
Latest version: v1.1.6

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Small bug patches and code refactoring.
SQS now into a single stack unless there are more than 30 queues.



New features

* `DynOAamoDB support <>`_
* Lookup for existing tables which the services get IAM access to.



* `ACM Support for ALB/NLB for public services. <>`_
* `AWS AppMesh support <>`_
* Attempt to making navigation through docs better.
* Automatic release to from master

To help with code quality and support, I subscribed to the following services:

* `CodeScanning using <>`_
* `CodeCoverage reports with Codecov <>`_



Refactored the way the services, task definitions and containers are put together, in order to support multiple new features:

* `Allow multiple services to be merged into one Task definition <>`_
* `Support Docker compose v3 compute definition <>`_

The support for Docker compose compute settings allows to add up all the CPU / RAM of your service(s) and identify the
closest Fargate CPU/RAM configuration for the **Task Definition** (the respective CPU/RAM of each task is unchanged).

The docker-compose file is now more strictly close to the definition set in Docker Compose, with regards to attributes
and their expected types.

.. note::

In order to respect more closely the docker-compose definition, the key previously used **configs** now is **x-configs**



Refactored the ecs part into a class and reworked the configuration settings to allow for easier integration.
Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes in the structure of the configs section.

New features

* Enable AWS X-Ray (`56 <>`_)
Enabling X-Ray will allow developer to get APM metrics and visualize the application interaction with other

* No-upload (`64 <>`_)
This allows to store the templates locally only.

.. note::

The templates are still validated from their body

* IAM Boundary for the IAM roles (`55 <>`_)
Permissions boundary are an IAM feature that allows to set boundaries which superseed other permissions associated
to the entity. It is often the put as a condition for users creating roles to assign a specific Permission Boundary
policy to the roles created.



Refactor of the ECS service template into a single class (still got to be reworked).
Refactored the ECS Services into a master class which ingests the CLI kwargs directly.

Reworked and reorganized documentation to help with readability

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