- Github set as default version control repository hosting service for source code and issues
- New provider for AWS: aws_eos (S2_MSI_L1C/L2A, S1_SAR_GRD, L8, CBERS-4, MODIS, NAIP), replaces aws_s3_sentinel2_l1c
- Build SAFE products for AWS Sentinel data
- New theia product types for S2, SPOT, VENUS, OSO
- New search plugin for POST requests (PostJsonSearch)
- Metadata auto discovery (for product properties and search parameter), replaces custom parameter
- Search configuration can be tweaked for each provider product type
- Fixed Lansat-8 search for onda, fixes :issue:`135`
- Advanced tutorial notebook, fixes :issue:`130`
- Various minor fixes, code refactorization, and tests update