This new version comes with a good mix of fixes and new features supported.
In an effort of always improving docker-compose compatibility, a number of features have been added.
Volumes support is added for both local volumes (non-bind) and shared volumes (via EFS).
Alarm support added to allow creating arbitrary alarms and scaling policies on metrics for non Compose-X managed
New Features
* 33f7b45 x-alarms support (425)
* e12d25a ECS DeploymentConfiguration support with Circuit breaker (423)
* dad6d02 awslogs drivers options support (422)
* b66876b Added lookup for SecurityGroups in Ingress (401)
* c3c1565 x-efs (395)
* df7d085 Added tmpfs support
* d19e60d Added sysctls support
* 8c4c30e Added working_dir support
* 71cb736 Added shm_size support
* a09d233 Added cap_add,cap_drop support
* 69bc348 Added support for Ulimits
* 3f380c7 docker-compose ECS local volumes support (391)
* 811f88d Fixing URLs
* cae1336 build can be either a string or dict
* f093931 Fixed self-ingress process (417)
* ec3dbc4 Fixing VpcId.Use and x-dns when not set (415)
* f0d6635 Fixing lookup resource output condition (411)
* 6dbef07 Fixing s3 to ecs bug for lookup (400)
* 7edc838 Renamed and fixed condition for registries (392)
* 8876047 For PrivateNamespace in CloudMap, using ns-ID (388)
* b7130ea Family name is as defined in compose files, and LB use that name instead of logical name (386)
* 765426b Updated docs
* 07c6db2 Using troposphere 2.6.4
* 7a31e63 Simpler regexp to group required, ping and optional healthcheck (416)
* 4977767 x-elbv2 settings in macro parameters for LB Attributes (410)
* 0ea035a Code Cleanup and Refactor (409)
* 8059454 Moved x-s3 settings to MacroParameters and cleaned up old unused code (407)
* 8773299 Healthcheck times translated from str to int (406)
* 5a49890 When not public NLB, allows to override the LB Subnets to use (402)
* 695624f Added compatibility matrix (398)
* ec184fc Generic attributes output configuration (396)
* 5f1cc0b Adding a message to inform that no port were defined but UseCloudmap (387)