March 17, 2024
- Feature: Support Python 3.12 (Griatch). Currently supporting 3.10,3.11 and
3.12. Note that 3.10 support will be removed in a future release.
- Feature: Update `evennia[extra]` scipy dependency to 1.12 to support latest
Python. Note that this may change which (equivalent) path is being picked when
following an xyzgrid contrib pathfinding.
- Feature: *Backwards incompatible*: `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` now gets object's
name via `.get_display_name` for better compatibility with recog systems.
- Feature: *Backwards incompatible*: Removed the (dbref) display from
`DefaultObject.get_display_name`, instead using new `.get_extra_display_name_info`
method for getting this info. The Object's display template was extended for
optionally adding this information. This makes showing extra object info to
admins an explicit action and opens up `get_display_name` for general use.
- Feature: Add `ON_DEMAND_HANDLER.set_dt(key, category, dt)` and
`.set_stage(key, category, stage)` to allow manual tweaking of task timings,
for example for a spell speeding a plant's growth (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `ON_DEMAND_HANDLER.get_dt/stages(key,category, **kwargs)`, where
the kwargs are passed into any stage-callable defined with the stages. (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `use_assertequal` kwarg to the `EvenniaCommandTestMixin` testing
class; this uses django's `assertEqual` over the default more lenient checker,
which can be useful for testing table whitespace (Griatch)
- Feature: New `utils.group_objects_by_key_and_desc` for grouping a list of
objects based on the visible key and desc. Useful for inventory listings (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` `return_string` bool kwarg, for only
returning singular/plural based on count instead of a tuple with both (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3443] Removed the `reboot` alias to `reset` to not mislead people
into thinking you can do a portal+server reboot from in-game (you cannot) (Griatch)
- Fix: `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` used `.name` instead of
`.get_display_name` which broke recog systems. May lead to object's dbref
will show for admins in some more places (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3420]: Refactor Clothing contrib's inventory command align with
Evennia core's version (michaelfaith84, Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3438]: Limiting search by tag didn't take search-string into
account (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue4311]: SSH connection caused a traceback in protocol (Griatch)
- Fix: Resolve a bug when loading on-demand-handler data from database (Griatch)
- Security: Potential O(n2) regex exploit in rpsystem regex (Griatch)
- Security: Fix potential redirect vulnerability in character page redirect (Griatch)
- Doc fixes (iLPdev, Griatch, CloudKeeper)