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April 1, 2024

- [Deprecation]: `DefaultObject.get_visible_contents` - unused in core, will be
removed. Use the new `.filter_visible` together with the `.get_display_*` methods instead..
- [Deprecation]: `DefaultObject.get_content_names` - unused in core, will be
removed. Use the `DefaultObject.get_display_*` methods instead.

- [Feature][pull3421]: New `utils.compress_whitespace` utility used with
default object's `.format_appearance` to make it easier to overload without
adding line breaks in hook returns. (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3458]: New `sethelp/category` switch to change a help topic's
category after it was created (chiizujin)
- [Feature][pull3467]: Add `alias/delete` switch for removing object aliases
from in-game with default command (chiizujin)
- [Feature][issue3450]: The default `page` command now tags its `Msg` objects
with tag 'page' (category 'comms') and also checks the `Msg`' 'read' lock.
made backwards compatible for old pages (Griatch)
- [Feature][pull3466]: Add optional `no_article` kwarg to
`DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` for the system to skip adding automatic
articles. (chiizujin)
- [Feature][pull3433]: Add ability to default get/drop to affect stacks of
items, such as `get/drop 3 rock` by a custom class parent (InspectorCaracal)
- Feature: Clean up the default Command variable list shown when a command has
no `func()` defined (Griatch)
- [Feature][issue3461]: Add `DefaultObject.filter_display_visible` helper method
to make it easier to customize object visibility rules. (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3446]: Use plural ('no apples') instead of singular ('no apple') in
`get_numbered_name` for better grammatical form (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3453]: Object aliases not showing in search multi-match
disambiguation display (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3455]: `sethelp/edit <topic>` without a `= text` created a `None`
entry that would lose the edit. (chiiziujin)
- [Fix][pull3456]: `format_grid` utility used for `help` command caused commands
to disappear for wider client widths (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3457]: Help topic categories with different case would appear as
duplicates (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3454]: Traceback in crafting contrib's `recipe.msg`
- [Fix][pull3459]: EvEditor line-echo compacted whitespace erroneously (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3463]: EvEditor :help described the :paste operation in the wrong
way (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3464]: EvEditor range:range specification didn't return correct
range (chiizujin)
- [Fix][issue3462]: EvEditor :UU and :DD etc commands were not properly
differentiating from their lower-case alternatives (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3460]: The `menu_login` contrib regression caused it to error out
when creating a new character (Griatch)
- Doc: Added Beginner Tutorial lessons for [Monster and NPC AI][docAI],
[Quests][docQuests] and [Making a Procedural dungeon][docDungeon] (Griatch)
- Doc fixes (Griatch, InspectorCaracal, homeofpoe)

[pull3421]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3421
[pull3446]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3446
[pull3453]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3453
[pull3455]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3455
[pull3456]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3456
[pull3457]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3457
[pull3458]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3458
[pull3454]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3454
[pull3459]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3459
[pull3463]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3463
[pull3464]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3464
[pull3466]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3466
[pull3467]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3467
[pull3433]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3433
[issue3450]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3450
[issue3462]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3462
[issue3460]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3460
[issue3461]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3461
[docAI]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Howtos/Beginner-Tutorial/Part3/Beginner-Tutorial-AI.html
[docQuests]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Howtos/Beginner-Tutorial/Part3/Beginner-Tutorial-Quests.html
[docDungeon]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Howtos/Beginner-Tutorial/Part3/Beginner-Tutorial-Dungeon.html


March 17, 2024

- Feature: Support Python 3.12 (Griatch). Currently supporting 3.10,3.11 and
3.12. Note that 3.10 support will be removed in a future release.
- Feature: Update `evennia[extra]` scipy dependency to 1.12 to support latest
Python. Note that this may change which (equivalent) path is being picked when
following an xyzgrid contrib pathfinding.
- Feature: *Backwards incompatible*: `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` now gets object's
name via `.get_display_name` for better compatibility with recog systems.
- Feature: *Backwards incompatible*: Removed the (dbref) display from
`DefaultObject.get_display_name`, instead using new `.get_extra_display_name_info`
method for getting this info. The Object's display template was extended for
optionally adding this information. This makes showing extra object info to
admins an explicit action and opens up `get_display_name` for general use.
- Feature: Add `ON_DEMAND_HANDLER.set_dt(key, category, dt)` and
`.set_stage(key, category, stage)` to allow manual tweaking of task timings,
for example for a spell speeding a plant's growth (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `ON_DEMAND_HANDLER.get_dt/stages(key,category, **kwargs)`, where
the kwargs are passed into any stage-callable defined with the stages. (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `use_assertequal` kwarg to the `EvenniaCommandTestMixin` testing
class; this uses django's `assertEqual` over the default more lenient checker,
which can be useful for testing table whitespace (Griatch)
- Feature: New `utils.group_objects_by_key_and_desc` for grouping a list of
objects based on the visible key and desc. Useful for inventory listings (Griatch)
- Feature: Add `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` `return_string` bool kwarg, for only
returning singular/plural based on count instead of a tuple with both (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3443] Removed the `reboot` alias to `reset` to not mislead people
into thinking you can do a portal+server reboot from in-game (you cannot) (Griatch)
- Fix: `DefaultObject.get_numbered_name` used `.name` instead of
`.get_display_name` which broke recog systems. May lead to object's dbref
will show for admins in some more places (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3420]: Refactor Clothing contrib's inventory command align with
Evennia core's version (michaelfaith84, Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3438]: Limiting search by tag didn't take search-string into
account (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue4311]: SSH connection caused a traceback in protocol (Griatch)
- Fix: Resolve a bug when loading on-demand-handler data from database (Griatch)
- Security: Potential O(n2) regex exploit in rpsystem regex (Griatch)
- Security: Fix potential redirect vulnerability in character page redirect (Griatch)
- Doc fixes (iLPdev, Griatch, CloudKeeper)

[pull3420]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3420
[issue3438]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3438
[issue3411]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3411
[issue3443]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3443


Not secure
Feb 25, 2024

- Feature: Add [`evennia.ON_DEMAND_HANDLER`][new-ondemandhandler] for making it
easier to implement changes that are calculated on-demand (Griatch)
- [Feature][pull3412]: Make it possible to add custom webclient css in
`webclient/css/custom.css`, same as for website (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3367]: [Component contrib][pull3367extra] got better
inheritance, slot names to choose attr storage, speedups and fixes (ChrisLR)
- Feature: Break up `DefaultObject.search` method into several helpers to make
it easier to override (Griatch)
- Fix: Resolve multimatch error with rpsystem contrib (Griatch)
- Fix: Remove `AMP_ENABLED` setting since it services no real purpose and
erroring out on setting it would make it even less useful (Griatch).
- Feature: Remove too-strict password restrictions for Evennia logins, using
django defaults instead for passwords with more varied characters.
- Fix `services` command with no args would traceback (regression) (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3423]: Fix wilderness contrib error moving to an already existing
wilderness room (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3425]: Don't always include example the crafting recipe when
using the crafting contrib (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3426]: Traceback banning a channel using with only one nick
- [Fix][pull3434]: Adjust lunr search weights to void clashing of cmd-aliases over
keys which caused some help entries to shadow others (InspectorCaracal)
- Fix: Make `menu/email_login` contribs honor `NEW_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_ENABLED`
setting (Griatch)
- Doc fixes (InspectorCaracal, Griatch)

[new-ondemandhandler]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Components/OnDemandHandler.html
[pull3412]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3412
[pull3423]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3423
[pull3425]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3425
[pull3426]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3426
[pull3434]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3434
[pull3367]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3367
[pull3367extra]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Contribs/Contrib-Components.html


Not secure
Jan 14, 2024

- [Fix][pull3398]: Fix to make e.g. `elvish"Hello"` work correctly in language rp
contrib (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3405]: Fix/update of Godot client contrib to support Godot4 and
latest Evennia portal changes (ChrisLR)
- Updated doc on wiki install (InspectorCaracal)
- Docstring fixes (bradleymarques, Griatch)
- Doc tutorial fixes (Griatch)

[pull3398]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3398
[pull3405]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3405


Not secure
Jan 8, 2024

- [Feature][pull3393]: EvMenu will only use one column of options in
screenreader mode (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3386]: Add VS code files to default gitignore (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3373]: Errors when using the default `create` command (InspectorCaracal).
- [Fix][pull3375]: `tunnel` command didn't work with custom prefix (chromancer).
- [Fix][pull3376]: Error when falling back to default cmdset fallback
- [Fix][pull3377]: `character_creator` updated with new chargen system refactor
in Evennia 3.0.0; fix issue not repspecting `START_LOCATION`
- [Fix][pull3378]: Default-add 'where' as a LUNR search exception, since it's a
common mud command that should not be ignored. (alephate)
- [Fix][pull3382]: Make sure global scripts start properly on restart
- [Fix][pull3394]: Fix time-of-day issue in ExpandedRoom contrib (jaborsh)
- Doc fixes (homeofpoe, gas-public-wooden-clean, InspectorCaracal, Griatch)

[pull3373]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3373
[pull3375]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3375
[pull3376]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3376
[pull3377]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3377
[pull3378]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3378
[pull3382]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3382
[pull3393]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3393
[pull3394]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3394
[pull3386]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3386


Not secure
Dec 20, 2023

- Dependency: Twisted 23.10 (<24) to address upstream CVE alert.
- Dependency (potentially Backwards incompatible): Django 4.2 (<4.3). Increases
minimum supported versions of MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL,
see [django release nodes][django-release-notes]
- [Feature][pull3313] (Backwards incompatible): `OptionHandler.set` now returns
`BaseOption` rather than its `.value`. Instead access `.value` or `.display()`
on this return for more control. (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3278]: (Backwards incompatible): Refactor home page into multiple sub-parts for easier
overriding and composition (johnnyvoruz)
- [Feature][pull3180]: (Potentially Backwards incompatible): Make build commands
easier to override, with new utility hooks (Volund)
- [Feature][issue3273]: Allow passing `text_kwargs` kwarg to `EvMore.msg` in order to expand
the outputfunc used for every evmore page.
- [Feature][pull3286]: Allow Discord bot to change user's nickname and assign
roles for a user on a given server (holl0wstar).
- [Feature][pull3301]: Make EvenniaAdminSite include custom models better; adds
- [Feature][pull3179]: Handling of the `.db._playable_characters` helper
methods. Also adds events hooks to modify effects when this list changes (Volund)
avoiding race conditions until server starts (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3281]: Add `$your()` and `$Your()` for actor stance emoting (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3177]: Add `Account.get_character_slots()`,
`.get_available_character_slots()`, `.check_available_slots` and
`at_post_create_character` methods to allow better customization of character creation (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3319]: Refactor/cleanup of Evennia server/portal startup files
into services for easier overriding (Volund)
- [Feature][issue3307]: Add support for Attribute-categories when using the monitorhandler
with input funcs to monitor Attribute changes.
- [Feature][pull3342]: Add `Command.cmdset_source`, referring to the cmdset each
command was originally pulled from (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3343]: Add `access_type` as optional kwarg to lockfuncs (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3344]: New middleware for checking IP/subnets from requests. New
tools `evennia.utils.match_ip` and `utils.ip_from_request` to help. (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3349]: Refactored almost all default commands to use
`Command.msg` over the `command.caller.msg` direct call (more flexible) (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3346]: Refactor cmdhandler to be more extensible; make cmd merge
a bit more deterministic (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3348]: Make Fallback AJAX web client more customizable (same as
the websocket client) (Volund)
- [Feature][pull3353]: Add unique id to each webclient instance, separates play
sessions run from the same browser. (InpsectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3365]: Make the rpsystem contrib's prefix (`/` by default)
configurable with a setting (used to be hard-coded) (InspectorCaracal)
- Fix (Backwards incompatible): Change `settings._TEST_ENVIRONMENT` to
`settings.TEST_ENVIRONMENT` to address issues during refactored startup sequence.
- [Fix][pull3347]: New `generate_default_locks()` method on typeclasses;
`.create` and `lockhandler.add()` will now properly handle emptry strings
- [Fix][pull3197]: Make sure Global scripts only start in one place,
- [Fix][pull3324]: Make account-post-login-fail signal fire properly. Add
`CUSTOM_SIGNAL` for adding one's own signals (Volund)
- [Fix][pull3267]: Missing recache step in ObjectSessionHandler (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3270]: Evennia is its own MSSP family now, so we should return that
instead of 'Custom' (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3274]: Traceback when creating objects with initial nattributes
- [Fix][issue3272]: Make sure `ScriptHandler.add` does not fail if passed an
instantiated script. (Volund)
- [Fix][pull3350]: `CmdHelp` was using the wrong protocol-key identifier when
routing to the ajax web client.
- [Fix][pull3338]: Resolve if/elif bug in XYZGrid contrib launch command
- [fix][issue3331]: Made XYZGrid query zcoords in a case-insensitive manner.
- [Fix][pull3322]: Fix `BaseOption.display` to always return a string.
- [Fix][pull3358]: Fix so Portal resets `server_restart_mode` flag when having
successfully reconnected to the Server after a restart. (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3359]: Fix gendersub contrib to use proper pronoun when referencing
other objects than oneself (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3361]: Fix of monitoring Attributes with categories (scyfris)
- Docs & docstrings: Lots of Typo and other fixes (iLPdev, InspectorCaracal, jaborsh,
HouseOfPoe, Griatch etc)
- Beginner tutorial: Cleanup and starting earlier with explaining how to add to
the default cmdsets (Griatch).

[pull3267]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3267
[pull3270]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3270
[pull3274]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3274
[pull3278]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3278
[pull3286]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3286
[pull3301]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3301
[pull3179]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3179
[pull3197]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3197
[pull3313]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3313
[pull3281]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3281
[pull3322]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3322
[pull3177]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3177
[pull3180]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3180
[pull3319]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3319
[pull3324]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3324
[pull3338]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3338
[pull3342]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3342
[pull3343]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3343
[pull3344]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3344
[pull3349]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3349
[pull3350]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3350
[pull3346]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3346
[pull3348]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3348
[pull3358]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3358
[pull3359]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3359
[pull3361]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3361
[pull3347]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3347
[pull3353]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3353
[pull3365]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3365
[issue3272]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3272
[issue3273]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3273
[issue3307]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3307
[issue3331]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3331

[django-release-notes]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/releases/4.2/#backwards-incompatible-changes-in-4-2

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