FIX: (6242) remove REST information from the ARC6 pilot job references to bind them with jobs
FIX: (6222) dirac_resource_info - restored the SE lookup logic
FIX: (6218) ARCCE.getARCJob() becomes protected
FIX: (6215) ARC6 typo issues
FIX: (6215) ARC writeXRSL becomes protected
FIX: (6241) Fix Platform key error in SD when CheckPlatform=True
FIX: (6240) DatasetManager: bug fix in getDatasetsInDirectory() method
FIX: (6209) Built-in metakeys were incorrectly modified in a MultiVO environment. This fix keeps them intact while modifying user-supplied metadata names by append a VO suffix, as before.
NEW: (6239) added tests for the dirac-resource-info command
CHANGE: (6228) Make tmpdir for local cache instead of using CWD directly when replicating
FIX: (6227) Increase VOMS command timeout
FIX: (6204) Fixing errors, adding tests for TimeUtilities module
FIX: (6128) Discovery of HTTPS methods from parent classes
FIX: (6214) Fixing errors blocking commission of data operations to Elasticsearch
FIX: (6201) convert ComputingElement to CE before searching in the configuration
FIX: (6196) Fixing errors, adding mapping for ESJobParameters
CHANGE: (6193) new method to submit pilots from ARC
CHANGE: (6161) removing the possibility to get the optimizers to run with a vo plugin