The change to --no-startup/--use-pythonrc in `shell_plus` changes the
default behaviour to automatically load PYTHONSTARTUP and ~/.pythonrc.py
unless --no-startup is set.
- Fix: pipchecker, fix up-to-date check for Github sha commits
- Fix: JSONField, fix handling to_python() for strings with tests
- Fix: print_settings, fix print_settings to receive positional args
- Improvement: shell_plus, update PYTHONSTARTUP / pythonrc handling to match Django
- Improvement: shell_plus, added new 1.11 features from django.db.models to shell_plus import list
- Improvement: runserver_plus, startup message now accounts for https
- Docs: jobs, improve documentation about jobs scheduling
- Docs: admin, add documentation for ForeignKeyAutocompleteStackedInline and ForeignKeyAutocompleteTabularInline
- Docs: fix typos