- Feature: Start maintaining a CHANGELOG file in the repository
- Feature: ActivatorModelManager now has an ActivatorQuerySet
- Feature: Add a deconstruct() method for future Django 1.7 migration compatibility
- Feature: show_urls, now support --language for i18n_patterns
- Feature: show_urls, now shows the decoraters set on a view function
- Feature: graph_models, now support --include-models to restrict the graph to specified models
- Feature: print_settings, allow to specify the settings you want to see
- Improvement: graph_models, use '//' instead of '' as comment character in dot files
- Improvement: graph_models, added error message for abstract models without explicit relations
- Improvement: JSONField, use python's built-in json support by default with fallback on django.utils.simplejson
- Improvement: PostgreSQLUUIDField, parse value into UUID type before sending it to the database
- Improvement: Use django.JQuery in autocomplete.js if available
- Improvement: use "a not in b" instead of "not a in b" in the entire codebase
- Removed: clean_pyc command since it does not work correctly in many cases
- Removed: sync_media_s3 command in favor of sync_s3
- BugFix: syncdata, use pk instead of id for identifying primary key of objects
- BugFix: sync_s3, use safer content type per default
- BugFix: export_emails, filtering on groups
- BugFix: print_user_for_session, use USERNAME_FIELD if defined
- BugFix: update_permission, fixed TypeError issue
- BugFix: JSONField, do not coerse a json string into a python list
- BugFix: import json issue by using absolute imports
- BugFix: add minimal version number to six (>=1.2)
- Docs: graph_models, Added some documentation about using dot templates
- Docs: reset_db, short description on SQL DDL used
- Docs: Added specific list of supported Python and Django versions
- Docs: Add link to GoDjango screencast
- Docs: Add ShortUUIDField to docs
- Python3: fixes to graph_models and export_emails for Python3 compatibility