New features
- Added new class for optimizing random forest parameters (`pkgs.gapfilling.randomforest_ts.OptimizeParamsRFTS`)
- Added new plots for prediction error and residuals (``)
- Added function that adds a continuous record number as new column in a dataframe. This
could be useful to include as feature in gap-filling models for long-term datasets spanning multiple years.
- When reading CSV files with pandas `.read_csv()`, the arg `mangle_dupe_cols=True`
was removed because it is deprecated since pandas 2.0 ...
- ... therefore the check for duplicate column names in class `ColumnNamesSanitizer`
has been refactored. In case of duplicate columns names, an integer suffix is added to
the column name. For example: `VAR` is renamed to `VAR.1` if it already exists in the
dataframe. In case `VAR.1` also already exists, it is renamed to `VAR.2`, and so on.
The integer suffix is increased until the variable name is unique. (``)
- Similarly, when reading CSV files with pandas `.read_csv()`, the arg `date_parser` was
removed because it is deprecated since pandas 2.0. When reading a CSV, the arg `date_format`
is now used instead. The input format remains unchanged, it is still a string giving the datetime
format, such as `"%Y%m%d%H%M"`.
- The random feature variable is now generated using the same random state as the
model. (`pkgs.gapfilling.randomforest_ts.RandomForestTS`)
- Similarly, `train_test_split` is now also using the same random state as the
model. (`pkgs.gapfilling.randomforest_ts.RandomForestTS`)
- Added new notebook `notebooks/GapFilling/RandomForestParamOptimization.ipynb`
- Added testcase for loading dataframe from parquet file (`test_loaddata.TestLoadFiletypes.test_exampledata_parquet`)
- Added testcase for gap-filling with random forest (`test_gapfilling.TestGapFilling.test_gapfilling_randomforest`)
- Updated `poetry` to latest version `1.6.1`
- Updated all packages to their latest versions
- Added new package [yellowbrick](