FIX: (7399) JobAgent rescheduling wrong jobs
FIX: (7387) JobAgent interaction with JobMonitoringClient
CHANGE: (7396) PilotAgentsDB: move from OwnerGroup to VO
FIX: (7379) The callback for the Stager was failing, because of a type mismatch in the jobID used to retrieve the status. Jobs never came out of Staging.
NEW: (7375) pilotWrapper: using CVMFS_locations for discovering the pilot files
FIX: (7391) send notifications for expiring proxies
Documentation on how to deploy a third party tool (fluent-bit) to grab, format and send Dirac current logs to ElasticSearch and/or splitted logs files
FIX: (7376) AREXCE should break when a valid delegation ID is found
FIX: (7374) Converting p12 files with filenames containing special characters