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Not secure

*March 6, 2018*

Django 1.11.11 fixes two security issues in 1.11.10.

CVE-2018-7536: Denial-of-service possibility in ``urlize`` and ``urlizetrunc`` template filters

The ``django.utils.html.urlize()`` function was extremely slow to evaluate
certain inputs due to catastrophic backtracking vulnerabilities in two regular
expressions. The ``urlize()`` function is used to implement the ``urlize`` and
``urlizetrunc`` template filters, which were thus vulnerable.

The problematic regular expressions are replaced with parsing logic that
behaves similarly.

CVE-2018-7537: Denial-of-service possibility in ``truncatechars_html`` and ``truncatewords_html`` template filters

If ``django.utils.text.Truncator``'s ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods were
passed the ``html=True`` argument, they were extremely slow to evaluate certain
inputs due to a catastrophic backtracking vulnerability in a regular
expression. The ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods are used to implement the
``truncatechars_html`` and ``truncatewords_html`` template filters, which were
thus vulnerable.

The backtracking problem in the regular expression is fixed.



Not secure

*February 1, 2018*

Django 1.11.10 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 1.11.9.

CVE-2018-6188: Information leakage in ``AuthenticationForm``

A regression in Django 1.11.8 made
:class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm` run its
``confirm_login_allowed()`` method even if an incorrect password is entered.
This can leak information about a user, depending on what messages
``confirm_login_allowed()`` raises. If ``confirm_login_allowed()`` isn't
overridden, an attacker enter an arbitrary username and see if that user has
been set to ``is_active=False``. If ``confirm_login_allowed()`` is overridden,
more sensitive details could be leaked.

This issue is fixed with the caveat that ``AuthenticationForm`` can no longer
raise the "This account is inactive." error if the authentication backend
rejects inactive users (the default authentication backend, ``ModelBackend``,
has done that since Django 1.10). This issue will be revisited for Django 2.1
as a fix to address the caveat will likely be too invasive for inclusion in
older versions.


* Fixed incorrect foreign key nullification if a model has two foreign keys to
the same model and a target model is deleted (:ticket:`29016`).

* Fixed a regression where ``contrib.auth.authenticate()`` crashes if an
authentication backend doesn't accept ``request`` and a later one does

* Fixed crash when entering an invalid uuid in ``ModelAdmin.raw_id_fields``



Not secure

*January 1, 2018*

Django 1.11.9 fixes several bugs in 1.11.8.


* Fixed a regression in Django 1.11 that added newlines between ``MultiWidget``'s
subwidgets (:ticket:`28890`).

* Fixed incorrect class-based model index name generation for models with
quoted ``db_table`` (:ticket:`28876`).

* Fixed incorrect foreign key constraint name for models with quoted
``db_table`` (:ticket:`28876`).

* Fixed a regression in caching of a ``GenericForeignKey`` when the referenced
model instance uses more than one level of multi-table inheritance



Not secure

*December 2, 2017*

Django 1.11.8 fixes several bugs in 1.11.7.


* Reallowed, following a regression in Django 1.10, ``AuthenticationForm`` to
raise the inactive user error when using ``ModelBackend`` (:ticket:`28645`).

* Added support for ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` for
``union()``, ``difference()``, and ``intersection()`` queries

* Fixed incorrect index name truncation when using a namespaced ``db_table``

* Made ``QuerySet.iterator()`` use server-side cursors on PostgreSQL after
``values()`` and ``values_list()`` (:ticket:`28817`).

* Fixed crash on SQLite and MySQL when ordering by a filtered subquery that
uses ``nulls_first`` or ``nulls_last`` (:ticket:`28848`).

* Made query lookups for ``CICharField``, ``CIEmailField``, and ``CITextField``
use a ``citext`` cast (:ticket:`28702`).

* Fixed a regression in caching of a ``GenericForeignKey`` when the referenced
model instance uses multi-table inheritance (:ticket:`28856`).

* Fixed "Cannot change column 'x': used in a foreign key constraint" crash on
MySQL with a sequence of ``AlterField`` and/or ``RenameField`` operations in
a migration (:ticket:`28305`).



Not secure

*November 1, 2017*

Django 1.11.7 fixes several bugs in 1.11.6.


* Prevented ``cache.get_or_set()`` from caching ``None`` if the ``default``
argument is a callable that returns ``None`` (:ticket:`28601`).

* Fixed the Basque ``DATE_FORMAT`` string (:ticket:`28710`).

* Made ``QuerySet.reverse()`` affect ``nulls_first`` and ``nulls_last``

* Fixed unquoted table names in ``Subquery`` SQL when using ``OuterRef``



Not secure

*October 5, 2017*

Django 1.11.6 fixes several bugs in 1.11.5.


* Made the ``CharField`` form field convert whitespace-only values to the
``empty_value`` when ``strip`` is enabled (:ticket:`28555`).

* Fixed crash when using the name of a model's autogenerated primary key
(``id``) in an ``Index``'s ``fields`` (:ticket:`28597`).

* Fixed a regression in Django 1.9 where a custom view error handler such as
``handler404`` that accesses ``csrf_token`` could cause CSRF verification
failures on other pages (:ticket:`28488`).


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