FIX: (6979) JobStatus: add staging to checking transition, needed by StorageManagementSystem (Stager)
NEW: (6968) tests for RemoteRunner
CHANGE: (6968) RemoteRunner can deal with MP applications, clean job outputs and process more applications
FIX: (6968) Modify the DIRACVersion in the PushJobAgent
FIX: (6938) Watchdog fix: always report correct types
FIX: (6975) retry upon DNS lookup error
FIX: (6934) protection for opensearch_dsl being merged in opensearchpy
NEW: (6968) cleanJob() in AREX
CHANGE: (6968) executables from inputs are passed as executables in the XRSL in ARC and AREX
NEW: (6882) unit tests for IdProviders
CHANGE: (6968) more details in the "supercomputers" section
CHANGE: (6946) Integration tests: upped Opensearch version to 2.1.0
NEW: (6882) integration tests for IdProviders
PR for fixing dead link in doc (monitoring part)
FIX: (6942) change urls for WMS and Logs dashboards
PR for adding Dirac side code related to https://github.com/DIRACGrid/WebAppDIRAC/pull/729/commits
CHANGE: (6941) Add getTokensByUserID method and make it compliant with ProxyManager code
*Integration tests
FIX: (6940) Make error nicer when the IAM docker instance is not working properly
FIX: (6932) do not use activityMonitor in TornadoREST