|:warning:| Breaking changes since last stable (`v2.12.1 <changelog.rstv2-12-1-2024-03-05>`_)
* [v3.0.0b1] `search() <https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/api_user_guide/4_search.html#search()>`_ method
now returns only a :class:`~eodag.api.search_result.SearchResult` instead of a 2 values tuple (:pull:`1200`). It can
optionally store the estimated total number of products in ``SearchResult.number_matched`` if the method is called
with ``count=True`` (``False`` by default).
* [v3.0.0b1] Packaging refactoring and new `optional dependencies
<https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started_guide/install.html#optional-dependencies>`_ (:pull:`1108`)
(:pull:`1219`). EODAG default installs with a minimal set of dependencies.
New sets of extra requirements are: ``eodag[all]``, ``eodag[all-providers]``, ``eodag[ecmwf]``, ``eodag[usgs]``,
``eodag[csw]``, ``eodag[server]``. Previous existing sets of extra requirements are also kept:
``eodag[notebook]``, ``eodag[tutorials]``, ``eodag[dev]``, ``eodag[docs]``.
* [v3.0.0b3] :meth:`~eodag.api.core.EODataAccessGateway.download` / :class:`~eodag.types.download_args.DownloadConf`
parameters ``outputs_prefix`` and ``outputs_extension`` renamed to ``output_dir`` and ``output_extension``
|:loudspeaker:| Major changes since last stable (`v2.12.1 <changelog.rstv2-12-1-2024-03-05>`_)
Core features and fixes
* **[v3.0.0]** Sharable and multiple authentication plugins per provider (:pull:`1292`)(:pull:`1329`)(:pull:`1332`)
* [v3.0.0b3] New :meth:`~eodag.api.core.EODataAccessGateway.add_provider` method (:pull:`1260`)
* [v3.0.0b2] New :class:`~eodag.api.search_result.SearchResult` HTML representation for notebooks (:pull:`1243`)
* [v3.0.0b1] Search results sort feature (:pull:`943`)
* [v3.0.0b1] Providers groups (:pull:`1071`)
* [v3.0.0b1] Configurable download timeout (:pull:`1124`)
Providers and product types updates
* **[v3.0.0]** Updated ``cop_ads`` and ``cop_cds`` to new cds api (:pull:`1284`)
* **[v3.0.0]** ``wekeo`` split into ``wekeo_main`` and ``wekeo_ecmwf`` providers (:pull:`1214`)
* [v3.0.0b1] `dedl <https://hda.data.destination-earth.eu/ui>`_ as new provider (:pull:`750`)
* [v3.0.0b1] `dedt_lumi <https://polytope.lumi.apps.dte.destination-earth.eu/openapi>`_ as new provider (:pull:`1119`)
(:pull:`1126`), with authentication using destine credentials (:pull:`1127`)
* [v3.0.0b1] `cop_marine <https://marine.copernicus.eu/>`_ as new provider (:pull:`1131`)(:pull:`1224`)
* [v3.0.0b1] `eumetsat_ds <https://data.eumetsat.int/>`_ as new provider (:pull:`1060`), including `METOP` product types
* [v3.0.0b1] `OData` API usage for ``creodias`` & ``cop_dataspace`` (:pull:`1149`)
Plugins new features and fixes
* [v3.0.0b1] Standardized download output tree (:pull:`746`)
* [v3.0.0b1] ``flatten_top_dirs`` download plugins option set to true by default (:pull:`1220`)
* [v3.0.0b1] ``base_uri`` download plugins setting is not systematically mandatory any more (:pull:`1230`)
* [v3.0.0b1] Allow no auth for :class:`~eodag.plugins.download.http.HTTPDownload` download requests (:pull:`1196`)
Server mode
* [v3.0.0b1] Server-mode rework and cql2 support (:pull:`966`)
* [v3.0.0b1] Offline products order handling (:pull:`918`)
* **[v3.0.0]** Browsable catalogs removed (:pull:`1306`)
* **[v3.0.0b1 to v3.0.0][style]** type hints fixes and ``mypy`` in ``tox`` (:pull:`1052`)(:pull:`1253`)(:pull:`1269`)
* **[v3.0.0][docs]** Developer documentation update (:pull:`1327`)
Remaining changes since `v3.0.0b3 <changelog.rstv3-0-0b3-2024-08-01>`_
Core features and fixes
* Improve search and authentication errors format (:pull:`1237`)
Providers and product types updates
* Handle ``cop_marine`` in-situ historical data (:pull:`1301`)
* Fixes for ``wekeo``: ``GRIDDED_GLACIERS_MASS_CHANGE`` order link (:pull:`1258`), yaml issue in provider config
* Fixes for ``wekeo_ecmwf``: ``hydrological_year`` usage (:pull:`1313`), fixed default dates (:pull:`1288`)
Plugins new features and fixes
* Raise an error if no data available on :class:`~eodag.plugins.download.aws.AwsDownload` (:pull:`1257`)
Server mode
* Fixed *queryables* issues and parameters prefixes (:pull:`1318`)
* Send ``search_stac_items()`` in its own threadpool (:pull:`1323`)
* Fixed STAC collections metadata (:pull:`1278`)
* Updated logs format (:pull:`1238`)
* **[ci]** ``mypy`` in linting github action (:pull:`1326`), actions updates (:pull:`1310`)(:pull:`1314`)
* Various minor fixes and improvements (:pull:`1256`)(:pull:`1263`)(:pull:`1276`)(:pull:`1289`)(:pull:`1294`)
* External product types reference updates (:pull:`1290`)(:pull:`1316`)(:pull:`1322`)(:pull:`1334`)