
Latest version: v1.4.2.1

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New Features / Critical Changes
- *Geometry Package*

- New segment computer allowing the recognition of thick digital segments,
adapted to noisy contours (from a given thickness parameter). The current
implementation (mainly a backport from imagene) is a model of
CForwardSegmentComputer with a ParallelStrip primitive. This primitive is
similar to the blurred segment of [Debled-Rennesson etal 2005] with isothetic
thickness. It is also an implementation of the alpha-thick segment of Alexandre
Faure and Fabien Feschet.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [963](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/963))

- *Configuration/General*
- Continuous integration enabled on both linux and macosx
systems. Furthermore, the nightly build documentation is
automatically deployed. (David Coeurjolly,
- New unit test framework based on
[catch](https://github.com/philsquared/Catch). Catch allows to
design quick and efficient unit tests with nice trace
outputs. (David Coeurjolly,
- Documentation added for Catch. (David Coeurjolly,

- *Kernel*
- New template class DigitalSetlByAssociativeContainer allows to
define digital sets from any associative container of the STL. For
instance, using std::unordered_set (c++11) or boost::unordered_set (hash
function based containers), speed-up up to 40% can be measured when
processing digital sets. (David Coeurjolly,
- By default, Z2i::DigitalSet, Z3i::DigitalSet and digital set from
DigitalSetSelector use the new hash function based
container. (David Coeurjolly,
- Specializations of std::hash (c++11) and boost::hash to define a hash
functions on DGtal points. (David Coeurjolly,


- *DEC Package*
- Coherent signed cells support allows lower dimension manifold embedding.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- OppositeDuality struct allows generic hodge and laplace definition.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- Easy k-form and vector field transversal using .length() and .getSCell().
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- Unified operators interface :
.hodge<order, duality>() replace primalHodge<order>() and dualHodge<order>(),
.laplace<duality>() replace primalLaplace() and dualLaplace().
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- New antiderivative<order, duality>() operator.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- New flatDirectional<duality, direction>() and sharpDirectional<duality,
direction>() operators defined as flat(vector_field_along_direction) and
sharp(1-form).extractZeroForm(direction). (Pierre Gueth
- DiscreteExteriorCalculus<dim_embedded, dim_ambient, Backend>
takes 2 dimension template parameters for embedding
manifold in ambient euclidean space.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- Basic openmp support for derivative computation.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- New propagation example and extended embedding tests.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- Improved operator generation using new CSparseMatrix concepts.
(Pierre Gueth [1007](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1007))
- DEC constructors are replaced by static factory functions:
DiscreteExteriorCalculusFactory::createFromDigitalSet and
(Pierre Gueth [1008](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1008))
- Mutable iterator on DiscreteExteriorCalculus.
(Pierre Gueth [1008](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1008))
- Unary minus operators for k-forms, vector fields and linear operators.
(Pierre Gueth [1020](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1020))
- Introduction of .updateIndexes() that needs to be called after any
call to .insertSCell() or .eraseCell().
(Pierre Gueth [1020](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1020))
- Transpose of linear operators.
(Pierre Gueth [1020](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1020))
- Intensity operator on vector fields.
(Pierre Gueth [1020](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1020))
- Reorder operators to remap indexes.
(Pierre Gueth [1020](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1020))

- *Geometry Package*
- New EstimatorCache class to cache quantities estimated by a
surfel local estimator. (David Coeurjolly,
- New digital surface local estimator that computes a sphere
fitting. It requires to have the Patate library installed (and
WITH_PATATE=true): http://patate.gforge.inria.fr/html/. See
SphereFittingEstimator (David Coeurjolly,
- Algorithm to compute the union of two DSSs in logarithmic time
(Isabelle Sivignon,
- InexactPredicateLpSeparableMetric class is now templated by an
EuclideanRing type. (David Coeurjolly,
- Main example files of geometry/curves are introduced in the list of examples
and briefly described.
(Tristan Roussillon, [1026](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1026))
- New algorithms to compute the convex hull of planar point sets.
(Tristan Roussillon, [1028](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1028))
- Lambda maximal segment tangent direction estimator 2D/3D: LambdaMST2D, LambdaMST3D.
A fast tangent direction estimator which uses maximal digital straight segments.
(Kacper Pluta, [1021](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1021))
- Segmentation of 3D digital curves by a combination of the segmentations of its 2D
projections onto 2D base planes: XY, XZ, YZ. Notice that, only valid projections
are used. By valid one understands that there are no two 3D points which are projected
onto the same 2D point. A segment is computed as long as is extendable and at least
two projections are valid.
: NaiveDSS3DComputer.
(Kacper Pluta, [1021](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1021))

- *Math Package*
- Utilities added (OrderedLinearRegression) to perform sequential
linear model estimation of scalar data. (David Coeurjolly, Jérémy
Levallois [935](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/935),
backport from imagene)
- New linear algebra concepts: CDenseVector, CDenseMatrix, CSparseMatrix.
(Pierre Gueth [1007](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1007))

- *Image Package*
- Adding copy between images of different types. (Roland Denis [1001]

- *IO Package*
- Fix RawWriter and RawReader. Added templated generic RawReader::importRaw
and RawWriter::exportRaw.
(Pierre Gueth [1010](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1010))
- New 2D DEC board style with orientated cells.
(Pierre Gueth [977](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/977))
- Limited interaction added to QGLViewer Viewer3D class. The user
may assign integer identifiers (OpenGL names) to surfels and
callback functions, which are called when surfels are
selected. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
- Balls can be exported to OBJ in Board3D and ball resolution can now
be specified in Viewer3D and Board3D (David Coeurjolly,
- Viewer3d cleanings with better organisation through the
separation of all code generating the GL lists. (Bertrand Kerautret)
- Operators added to perform computations on Color objects (addition,
substraction scaling...). Color is now CopyConstructible and
Assignable (David Coeurjolly
- Improvement of memory footprint of DGtal::Color (David Coeurjolly,
- New colormap adapter to add ticks/iso-contours (regularly spaced or
specified by the user) to a given colormap. (David Coeurjolly,
- New flag (-DWITH_QT5) enables QT5 support in libqglviewer. (Nicolas
Aubry, [983](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/983))
- Board2D now supports quadratic Bezier curve drawing. (Tristan Roussillon,
- MeshWriter class can now export OBJ file including colors.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1016](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1016))
- Viewer3D: Shift-L / L key binding added to save and restore camera settings.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [1024](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1024))
- Viewer3D: change the chronological order to diplay primitives (in the draw
function) in order to see see textured image primitives through the
transparency of other 3D primitives. (Bertrand Kerautret,

- *Kernel Package*
- HyperRectDomain can now be empty (lowerBound == upperBound + diagonal(1)).
Warning about the use of lexicographical order in comparison operators of
PointVector. (Roland Denis,
- Adds generic linearization (point to index) and reverse process (index to
point), specialized for HyperRectDomain. (Roland Denis,
- HyperRectDomain can now be empty (lowerBound == upperBound +
diagonal(1)). Warning about the use of lexicographical order in
comparison operators of PointVector. (Roland Denis,

- *Shapes Package*
- Adds a vertex Iterator in the Mesh class in addition to the
ConstIterator and adds a new method to change the color of a
specific face. (Bertrand Kerautret,
- New methods to generate basic 3D tubular meshes and height
fields. New mesh module documentation added. (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Refactoring of CSG operations on Euclidean / Digital shapes to easily
combine several operations.
EuclideanShapesUnion, EuclideanShapesIntersection and
EuclideanShapesMinus are now deprecated. Use EuclideanShapesCSG
DigitalShapesUnion, DigitalShapesIntersection and
DigitalShapesMinus are now deprecated. Use DigitalShapesCSG
instead. (Jérémy Levallois
- Add various methods in the Mesh class to get the bounding box, to
change the mesh scale or to subdivide triangular faces. (Bertrand
Kerautret, [990](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/990) and
- New copy constructor and copy operator on Mesh object (and
documentation added about vertex ordering for obj format).
(Bertrand Kerautret,

- *Arithmetic Package*
- Algorithm to compute the fraction of smallest denominator in
between two irreducible fractions (Isabelle Sivignon

Bug Fixes

- *Configuration*
- Removing code coverage with coverall.io (David Coeurjolly,
- Forces Eigen 3.2.1 minimum (for a bug fix). (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud, [1032](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1032)).
- Fix issue 925, detection of Eigen3 (3.1 minimum) and also issue
924, DGtal configuration file when using Eigen3. (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud, [926](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/926))
- Backport of changes in google/benchmarck API for micro-benchmarking
(David Coeurjolly, [1014](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1014))
- New travis configuration file to enable new travis Docker based
container system (David Coeurjolly,
- Various fixes of compiler warnings due to unused paramters (David
Coeurjolly, Roland Denis,

- *Base Package*
- Fix bug with LabelledMap copy constructor and copy iterator. (Roland
Denis, [973](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/973))
- Fix bug with Labels iterator when first index is set (Roland Denis,
- Iterator category fix for boost > 1.57 (David Coeurjolly,
- Cleanup of DGtal namespaces (David Coeurjolly,

- *Geometry Package*
- Fix bug occuring in the computation of the Faithful Polygon (class FP)
in the closed case, ie. with circulators.
(Tristan Roussillon, [939](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/939))
- Fixing DSS based length estimator on open curves. (David
Coeurjolly, [941](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/941))
- Fix bug of method ArithmeticalDSL::getPoint with negative values
of positions as input arguments.
(Tristan Roussillon, [944](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/944))
- Fix too restrictive asserts of methods
ArithmeticalDSSConvexHull::smartCH and
ArithmeticalDSSConvexHull::smartCHNextVertex to enable negative
positions as input arguments. (Isabelle Sivignon,
- Fix Bezout Vector computation (Isabelle Sivignon,
- Fix issues with SphereFitting and TensorVoting local estimators on
digital surfaces (Jérémy Levallois, David Coeurjolly

- *IO Package*
- Performance improvement of color managment in Display3D, Board3D
and Viewer3D: no more "createNew...List" when setting a new
color. (David Coeurjolly,
- Radius and resolution of balls have been fixed when used to
represent a 3D point in grid mode (David Coeurjolly,
- Change in the mesh export in OFF format: now it tries by default to export
colors (if stored). (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Bugfix in quad visualization in BoardD3D and Viewer3D (David
Coeurjolly, [980](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/980))
- Fix warnings message of std::abs in Display3D. (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Fix memory leaks present in the Viewer3d. (Bertrand Kerautret,
- Fix issues in OBJ color export when exporting voxels. (David
Coeurjolly, [1022](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1022))
- Fix compilation issue on gentoo system related to MeshWriter
(gcc version 4.9.2-r2). (Van Tho Nguyen,
- Fix deprecated usage of setMouseBindingDescription with QGLViewer >= 2.5.0.
(Roland Denis, [1036](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/1036))

- *Kernel Package*
- BasicDomainSubSampler can now handle non 0 origin point. This update also
correct the search of point which are outside the source domain (it is now
checked in testBasicPointFunctors). (Bertrand Kerautret,

- *Topology Package*
- Fix loop bug in extractAllConnectedSCell of Surfaces from helpers.
(Bertrand Kerautret, [994](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/994)).

- *DEC Package*
- Fix missing include in testEigenSolver.
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,


Calculus Package. DEC provides an easy and efficient way to
describe linear operator over various structure. Basic operators,
such as Hodge duality operator or exterior derivative, can be
combined to create classical vector analysis operator such as
gradient, curl and divergence. (Pierre Gueth,

- *Geometry Package*
- Add digital nD Voronoi Covariance Measure support, as well as
digital geometric estimators based on it. Add tests and examples of
feature detection with VCM. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- Add Integral Invariant estimators so that they meet the concept of
surface local estimator. Add geometric functors to define easily all
the geometric estimators that can be built from the volume and
coariance matrix. Previous estimators (IntegralInvariantMeanCurvatureEstimator
and IntegralInvariantGaussianCurvatureEstimator) are removed. Please use
the new ones instead. (Jeremy Levallois, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,

- Various geometric predicates are now available in order to test the
orientation of three points in the planes. Most classes are template
classes parametrized by a type for the points (or its coordinates)
and an integral type for the computations. They always return an
exact value (or sign), provided that the integral type used for the
computations is well chosen with respect to the coordinates of the
points. Some implementations do not increase the size of the input
integers during the computations. (Tristan Roussillon,

- Logarithmic construction of an arithmetical DSS of minimal
parameters from a bounding DSL and two end points (ctor of
ArithmeticalDSS) (Tristan Roussillon,

- Proof-of-concept that path-based norms can be implemented in a
separable approach using logarithmic cost predicates
(experimental::ChamferNorm2D). (David Coeurjolly,

- Logarithmic construction of an arithmetical DSS of minimal
parameters from a bounding DSS (of known leaning points)
and two end points (ctor of
ArithmeticalDSS) (Tristan Roussillon,

- Feature extraction algorithm from Tensor Voting.(Jérémy Levallois,
David Coeurjolly,

- Ray shooting intersection predicates (ray-triangle, ray-quad,
ray-surfel) added in geometry/tools (David Coeurjolly,

- *IO Package*
- Now VolReader/VolWriter and LongvolReader/LongvolWriter support the
usage of Center-(X,Y,Z) parameters, as described in Vol file
specification. (Jérémy Levallois,

- *Math Package*

- New classes to compute nD eigen decomposition of symmetric
matrix (class EigenDecomposition). Add tests. (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud, 803)
- Simple Linear Regression tool added (backport from
imagene). (David
Coeurjolly, [794](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/794))

- *Kernel package*
- BasicPointFunctors functors have been moved in the functors::
namespace (David Coeurjolly,

- *For developpers*
- Google Benchmark can be enabled to allow micro-benchmarking in
some DGtal unit tests (https://github.com/google/benchmark)
(David Coeurjolly,

- *Images*
- Classes to perform rigid transformations of 2D and 3D images
(Kacper Pluta,


- *Base Package*
- Add comparison operators in variants of CountedPtr. Improve
coverage of these classes and fix compilation problem
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud)
- Update doc of CountedPtr, CountedPtrOrPtr and
CountedConstPtrOrConstPtr. Add asserts. Add tests. Fix issue 773
(https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/issues/773). (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud, [894](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/894)).
- XXXOutputRangeYYY classes are now called
XXXRangeWithWritableIteratorYYY (Tristan Roussillon,

- *Geometry Package*
- Fix and add concept of CSurfelLocalEstimator and related ground
truth estimators for implicit polynomial shapes
(TrueDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator). (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
- Random-access iterators added in ArithmeticalDSL. (Tristan
Roussillon, [801](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/801))
- Updates in Metric concepts: better and simpler concept structure
and a new adapter to adapt any euclidean metric to a digital one
(with values on Z) (David Coeurjolly,
- CubicalSudivision has been renamed SpatialCubicalSubdivision and
moved to "geometry/tools" (David Coeurjolly,

- *IO Package*
- Better handling of materials in Board3D and OBJ exports. (David
- New 'basic' display mode for surfels (oriented or not), useful for
large digital surface displays (quads instead of 3D prism)
(Bertrand Kerautret,
- New clear() method to subclasses of Display3D (Viewer3D and
Board3D) to clear the current drawning buffer. (Kacper Pluta,
- New draw() method for 3D display models (Viewer3D and Board3D) to
display surfels with prescribed normal vectors (David Coeurjolly,
- When exporting an 3D visualization to OBJ, a new option will
rescale the geometry to fit in [-1/2,1/2]^3. (David Coeurjolly,
- New raw import/export for 32 bits images (Bertrand Kerautret,

- *Kernel Package*

- New functor DomainSubSampler allowing to apply different
samplings with larger or smaller size on N dimensional domain. New tests
and examples are given for 2D and 3D images (Bertrand Kerautret,
[825](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/825) and

- *Shapes Package*
- Shape concepts have been moved to concepts:: namespace (David
Coeurjolly, [871](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/871))

- *Topology Package*
- Surfaces::findABell accepts now arbitrary pair of points (Jacques-Olivier
Lachaud, David Coeurjolly,

Bug Fixes

- *Base Package*

- Fixing issue on Circulator/IteratorFunctions (related to 770 on

- *Kernel Package*
- BinaryPointPredicate is now specialized for DGtal::AndBoolFct2 and
DGtal::OrBoolFct2 in order to guarantee that the second computation
is not performed when the first point predicate return false (resp. true)
with DGtal::AndBoolFct2 (resp. DGtal::OrBoolFct2) (Tristan Roussillon

- *Geometry Package*
- Bug fix in PowerMap construction. (David Coeurjolly,
- Bug fix in 3d display of StandardDSS6Computer (Tristan Roussillon

- *Topology Package*
- small fix in ImplicitDigitalSurface. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
- fix examples volTrackBoundary and volScanBoundary for DEBUG mode
(Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, David Coeurjolly,
- New methods to fill the interior/exterior of digital contours
(in the Surface class of topology/helpers). (Bertrand Kerautret

- *Graph Package*
- fix examples volDistanceTraversal for DEBUG mode (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud,
David Coeurjolly, [851](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/851))

- *Image Package*
- Fixing template types in ImageAdapter (David Coeurjolly,
- Fixing image thresholders (SimpleThresholdForegroundPredicate and
IntervalForegroundPredicate) which require CConstImage instead of
CImage (David Coeurjolly,

- *IO*
- Bug fix for reading PGM(P2) 3D. (Kacper Pluta,
- Renaming BasicColorToScalarFunctors namespace to functors:: (David
Coeurjolly, [857](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/857))
- Fix OpenGL warnings by redefining openGL primitive (glSphere) (Bertrand
Kerautret [981](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtal/pull/891))



- Unit tests build is now disabled by default (to turn it on, run cmake with "-DBUILD_TESTING=on")

- The "boost program option library" dependency was removed.

- DGtal needs boost >= 1.46.

- Thanks to new compiler warning option (-Wdocumentation), the doxygen documentation has been considerably improved.

*Base Package*

- Complete rewriting of Clone, Alias and ConstAlias
classes. Parameter passing is now documented with a standardized
method to determine parameters unambiguously. Associated classed
CowPtr, CountedPtrOrPtr and CountedConstPtrOrConstPtr are now used
in conjunction with the previous classes.

- Few improvments in Clock and Trace base classes.

*Kernel Package*

- Two initialisation methods (initRemoveOneDim and initAddOneDim)
for the Projector Functor from the BasicPointFunctors class in
order to simplify the slice images (with example and test in 2D
slice image extraction from 3D volume file).

- New basic functors:
- SliceRotator2D: to rotate 2D Slice images from 3D volume.
- Point2DEmbedderIn3D: a simple functor to embed in 3d a 2d points
(useful to extract 2D image from 3D volume).

- Sets have been updated to own their domain with a copy-on-write pointer,
in order to avoid some inconsistencies.

*Topology Package*

- Fixing bugs in Object::isSimple for some digital
topologies. Speed of Object::isSimple has been improved. Homotopic
thinning is much faster (even without a precomputed simplicity

- Objects have been updated to use Clone services.

*Geometry Package*

- New classes to deal with arithmetical digital straight segments.
Now the representation of the primitives and their recognition
along a discrete structure are separated. The unique class
ArithmeticalDSS, which was a segment computer, has been replaced by
mainly three classes: ArithmeticalDSL, ArithmeticalDSS and
ArithmeticalDSSComputer. This is described in a doc page of the geometry
package. Note that Backward/Forward suffixes have been renamed into
Back/Front. Moreover, get prefixes for data members accessors have been

- Generic adapter to transform a metric (model of CMetric) with
monotonic (see doc) properties to a separable metric (model of
CSeparableMetric) which can be used in
VoronoiMap/DistanceTransformation algorithms.

- New possibility to access the 3 2D ArithmeticDSS object within an

- New local estimator adapter to make easy implementation of locally defined
differential estimator on digital surfaces.

- New documentation on local estimators from digital surface
patches and surfel functors. New normal vector estimator from
weighted sum of elementary surfel normal vectors added.

- With an optional binding with CGAL and Eigen3, new curvature and
normal vector estimators have been added. For instance, you can
now estimate curvature from polynomial surface fitting (Jet
Fitting) and Monge forms.

- Minor improvements in the spherical accumulator.

- Improvement of integral invariant estimators (better memory footprint,
They also allow to estimate principal curvatures using Covariance matrix.
Covariance matrix is also "masks" based, so the computation is efficient.

- New algorithms to compute the minimal characteristics of a
Digital Straight Line subsegment in logarithmic time using local
convex hulls or Farey Fan. Also works when the DSL
characteristics are not integers.

- Chord algorithm for (naive) plane recognition and width computation.

- New organization for computing primitives. Introduction of the concept
of PrimitiveComputer and specialization. COBA algorithm and Chord
algorithm are now models of AdditivePrimitiveComputer.

- Introduction of the primitive ParallelStrip, computed by COBA and Chord

- New documentation for planarity decision, plane recognition and width
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of COBA and Chord algorithm.

- Bug fix in COBA algorithm when extending an empty computer with a group of

- add standard plane recognition with adapter classes both for COBA and
Chord algorithm.

*Shape Package*

- The class MeshFromPoints was transformed into Mesh (more from
shapes/fromPoints to shapes/ directory), iterators on mesh
points and mesh face.

*Topology Package*

- The class SCellToMidPoint is now deprecated. Use CanonicSCellEmbedder
instead to map a signed cell to its corresponding point in the Euclidean

*IO Package*

- Complete refactoring of 3D viewers and boards (Viewer3D, Board3DTo2D).
- New Board3D to export 3D displays to OBJ 3D vector format.
- A new display of 2D and 3D image in Viewer3D.
- New reader: HDF5 file with 2D image dataset(s) (8-bit with palette and
24-bit truecolor with INTERLACE_PIXEL).
- New GenericReader and Generic Writer for both 2D, 3D and ND images.
- Adding a Table Reader to extract objets given in a specific column from a
text file.
- Adding missing PPM Reader.
- Adding missing DICOM reader (with ITK library)
- Adding ITK reader and ITK writer
- OpenInventor (SOQT/Coin3D) based viewer has been removed (please consider
release <=0.6 if interested).

*Image Package*

- New concepts : CImageFactory to define the concept describing an
image factory and CImageCacheReadPolicy/CImageCacheWritePolicy
to define the concept describing cache read/write policies.

- New classes : ImageFactoryFromImage to implement a factory to
produce images from a "bigger/original" one according to a given
domain, ImageCache to implement an images cache with 'read and
write' policies, TiledImageFromImage to implement a tiled image
from a "bigger/original" one.

- ImageContainerByITKImage complies with CImage.
The container has been moved from the DGtal::experimental namespace to
the main DGtal namespace.

*Graph Package*

- New graph visitor, which allows to visit a graph according to
any distance object (like the Euclidean distance to some point).

*Math Package*

- add Histogram class and CBinner concept.
- add math concepts diagram.


- Multithread capabilities via OpenMP are now detected during DGtal
build. Example of usage can be found in the Volumetric module.

- update documentation for boost concepts, so that subconcepts are
displayed and html reference pages are pointed.
- package/module documentation files are now in their associated
package folder (e.g. kernel/doc/ for kernel package related
documentation pages). The "make doc" command (or "make dox", see
below) generates the documentation in the "html/" sub-folder of your
current build folder.
- latex citations within doxygen documents are now working

*Base Package*
- correct concept checks for some range concepts.
- Statistic class moved to math package

*Kernel Package*
- digital sets are now also point predicates, update of
DigitalSetDomain accordingly. As a consequence, SetPredicate is
now deprecated.
- exposed Compare template parameter of underlying std::set in
DigitalSetBySTLSet class.

- new documentation for module digital sets.

*Arithmetic Package*
- new class for representing lattice polytopes in 2D (with cut
- bugfix in LighterSternBrocot::Fraction
- bugfix in ArithmeticalDSS (thanks, Kacper)

*Image Package*
- Update on image writers (no colormap required for scalar only writers).
Documentation updated.
- New image adapters to adapt both domains and values of an image
(ImageAdapter and ConstImageAdapter).
- several enhancements of the main image concept and its image
container models

*Geometry Package*
- New primitives for digital plane recognition. Naive planes, and
more generally planes with arbitrary axis-width can be detected
and recognized incrementally. Based on a COBA algorithm
implementation, which uses 2D lattice polytopes.
- Fréchet segment computer added to compute bounded simplifications of
digital curves for instance.
- Complete rewritting of volumetric tools by separable processes:
new generic algorithms (VoronoiMap, PowerMap) and metric
concepts hierarchy (l_2, l_p, ...p) to efficiently compute
DistanceTransformation, ReverseDistanceTransformation and
preliminary medial axis extraction.
- Separable volumetric tools are now multithread using OpenMP.
- New curvature estimator in 2D/3D based on integral invariants
(both mean and gaussian curvatures in 3D).

*Shape Package*
- New operators available on digital and Euclidean shapes (Union,
Intersection, Minus)

*Topology Package*
- update documentation for digital surfaces and digital surface
containers so as to emphasize the fact that the ranges are only

*Graph Package*
- New package gathering graph related structures and algorithms
(visitors, graph concepts, ...)
- Add concepts for graph visitors
- Add boost::graph support for DigitalSurface
- Add documentation for graph package.

*Math Package*
- Exact exponentiation x^p by squaring on O(log p) added

*For developers*
- new "make dox" target to only build dox file documentation
("make doc" for complete documentation build)


Posted on June, 6th, 2012 by David Coeurjolly

- New way to cite package/module authors in the documentation
- Improvement of DGtal::GridCurve ranges
- Improvement of package concepts in the documentation
- new documentation for DGTal build on MSWindows
- arithmetic is now a main package (previously in math)
- Specialized classes for classical metric adjacencies


Posted on May, 9th, 2012 by David Coeurjolly

Many changes have been pushed to this release with a lot of nice
tools. Before going into details component by component, we would
like to focus on a couple of new cool features:

- new arithmetic package (fractions, models of fraction,
Stern-Brocot, continued fraction,...)
- new nD DigitalSurface model (collections of (n-1) topological cells
with many tools/utilities to track surface elements)
- update of the build system to make easier the use of DGtal in your
- DGtal and DGtalTools
- many bugfixes..

* Overall Project

- In previous DGtal releases, tools were given in the source
"tools/" folder. In this release, we have chosen to move the
tools to another GitHub project
(http://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools) with a specific
development process. Please have a look to this project to get
nice tools built upon the DGtal library.

- cmake scripts and DGtalConfig have been widely updated to make
easier the use of the library in your own code

- We are debugging both the code and the scripts to make it compile
on windows. We still have couple of issues but most of DGtal

- Again, efforts have been done on the documentation.

* Package Topology:

- Creation of the graph concept (see Doxygen documentation)

- Graph tools have been added: breadth first visitor for any model of

- Creation of high-level classes to represent several kinds of
digital surfaces. Surfaces are n-1 dimensional objetcs and may be
open or closed. There are several models of digital surface
containers: boundary of a set of points, explicit set of surfels,
boundary of a digital object defined by a predicate, frontier
between two regions, light containers that are discovered on
traversal but not stored explicitly, etc.

- All these digital surfaces can be manipulated through the same
object (DigitalSurface), whichever the container.

- DigitalSurface is a model of a graph whose vertices are the surfels
and whose arcs are the connections between surfels.

- Definition of umbrellas over digital surfaces, that forms faces on
the surface graph.

- In 3D, digital surface form combinatorial 2-manifolds with boundary

- Digital surface can be exported in OFF format

- Several examples using digital surfaces are provided, like
extracting isosurfaces from images or volume files defining
surfaces in labelled images.

* Package Algebraic (new package)

- Definition of n-variate polynomial as a one-dimensional polynomial
whose coefficients are n-1-variate polynomials. Coefficient ring
and dimension are templated.

- Creation of a reader that can transform a string representation of
multivariate polynomial into such polynomial object. Use

- Example using package Topology to extract and display implicit
polynomial surfaces in 3D.

* Package Arithmetic (new package)

- Standard arithmetic computations are provided: greatest common
divisor, Bézout vectors, continued fractions, convergent.

- Several representations of irreducible fractions are provided. They
are based on the Stern-Brocot tree structure. With these fractions,
amortized constant time operations are provided for computing
reduced fractions.

- An implementation of patterns and subpatterns is provided, based on
the irreducible fractions.
- A representation of digital standard line in the first quadrant is
provided, as well as fast algorithms to recognize digital straight

* Package Image

- Complete refactoring of Images and ImageContainers (more
consistent design)

- Documentation added

- Graph of concepts added in the documentation

* Package Geometry

- New SegmentComputer (a.k.a. geometrical primitives to use for
recognition, curve decomposition,...) : ArithDSS3D (3D DSS), DCA
(Digital Circular Arcs), CombinatorialDSSS, ...

- New normal vector field estimation based on elementary normal
vector convolution in n-D

- Distance Transformation by Fast Marching Method added.

* Package IO

- Complete refactoring of the way a DGtal object is displayed in

- New 2D board backend: you can export your drawning in TikZ for
latex includes.

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