New features
* cabd793 - Support for networks: and mapping to additional subnets. (282)
* ba4ed5c - ECS Scheduled tasks support (280)
* 82e2086 - Defaulting to encrypted for RDS (276)
* a516a09 - Added support for service level x-aws keys from ecs-plugin (273)
* 5e1ab08 - Improved logging settings (265)
* 96ad398 - x-secrets::Lookup (256)
* dfb249c - Lookup for ACM working (254)
* ea6e05c - Feature x-docdb (252)
* 0a4d258 - Refactor services to root stack (248)
* 49a9d31 - ARN of TGT Group always passed to service stack (245)
* eafcd38 - Updated documentation (236)
* aa4c96b - Feature x-elbv2 with x-acm support and validation via x-dns (228)
* fb0bc4a - Allowing RoleArn in x-rds Lookup (233)
* 22feb56 - Lookup via resources tag api for VPC resources (231)
* be536c1 - Cross-Cccount assume role generally and locally for lookup (229)
* 32075f2 - Allow for custom cooldown for steps (221)
* ca89836 - Upgrading troposphere==2.6.3 (216)
* 3a1b0c8 - Linting DynDB features and use-case files (213)
* 67cc67e - Feature x-s3 (196)
* 230a9d3 - Lookup RDS DB/Clusters and secrets (211)
* fc55f4b - Patched version of 0.8.9 with previews for 0.9.0 (275)
* 1dc4113 - Replaced LOG.warn with LOG.warning (271)
* 42c7027 - Docs improvements (278)
* 78bef91 - Clarified Ingress syntax (261)
* af31f33 - Fixed a number of small issues (259)
* 02da4e1 - Hotfix services attributes (243)
* fb7265a - During PyCharm refactor, error change occured (238)
* c46c208 - Fixing import export string (224)
* 7669799 - Removing missed print (217)
* 4171044 - Fixing condition when QueueName property is set (210)
* 0ced643 - Patched SQS based scaling rule and alarm (202)
Syntax changes from previous version
* 86d2141 - Refactor/services xconfig keys (269)
* 1cfa6b7 - Refactor AppMesh properties keys (262)
* d753473 - Refactor to classes for XResources and Compose resources (219)
Documentation theme changed to Read The Docs and tuned some colors.