
Latest version: v0.0.2

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- Feature: support new command: `HRANDFIELD`.
- Bugfix: all tests pass on redis:7 now.
- Feature: dice now accept `username` for auth, redis server version under 6
will ignore `username`.
- Feature: dice support prompt now, you can customize prompt string. (thanks
to [aymericbeaumet])


- Feature: `CLIENT KILL` now support `LADDR` argument.
- Feature: `CLIENT LIST` now support `ID` argument.
- Feature: `CLIENT PAUSE` support options and added `CLIENT UNPAUSE` command.
- Feature: `CLIENT TRACKING` support multiple prefixes.
- Feature: support new command: `CLIENT TRACKINGINFO`.
- Feature: support new command: `COPY`.
- Feature: support new command: `EVAL_RO` and `EVALSHA_RO`.
- Feature: support new command: `EXPIRETIME`.
- Feature: support new command: `FAILOVER`.
- Feature: support new command: `GEOSEARCH`.
- Feature: support new command: `GEOSEARCHRESTORE`.
- Feature: support new command: `GETDEL`.
- Feature: support new command: `GETEX`.
- Feature: `FLUSHDB` and `FLUSHALL` supports `SYNC` option.
- Feature: `GEOADD` supports `CH XX NX` options.
- Feature: Timestamp Completers are now support completion for timestamp fields
and milliseconds timestamp fields.
- Deprecate: `GEORADIUS` is deprecated, no auto-complete for this command
- Deprecate: `GEORADIUSBYMEMBER` is deprecated, no auto-complete for this
command anymore.


- Bugfix: Switch `distutils.version` to `packaging.version` to fix the version
parse for windows. (new dependency: pypi's python-packaging.


- Dependency: Upgrade mistune lib to ^2.0. (see


- Feature: more human readable output for `HELP` command like `ACL HELP` and
- Feature: you can use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> to cancel a blocking
command like `BLPOP`.
- Test: dice now tested under ubuntu-latest (before is ubuntu-16.04)
- Dependency: Support Python 3.10 now, thanks to [tssujt].
- Add new command group: `bitmap`.
- Support new command in Redis:


- Bugfix: respect newbie_mode set in config, if cli flag is missing. thanks to

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