**Breaking changes**
* The ``leaflet_map`` template tag no longer registers initialization
functions in global scope, and no longer adds map objects into ``window.maps``
array by default. Use ``LEAFLET_CONFIG['NO_GLOBALS'] = False`` to
restore these features.
* Initialization callback function no longer receives the map ``bounds`` in second
argument, but the map options object.
* JS default callback function ( *<name>Init()* ) for map initialization is **deprecated**.
Use explicit ``callback`` parameter in template tag, or listen to window event ``map:init`` instead.
(See *Use Leaflet API* section in README.)
* ``TILES_URL`` entry in ``LEAFLET_CONFIG`` is **deprecated**.
Use ``TILES`` instead.
* Settings lookup is restricted to ``LEAFLET_CONFIG`` dict. Most notably,
``SRID``, ``MAP_SRID`` and ``SPATIAL_EXTENT`` at global Django settings level
are discouraged.
**New features**
* Add ability to associate layers attributions from settings
* Add ``auto-include`` key for entries in ``PLUGINS`` setting, in order
to implicity load plugins with ``leaflet_css`` and ``leaflet_js`` tags.
* Rewrote map initialization, into less flexible and obstruvise way.
* Use plugin system for Leaflet.MiniMap.
* Add ``loadevent`` parameter to ``leaflet_map`` tag.
* Map initialization is now idempotent, does nothing if map is already initialized.
* Add ``ATTRIBUTION_PREFIX`` setting to control prefix globally.