**Stepwise quality-screening of meteorological data, directly from the database**
In this update, the stepwise meteoscreening directly from the database introduced in the
previous update was further refined and extended, with additional outlier tests and corrections
implemented. The stepwise meteoscreening allows to perform step-by-step quality tests on
meteorological. A preview plot after running a test is shown and the user can decide if
results are satisfactory or if the same test with different parameters should be re-run.
Once results are satisfactory, the respective test flag is added to the data. After running
the desired tests, an overall flag `QCF` is calculated from all individual tests.
In addition to the creation of quality flags, the stepwise screening allows to correct
data for common issues. For example, short-wave radiation sensors often measure negative
values during the night. These negative values are useful because they give info about
the accuracy and precision of the sensor. In this case, values during the night should
be zero. Instead of cutting off negative values, `diive` detects the nighttime offset
for each day and then calculates a correction slope between individual days. This way,
the daytime values are also corrected.
After quality-screening and corrections, data are resampled to 30MIN time resolution.
At the moment, the stepwise meteoscreening works for data downloaded from the `InfluxDB`
database. The screening respects the database format (including tags) and prepares
the screened, corrected and resampled data for direct database upload.
Due to its modular approach, the stepwise screening can be easily adjusted
to work with any type of data files. This adjustment will be done in one of the next
- Renamed class `MetScrDbMeasurementVars`
to `StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb` (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb`)
- **Stepwise MeteoScreening**:
Added access to multiple methods for easy stepwise execution:
- Added local SD outlier test (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.flag_outliers_localsd_test`)
- Added absolute limits outlier test (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.flag_outliers_abslim_test`)
- Added correction to remove radiation zero
offset (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.correction_remove_radiation_zero_offset`)
- Added correction to remove relative humidity
offset (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.correction_remove_relativehumidity_offset`)
- Added correction to set values above a threshold to
threshold (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.correction_setto_max_threshold`)
- Added correction to set values below a threshold to
threshold (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.correction_setto_min_threshold`)
- Added comparison plot before/after QC and
corrections (`pkgs.qaqc.meteoscreening.StepwiseMeteoScreeningDb.showplot_resampled`)