
Latest version: v5.1.3

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Not secure

*August 3, 2022*

Django 3.2.15 fixes a security issue with severity "high" in 3.2.14.

CVE-2022-36359: Potential reflected file download vulnerability in ``FileResponse``

An application may have been vulnerable to a reflected file download (RFD)
attack that sets the Content-Disposition header of a
:class:`~django.http.FileResponse` when the ``filename`` was derived from
user-supplied input. The ``filename`` is now escaped to avoid this possibility.



Not secure

*July 4, 2022*

Django 3.2.14 fixes a security issue with severity "high" in 3.2.13.

CVE-2022-34265: Potential SQL injection via ``Trunc(kind)`` and ``Extract(lookup_name)`` arguments

:class:`Trunc() <django.db.models.functions.Trunc>` and
:class:`Extract() <django.db.models.functions.Extract>` database functions were
subject to SQL injection if untrusted data was used as a
``kind``/``lookup_name`` value.

Applications that constrain the lookup name and kind choice to a known safe
list are unaffected.



Not secure

*April 11, 2022*

Django 3.2.13 fixes two security issues with severity "high" in
3.2.12 and a regression in 3.2.4.

CVE-2022-28346: Potential SQL injection in ``QuerySet.annotate()``, ``aggregate()``, and ``extra()``

:meth:`.QuerySet.annotate`, :meth:`~.QuerySet.aggregate`, and
:meth:`~.QuerySet.extra` methods were subject to SQL injection in column
aliases, using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
``**kwargs`` passed to these methods.

CVE-2022-28347: Potential SQL injection via ``QuerySet.explain(**options)`` on PostgreSQL

:meth:`.QuerySet.explain` method was subject to SQL injection in option names,
using a suitably crafted dictionary, with dictionary expansion, as the
``**options`` argument.


* Fixed a regression in Django 3.2.4 that caused the auto-reloader to no longer
detect changes when the ``DIRS`` option of the ``TEMPLATES`` setting
contained an empty string (:ticket:`33628`).



Not secure

*February 1, 2022*

Django 3.2.12 fixes two security issues with severity "medium" in 3.2.11.

CVE-2022-22818: Possible XSS via ``{% debug %}`` template tag

The ``{% debug %}`` template tag didn't properly encode the current context,
posing an XSS attack vector.

In order to avoid this vulnerability, ``{% debug %}`` no longer outputs
information when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``False``, and it ensures all context
variables are correctly escaped when the ``DEBUG`` setting is ``True``.

CVE-2022-23833: Denial-of-service possibility in file uploads

Passing certain inputs to multipart forms could result in an infinite loop when
parsing files.



Not secure

*January 4, 2022*

Django 3.2.11 fixes one security issue with severity "medium" and two security
issues with severity "low" in 3.2.10.

CVE-2021-45115: Denial-of-service possibility in ``UserAttributeSimilarityValidator``

:class:`.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator` incurred significant overhead
evaluating submitted password that were artificially large in relative to the
comparison values. On the assumption that access to user registration was
unrestricted this provided a potential vector for a denial-of-service attack.

In order to mitigate this issue, relatively long values are now ignored by

This issue has severity "medium" according to the :ref:`Django security policy

CVE-2021-45116: Potential information disclosure in ``dictsort`` template filter

Due to leveraging the Django Template Language's variable resolution logic, the
:tfilter:`dictsort` template filter was potentially vulnerable to information
disclosure or unintended method calls, if passed a suitably crafted key.

In order to avoid this possibility, ``dictsort`` now works with a restricted
resolution logic, that will not call methods, nor allow indexing on

As a reminder, all untrusted user input should be validated before use.

This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy

CVE-2021-45452: Potential directory-traversal via ````

```` allowed directory-traversal if directly passed suitably
crafted file names.

This issue has severity "low" according to the :ref:`Django security policy



Not secure

*December 7, 2021*

Django 3.2.10 fixes a security issue with severity "low" and a bug in 3.2.9.

CVE-2021-44420: Potential bypass of an upstream access control based on URL paths

HTTP requests for URLs with trailing newlines could bypass an upstream access
control based on URL paths.


* Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash of ``setUpTestData()``
with ``BinaryField`` on PostgreSQL, which is ``memoryview``-backed


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