
Latest version: v1.5.3.2

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* Can now import programs from Plex "Smart" Collections.
* Fix various issues conserning programs, usually Fillers, getting cut abruptly before the next thing plays (330, 369 )
* Fix 350 issue with random slots sometimes causing TV guide errors due to non-integer durations.
* The player will no longer clone the whole channel before playing every video. This will help a bit with memory and latency, specially on large channels.
* 363 Channel entries in the m3u will now be correctly sorted by channel number.
* The filler picker algorithm has been reworked. I am not completely sure if it is better, but it is certainly different. It does fix some bugs, tho. If you ever noticed things like filler cooldown not being respected correctly, that's one of the issues fixed by this change.
* Opening a movie library were many of the items belong to multiple collections will no longer take a long time. 365
* It's no longer possible to create a channel with a number like "0XYZ", which would create many issues.
* Improved TV Guide build retry logic in case of errors.
* 'send guide updatres' is now false by default.

Known issues

* Virus total reports the windows executable as malware. To the best of our knowledge this is a false positive that affects all programs built using the nexe build system. Other scanners don't give that result. If this causes you trust issues, you are encouraged to build from source following the instructions instead of using the executable.
* Some weird things are going on with plex API and music libraries. Some albums are not appearing anymore in the API result. If you really want to make sure to import a music track into a channel or filler list, I recommend using a playlist.


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:


- New endpoints for getting channel programs or channel programless (likely unused)
- Support for random scheduling (defaults to Time Slots)


It's recommended you take a backup of .dizquetv or .pseudotv folder (or your docker volume) before trying a new version. Just in case so that you can revert back with no issue. dizqueTV will attempt to migrate your folder to the new version. pseudoTV users please rename the folder to .dizqueTV before running this.

This is a `stable` release [More Info...](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions)

New since 1.2.5 (previous stable release)

It's been a while since the stable branch received a boost. This is a major version change!

* Improved Plex authentication process (thanks to /rafaelvieiras )
* deinterlace support when transcoding with ffmpeg (so plex transcoding is no longer needed) (thanks to jasongdove )
* Audio-only streams using the new /radio endpoint.
* It is now possible to upload channel logos directly from the UI (thanks to /rafaelvieiras )
* Music/Audio library support. When playing these files, it will use the album art as video stream.
* File cache system for xmltv images (has to be enabled in settings)
* **Random Slots** , they work similar to Time Slots but are picked randomly instead of depending on the time of the day.
* Time Slots have more options, it is now possible to pick any time of the day up to seconds. You can also make the cycle depend on the week day.
* Notification toasts in the UI when updating settings or when the server state changes.
* Tested with ffmpeg 4.3 but 4.2 is fine too.
* Customizable style.css for the web ui that you can edit in the folder. Some themes are already available in the wiki.
* TV Guide uses the full browser window space.
* Custom Shows : Sets of videos that behave the same way as TV shows when used in channel schedule tools (including random/time slots9
* Player tab that documents the endpoints available and allows you to play them (you can play the radio endpoint from here)

Fixed an issue with package imports


* Version number boosted to 1.4 because 1.3.2 should have technically been 1.4.0 since it has some major features.
* Fix bug 293 , sort TV shows won't delete movies anymore
* Toast notifications have a close button.
* When a Plex server is updated all TV Guide images pointing to the server will be updated accordingly, or the TV shows will be replaced with flex or removed from filler/custom shows when the plex server is deleted.
* 297 Plex library browser will include the year for movies.
* Fix rare bug with time slots/random slots where the starting times could get messed up when applying the slots at the wrong time of the day or with too many programs.

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