- New: RandomCharField, prepopulates random character string
- New: (Not)NullFieldListFilter, filters for admin
- New: runserver_plus, integrate with django-pdb
- New: runserver_plus, add check_migrations from Django
- Improvement: show_urls, nested namespace support
- Improvement: show_urls, allow to specify alternative urlconf
- Improvement: show_urls, support i18n_patterns
- Improvement: show_urls, use --language to filter on a particular language
- Improvement: admin_generator, added docstrings to module
- Improvement: shell_plus, allow cli arguments to be passed to ipython
- Improvement: shell_plus, fixed PYTHONPATH bug when using django-admin shell_plus --notebook
- Improvement: shell_plus, set application_name on PostgreSQL databases
- Improvement: shell_plus, load user pypython config file
- Improvement: CreationDateTimeField, use auto_now_add instead of default ModificationDateTimeField
- Improvement: ModificationDateTimeField, use auto_now instead of pre_save method
- Improvement: ForeignKeyAutocompleteAdmin, added ability to filter autocomplete query
- Fix: shell_plus, support for pypython>=0.27
- Fix: shell_plus, load apps and models directly through the apps interface when available
- Fix: shell_plus, use ipython start_ipython instead of embed
- Fix: shell_plus, fix swalling ImportErrors with IPython 3 and higher
- Fix: dumpscript, fix missing imports in dumped script
- Fix: admin_generator, fix issues with Django 1.9
- Fix: template tags, move exception for import failure to inside of the template tags
- Fix: reset_db, fix for Django 1.9
- Fix: runserver_plus, fix for Django 1.9