
Latest version: v1.5.3.2

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1.1.x versions greater than 1.1.1 are considered stable versions. Which means that the only changes they'll receive is bug fixes. If you are looking for an edge version, check the [Versions](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions) page at the wiki.

The main feature of 1.1.2 over the previous stable version (1.0.2) is the Filler Lists feature introduced in 1.1.0: More detail at [1.1.0's release notes](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases/tag/1.1.0)

The only change in 1.1.2 versus 1.1.1 is that the fav icon was changed so that it (hopefully) looks less similar to a certain services' colorful shopping bag of an icon.

Note about a Plex DVR bug

There's currently a bug in Plex DVR that makes it repeat videos instead of advancing to the next episode. Please read this Plex bug report for more info: https://forums.plex.tv/t/live-tv-restarts-show-after-completion-in-web-player/634004


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:

Hot fix for programs when creating channel


(Not so) Hot on the heels of dizqueTV's 1.0.0 release

New dizqueTV features replicated
- New Filler lists
- New Guide feature
- Block Shuffle
- Balance shows
- HLS.m3u endpoint (rarely used)

Bug fixes
- Handle if a PlexAPI media item has an "originallyAvailableAt" and "duration" attribute, to avoid making an incomplete item on dizqueTV

Additional features
- New translation for icon position (user can say "top left" rather than "1")

**Please note that dizqueTV is a rapidly-evolving project, and as a result, this library could break with future releases.** I will try my best to keep up with dizqueTV's development cycle. For simplicity's sake, version numbers of this library will match version numbers of dizqueTV.


Currently 1.1.x versions are considered cutting edge or beta versions. The feature that's being tested is Filler Lists. If you are looking for a stable version, check the [Versions](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions) page at the wiki.


- "Filler lists" are collections of clips to play during Flex times. When setting up a channel's Flex time, you can attach Filler Lists to the channel and determine things like how frequently or probable a video from the list is going to be picked.
- Multiple channels can share the same Filler list.
- A channel can have multiple Filler Lists.
- Updating the contents of a Filler List, changes the Flex behavior in all of its associated channels.
- When you run 1.1.0 using a .dizquetv folder from an old version, the old Filler clips associated to each channel will be moved to separate Filler Lists with the channel's name.

- TV Guide is now the first tab of the page.
- Flex list uses virtual scrolling. Similar to the virtual scroll change we recently had to the channel editor, it should have less lag and the duration bars had to be changed to be horizontal instead of vertical.
- Also tweaked the Flex random algorithm a bit. It's hard to explain
- Limited cooldown option to 24 hours, because higher than 24 hours meant that the video would never play, due to implementation quirks.

Note about a Plex DVR bug

There's currently a bug in Plex DVR that makes it repeat videos instead of advancing to the next episode. Please read this Plex bug report for more info: https://forums.plex.tv/t/live-tv-restarts-show-after-completion-in-web-player/634004


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:


Currently 1.0.x versions are considered stable versions. This means that they will receive bug fixes or really minor features but they won't receive big feature changes. If you are looking for a cutting edge version, check the [Versions](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki/Versions) page at the wiki.

Minor Improvements
- Now channel numbers from 0 to 9999 are allowed.
- m3u will now report the xmltv uri as url-tvg and x-tvg-url, this will speed up the configuration process in some iptv clients, notably tivimate supports it.
- Plex settings now specify that the bit rates are in Kbps.
- EPG settings have explanations for what cache and timer mean.
- Tweaked Default bitrates a bit.

Bug Fixes
- Fix Save Program button not doing anything at all.
- Fixed some issues that made error screen unable to appear and instead the whole stream crashed.
- Fix issue with channel editor silently failing to save a channel when it is very large.
-Channel tools will be disabled in situations where clicking them could make the number of programs exceed 50000. If the channel already had more than 50000 programs, the limit will be raised to its initial number of programs. This limit will eventually be configurable.
- Fix a case in which anamorphic videos still had issues when Plex transcodes audio but copies video.
- Fix null pointer when generating TV guide when rating is null.

Minor Fixes
- Tool Help fixes 126
- Fix 69 Infinite loop when you start playing a video near the end of the video in rare cases.

Note about a Plex DVR bug

There's currently a bug in Plex DVR that makes it repeat videos instead of advancing to the next episode. Please read this Plex bug report for more info: https://forums.plex.tv/t/live-tv-restarts-show-after-completion-in-web-player/634004


For more details, check the [Wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)

Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags

For native executable files look below:


Hot fix for access tokens

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