- Update Leaflet to 1.0.3 (169) - Update Leaflet-draw to 0.4.0 (169) - Update Proj4Leaflet to 1.0.0 (169) - Made `static` calls lazy, to fix issues with non-default STATICFILES_STORAGE (149) - Add example application (168)
**Bug fixes**
- Use SpatiaLite library path from environment variable for running test (173) - Fix max zoom level (165) - Add SPATIAL_EXTENT default value to the default settings (167)
Many thanks to KostyaEsmukov, cleder, sikmir and seav for their contributions!
**New features**
- Added ``leaflet.admin.LeafletGeoAdminMixin``, useful for stacked or tabular inline forms (thanks KostyaEsmukov, Xowap)
- Fix compatibility with Django <= 1.7
- If the TILES setting contains an empty list, no default tiles layer is generated (thanks dyve). - Fix to allow multipoints saving (fixes 130, thanks rukayaj) - Fix settings override (142, thanks ndufrane) - Fix for templatetags.leflet_js debug setting (148, thanks arctelix) - Fixes for Django 1.10 compatibility (138, thanks PetrDiouhy)
**New features**
* Use a LazyEncoder to allow lazy translations in settings (132, thanks Mactory) * Enable settings_overrides also for admin (fixes 120, thanks PetrDiouhy) * Add tests for Django 1.9 and Python 3.5 (thanks itbabu)
**Bug fixes**
* Fix LeafletWidget behaviour on GeometryCollectionField (fixes 135)
* Update Leaflet to 0.7.7 * Update Leaflet-draw to 0.2.4 * Fix rendering of leaflet widget when initial value is an empty string