* Fix drawing of multi-polygon (fixes 37) * Fix attached data for events with jQuery fallback (fixes 38) * Fix Javascript syntax errors when using form prefixes (fixes 40)
* Fix Leaflet library inclusion with "plugins=ALL" outside Admin. * Do not include translations in every widgets outside Admin. * Fix syntax error if form widget translations contains quotes. * Fix dependency error if Leaflet is loaded after the form widget in the DOM. * Respect plugins declaration order using OrderedDicts * Prepend forms assets (instead of extend) if PLUGINS['forms'] already exists.
* Renamed Leaflet map fragment template * Leaflet map geometry widgets for adminsite and forms (requires Django 1.6) * Fix geometry type restriction in form fields (fixes 32) * Use jQuery for triggering events, only if CustomEvent constructor is not available (fixes 27, fixes 34)
* Fix projection download error if not available * Compute resolutions the same way TileCache does it, and provide example of TileCache configuration. * Raise ImproperlyConfigured if TILES_EXTENT is not portrait (since not supported)
* Do not use console() to warn about deprecated stuff if not available (<IE9) * Fix apparence of Reset view control for Leaflet 0.6 * Add French and Italian locales