
Latest version: v5.1.3

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Not secure

*October 4, 2023*

Django 4.2.6 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and several bugs
in 4.2.5.

CVE-2023-43665: Denial-of-service possibility in ``django.utils.text.Truncator``

Following the fix for :cve:`2019-14232`, the regular expressions used in the
implementation of ``django.utils.text.Truncator``'s ``chars()`` and ``words()``
methods (with ``html=True``) were revised and improved. However, these regular
expressions still exhibited linear backtracking complexity, so when given a
very long, potentially malformed HTML input, the evaluation would still be
slow, leading to a potential denial of service vulnerability.

The ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods are used to implement the
:tfilter:`truncatechars_html` and :tfilter:`truncatewords_html` template
filters, which were thus also vulnerable.

The input processed by ``Truncator``, when operating in HTML mode, has been
limited to the first five million characters in order to avoid potential
performance and memory issues.


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2.5 where overriding the deprecated
``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` and ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` settings in tests caused
the main ``STORAGES`` to mutate (:ticket:`34821`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused unnecessary casting of string
based fields (``CharField``, ``EmailField``, ``TextField``, ``CICharField``,
``CIEmailField``, and ``CITextField``) used with the ``__isnull`` lookup on
PostgreSQL. As a consequence, indexes using an ``__isnull`` expression or
condition created before Django 4.2 wouldn't be used by the query planner,
leading to a performance regression (:ticket:`34840`).

You may need to recreate such indexes created in your database with Django
4.2 to 4.2.5, as they contain unnecessary ``::text`` casting. Find candidate
indexes with this query:

.. code-block:: sql

SELECT indexname, indexdef
FROM pg_indexes
WHERE indexdef LIKE '%::text IS %NULL';



Not secure

*September 4, 2023*

Django 4.2.5 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and several bugs
in 4.2.4.

CVE-2023-41164: Potential denial of service vulnerability in ``django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()``

``django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()`` was subject to potential denial of
service attack via certain inputs with a very large number of Unicode


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused an incorrect validation of
``CheckConstraints`` on ``__isnull`` lookups against ``JSONField``

* Fixed a bug in Django 4.2 where the deprecated ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` and
``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` settings were not synced with ``STORAGES``

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2.2 that caused an unnecessary selection of a
non-nullable ``ManyToManyField`` without a natural key during serialization

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of a queryset when
filtering against deeply nested ``OuterRef()`` annotations (:ticket:`34803`).



Not secure

*August 1, 2023*

Django 4.2.4 fixes several bugs in 4.2.3.


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of
``QuerySet.aggregate()`` with aggregates referencing window functions

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash when grouping by a
reference in a subquery (:ticket:`34748`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused aggregation over query that
uses explicit grouping by multi-valued annotations to group against the wrong
columns (:ticket:`34750`).



Not secure

*July 3, 2023*

Django 4.2.3 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and several bugs
in 4.2.2.

CVE-2023-36053: Potential regular expression denial of service vulnerability in ``EmailValidator``/``URLValidator``

``EmailValidator`` and ``URLValidator`` were subject to potential regular
expression denial of service attack via a very large number of domain name
labels of emails and URLs.


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect alignment of timezone
warnings for ``DateField`` and ``TimeField`` in the admin (:ticket:`34645`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect highlighting of rows
in the admin changelist view when ``ModelAdmin.list_editable`` contained a
``BooleanField`` (:ticket:`34638`).



Not secure

*June 5, 2023*

Django 4.2.2 fixes several bugs in 4.2.1.


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused an unnecessary
``DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR()`` wrapping in the ``__isnull`` and ``__exact=None``
lookups for ``TextField()``/``BinaryField()`` on Oracle (:ticket:`34544`).

* Restored, following a regression in Django 4.2, ``get_prep_value()`` call in
``JSONField`` subclasses (:ticket:`34539`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.defer()``
when passing a ``ManyToManyField`` or ``GenericForeignKey`` reference. While
doing so is a no-op, it was allowed in older version (:ticket:`34570`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.only()``
when passing a reverse ``OneToOneField`` reference (:ticket:`34612`).

* Fixed a bug in Django 4.2 where :option:`makemigrations --update` didn't
respect the ``--name`` option (:ticket:`34568`).

* Fixed a performance regression in Django 4.2 when compiling queries without
ordering (:ticket:`34580`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where nonexistent stylesheet was linked on a
“Congratulations!” page (:ticket:`34588`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of
``QuerySet.aggregate()`` with expressions referencing other aggregates

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of
``QuerySet.aggregate()`` with aggregates referencing subqueries

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of querysets on SQLite
when filtering on ``DecimalField`` against values outside of the defined
range (:ticket:`34590`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a serialization crash on a
``ManyToManyField`` without a natural key when its ``Manager``’s base
``QuerySet`` used ``select_related()`` (:ticket:`34620`).



Not secure

*May 3, 2023*

Django 4.2.1 fixes a security issue with severity "low" and several bugs in

CVE-2023-31047: Potential bypass of validation when uploading multiple files using one form field

Uploading multiple files using one form field has never been supported by
:class:`.forms.FileField` or :class:`.forms.ImageField` as only the last
uploaded file was validated. Unfortunately, :ref:`uploading_multiple_files`
topic suggested otherwise.

In order to avoid the vulnerability, :class:`~django.forms.ClearableFileInput`
and :class:`~django.forms.FileInput` form widgets now raise ``ValueError`` when
the ``multiple`` HTML attribute is set on them. To prevent the exception and
keep the old behavior, set ``allow_multiple_selected`` to ``True``.

For more details on using the new attribute and handling of multiple files
through a single field, see :ref:`uploading_multiple_files`.


* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.defer()``
when deferring fields by attribute names (:ticket:`34458`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of
:class:`` function with ``%``
characters (:ticket:`34459`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused aggregation over query that
uses explicit grouping to group against the wrong columns (:ticket:`34464`).

* Reallowed, following a regression in Django 4.2, setting the
``"cursor_factory"`` option in :setting:`OPTIONS` on PostgreSQL

* Enforced UTF-8 client encoding on PostgreSQL, following a regression in
Django 4.2 (:ticket:`34470`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where ``i18n_patterns()`` didn't respect the
``prefix_default_language`` argument when a fallback language of the default
language was used (:ticket:`34455`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where translated URLs of the default
language from ``i18n_patterns()`` with ``prefix_default_language`` set to
``False`` raised 404 errors for a request with a different language

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where creating copies and deep copies of
``HttpRequest``, ``HttpResponse``, and their subclasses didn't always work
correctly (:ticket:`34482`, :ticket:`34484`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where ``timesince`` and ``timeuntil``
template filters returned incorrect results for a datetime with a non-UTC
timezone when a time difference is less than 1 day (:ticket:`34483`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of
:class:`` function with
``psycopg`` 3 (:ticket:`34486`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect ``ClearableFileInput``
margins in the admin (:ticket:`34506`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where breadcrumbs didn't appear on admin
site app index views (:ticket:`34512`).

* Made squashing migrations reduce ``AddIndex``, ``RemoveIndex``,
``RenameIndex``, and ``CreateModel`` operations which allows removing a
deprecated ``Meta.index_together`` option from historical migrations and use
``Meta.indexes`` instead (:ticket:`34525`).


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