
Latest version: v0.0.2

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- Bugfix: dice can be suspended by <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Z</kbd>. (Thanks
- Bugfix: Press <kbd>Enter</kbd> when completion is open will not execute
commands. (Thanks [wooden-robot])
- Feature: `AUTH` command is now compatible with both Redis 5 and Redis 6.
- Redis6 support: `CLIENT KILL` support kill by `USER`, `XINFO` command support
`FULL` option.


- Feature: Support `ACL` ( [340](https://github.com/dicedb/cli/pull/343)
- Bugfix: Include tests in source distribution.


- Bugfix: `command in` considered as an invalid input case, due to matched with
`command`'s syntax, and `in` as an extra args. Fixed by falling back to
default grammar if there are ambiguous commands that can match.


- Update: Builtin doc was updated with latest
- Feature: New command support: `CLIENT GETREDIR`, `CLIENT TRACKING` and
- Test: dice now was tested in both Redis 5 and Redis 6.
- Bugfix: Fix exception when transaction fails. (Thanks [brianmaissy])
- Bugfix: Merging multiple spaces bug, e.g. `set foo "hello world"` will result
in sending `set foo "hello world"` to redis-server. `CLIENT CACHING`.
- Bugfix: `--url` options is ignored, but don't worry, it is fixed now by


- Bugfix: `INFO` command accepts `section` now.
- Bugfix: refused to start when can not create connection.


- Bugfix: Dangerous command will still run even user canceled.

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