTION(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries." ON)
- OPTION(BUILD_TESTS "Build tests." ON)
2009-12-11 dcoeurjo
* CMakeLists scripts and first backport from imagene (Clock class)
2009-12-11 dcoeurjo
* Repository cleanup:
- Modeles and genereateClass.sh removed
- JOL scripts & templates added
2009-12-03 dcoeurjo
* Modeles: class templates added with generateClass.sh script