Providers and product types updates
* ``geodes`` as new provider (:pull:`1357`)(:pull:`1363`)
* ``cop_ewds`` as new provider (:pull:`1331`)
* Removed ``astraea_eod`` provider (:pull:`1383`)
* Fixed ``S2_MSI_L1C`` search-by-id for ``earth_search`` (:pull:`1053`)
* MSG product types added (:pull:`1348`)
* Fixed order for some ``dedl`` product-types (:pull:`1358`)
Plugins new features and fixes
* Authenticate only when needed in :class:`~eodag.plugins.download.http.HTTPDownload` (:pull:`1370`)
* Various fixes for ``cop_marine`` (:pull:`1336`)(:pull:`1364`)
* OpenID token expiration fix and ``oidc_config_url`` usage (:pull:`1346`)
* Concurrent requests for ``wekeo_cmems`` product-types fetch (:pull:`1374`)
* Error is raised when :class:`~eodag.plugins.download.http.HTTPDownload` order fails (:pull:`1338`)
* **[build]** Add ``python3.13`` and drop ``python3.8`` support (:pull:`1344`)
* **[docs]** `Plugins <https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins.html>`_ and `utils\
<https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_reference/utils.html>`_ documention update (:pull:`1297`)
* **[docs]** `conda optional dependencies\
<https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started_guide/install.html#conda>`_ handling (:pull:`1343`)
* **[docs]** Fixed ``auxdata`` reference in tutorials (:pull:`1372`, thanks `emmanuel-ferdman\
* **[ci]** Tests speedup using ``uv`` and ``tox-uv`` (:pull:`1347`)
* **[ci]** ``wekeo`` product types included in external product types reference (:pull:`1377`)
* Various minor fixes and improvements (:pull:`1298`)(:pull:`1335`)(:pull:`1340`)(:pull:`1341`)(:pull:`1351`)
* External product types reference updates (:pull:`1342`)(:pull:`1356`)(:pull:`1359`)(:pull:`1360`)(:pull:`1362`)