
Latest version: v1.5.3.2

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No new features, version bump to match v1.4.1 of dizqueTV


This version is considered an `edge` release. It comes with fresh features that haven't been tested as well as the ones in the `stable` releases. The new features may also not be supported by the python library yet. Read more info on versions [here](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions).

* All features from [1.3.0](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases/tag/1.3.0) are included. (Notably, audio-only channels/streams and Random Slots)
* All fixes from [1.3.0](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases/tag/1.3.1) are included.

* Custom Shows

* Ability to create fake TV shows by combining movies or episodes from real TV shows.
* Once created, the custom show can be added to a channel by using the "dizqueTV - Custom Shows" library in the import dialog.
* All channel tools including time/random slots treat the videos in these shows as if they belong to a their own TV show. So you can create a "Star Wars" TV show that plays all the Star Wars movies in the correct order.
* But the TV guide will ignore the custom show and treat the contents as usual.
* Custom show editor has tools to sort the videos by show and release date or to shuffle the contents.

* A file style.css in .dizquetv that you can modify to customize the style of the UI.
* ffmpeg 4.3 is used by default in the docker images and is now the recommended version (although 4.2 works just fine for now)
* A partial revert of the wide UI change. Now Only the TV Guide is wide and uses all of the screen even in wide screens, the other views are back to normal.
* Episode title added to TV guide, but it has its own span and class so you can remove it with CSS...
* A "Player" page that allows you to easily play channels using a local media player and also informs you of the URLs for the endpoints you can use to play channels.


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:

Update to match v1.3.2 of dizqueTV
Added support for getting, creating, updating and deleting custom shows, adding to channels and filler lists


* All fixes from [1.2.5](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases/tag/1.2.5) are included.
* Time Slots will start programming AFTER the current time. This is specially useful for weekly slots as programming won't start on Thursday anymore.
* Improved logging when getting plex status.


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:

No new features or changes. Simply bump in version number to match v1.3.1 of dizqueTV


This version is considered an `edge` release. It comes with fresh features that haven't been tested as well as the ones in the `stable` releases. The new features may also not be supported by the python library yet. Read more info on versions [here](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions).


* Improved UX of adding a Plex Server.
* DizqueTV's ffmpeg transcoding is now capable of deinterlacing content when plex direct plays.
* Audio-only streams : Use the /radio endpoint instead of /video endpoint to play only the audio of the channel (so it won't use video transcoder resources, for examples)
* Channel logo and watermark upload.
* Audio Library support . You can now use audio files in your channels or as flex filler. They show album art when used in the video stream.
* xmltv image cache can be enabled so that the images are cached in dizquetv's server.
* Time slots have an improved time selector, allowing more control regarding the start time of a slot. They also have a *weekly* mode, that allows you to pick different schedules for each day of the week.
* New Channel Tool: Random Slots. They are similar to Time Slots, based on timed blocks that play specific shows shuffled or in order, but unlike Time Slots, they don't have a fixed start time, but instead are picked randomly from a pool of possible slots.
* The web UI now has notification Toasts when updating some settings and also other events. In the inside there's an event delivery system that notifies the UI for changes. I intend to improve this in later versions to open up possibilities for a dash board and also logs.

Special thanks to rafaelvieiras (plex add UX, image upload, xmltv image cache) jasongdove (interlaced)



All fixes from [1.2.4](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases/tag/1.2.4) are included.


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:

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