
Latest version: v0.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Bugfix: pipeline in dice can run shell command include pipes. thanks to


- Support connect shell utilities with pipeline

[wooden-robot]: https://github.com/Wooden-Robot
[ruohan.chen]: https://github.com/crhan
[mac chaffee]: https://github.com/mac-chaffee
[lyqscmy]: https://github.com/lyqscmy
[brianmaissy]: https://github.com/brianmaissy
[otms61]: https://github.com/otms61
[hanaasagi]: https://github.com/Hanaasagi
[sid-maddy]: https://github.com/sid-maddy
[tssujt]: https://github.com/tssujt
[aymericbeaumet]: https://github.com/aymericbeaumet
[torrefatto]: https://github.com/torrefatto
[chayim]: https://github.com/chayim
[deronnax]: https://github.com/deronnax

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