_Changed to using `main` branch to follow github standard. Old `master` branch remains
for now but will not be used anymore, so as to not break installs during transition._
Also changing to using semantic versioning with this version.
Increase requirements: Django 4.1+, Twisted 22.10+ Python 3.10, 3.11. PostgreSQL 11+.
- New `drop:holds()` lock default to limit dropping nonsensical things. Access check
defaults to True for backwards-compatibility in 0.9, will be False in 1.0
- REST API allows you external access to db objects through HTTP requests (Tehom)
- `Object.normalize_name` and `.validate_name` added to (by default) enforce latinify
on character name and avoid potential exploits using clever Unicode chars (trhr)
- New `utils.format_grid` for easily displaying long lists of items in a block.
- Using `lunr` search indexing for better `help` matching and suggestions. Also improve
the main help command's default listing output.
- Added `content_types` indexing to DefaultObject's ContentsHandler. (volund)
- Made most of the networking classes such as Protocols and the SessionHandlers
replaceable via `settings.py` for modding enthusiasts. (volund)
- The `initial_setup.py` file can now be substituted in `settings.py` to customize
initial game database state. (volund)
- Added new Traits contrib, converted and expanded from Ainneve project.
- Added new `requirements_extra.txt` file for easily getting all optional dependencies.
- Change default multi-match syntax from 1-obj, 2-obj to obj-1, obj-2.
- Make `object.search` support 'stacks=0' keyword - if ``>0``, the method will return
N identical matches instead of triggering a multi-match error.
- Add `tags.has()` method for checking if an object has a tag or tags (PR by ChrisLR)
- Make IP throttle use Django-based cache system for optional persistence (PR by strikaco)
- Renamed Tutorial classes "Weapon" and "WeaponRack" to "TutorialWeapon" and
"TutorialWeaponRack" to prevent collisions with classes in mygame
- New `crafting` contrib, adding a full crafting subsystem (Griatch 2020)
- The `rplanguage` contrib now auto-capitalizes sentences and retains ellipsis (...). This
change means that proper nouns at the start of sentences will not be treated as nouns.
- Make MuxCommand `lhs/rhslist` always be lists, also if empty (used to be the empty string)
- Fix typo in UnixCommand contrib, where `help` was given as `--hel`.
- Latin (la) i18n translation (jamalainm)
- Made the `evennia` dir possible to use without gamedir for purpose of doc generation.
- Make Scripts' timer component independent from script object deletion; can now start/stop
timer without deleting Script. The `.persistent` flag now only controls if timer survives
reload - Script has to be removed with `.delete()` like other typeclassed entities.
- Add `utils.repeat` and `utils.unrepeat` as shortcuts to TickerHandler add/remove, similar
to how `utils.delay` is a shortcut for TaskHandler add.
- Refactor the classic `red_button` example to use `utils.delay/repeat` and modern recommended
code style and paradigms instead of relying on `Scripts` for everything.
- Expand `CommandTest` with ability to check multiple message-receivers; inspired by PR by
user davewiththenicehat. Also add new doc string.
- Add central `FuncParser` as a much more powerful replacement for the old `parse_inlinefunc`
- Attribute/NAttribute got a homogenous representation, using intefaces, both
`AttributeHandler` and `NAttributeHandler` has same api now.
- Add `evennia/utils/verb_conjugation` for automatic verb conjugation (English only). This
is useful for implementing actor-stance emoting for sending a string to different targets.
- New version of Italian translation (rpolve)
- `utils.evmenu.ask_yes_no` is a helper function that makes it easy to ask a yes/no question
to the user and respond to their input. This complements the existing `get_input` helper.
- Allow sending messages with `page/tell` without a `=` if target name contains no spaces.
- New FileHelpStorage system allows adding help entries via external files.
- `sethelp` command now warns if shadowing other help-types when creating a new
- Help command now uses `view` lock to determine if cmd/entry shows in index and
`read` lock to determine if it can be read. It used to be `view` in the role
of the latter. Migration swaps these around.
- In modules given by `settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES`, spawner will now first look for a global
list `PROTOTYPE_LIST` of dicts before loading all dicts in the module as prototypes.
- New Channel-System using the `channel` command and nicks. Removed the `ChannelHandler` and the
concept of a dynamically created `ChannelCmdSet`.
- Add `Msg.db_receiver_external` field to allowe external, string-id message-receivers.
- Renamed `app.css` to `website.css` for consistency. Removed old prosimii-css files.
- Remove `mygame/web/static_overrides` and -`template_overrides`, reorganize website/admin/client/api
into a more consistent structure for overriding. Expanded webpage documentation considerably.
- REST API list-view was shortened (2401). New CSS/HTML. Add ReDoc for API autodoc page.
- Update and fix dummyrunner with cleaner code and setup.
- Made `iter_to_str` format prettier strings, using Oxford comma.
- Added an MXP anchor tag to also support clickable web links.
- New `tasks` command for managing tasks started with `utils.delay` (PR by davewiththenicehat)
- Make `help` index output clickable for webclient/clients with MXP (PR by davewiththenicehat)
- Custom `evennia` launcher commands (e.g. `evennia mycmd foo bar`). Add new commands as callables
accepting `*args`, as `settings.EXTRA_LAUNCHER_COMMANDS = {'mycmd': 'path.to.callable', ...}`.
- New `XYZGrid` contrib, adding x,y,z grid coordinates with in-game map and
pathfinding. Controlled outside of the game via custom evennia launcher command.
- `Script.delete` has new kwarg `stop_task=True`, that can be used to avoid
infinite recursion when wanting to set up Script to delete-on-stop.
- Command executions now done on copies to make sure `yield` don't cause crossovers. Add
`Command.retain_instance` flag for reusing the same command instance.
- The `typeclass` command will now correctly search the correct database-table for the target
obj (avoids mistakenly assigning an AccountDB-typeclass to a Character etc).
- Merged `script` and `scripts` commands into one, for both managing global- and
on-object Scripts. Moved `CmdScripts` and `CmdObjects` to `commands/default/building.py`.
- Keep GMCP function case if outputfunc starts with capital letter (so `cmd_name` -> `Cmd.Name`
but `Cmd_nAmE` -> `Cmd.nAmE`). This helps e.g Mudlet's legacy `Client_GUI` implementation)
- Prototypes now allow setting `prototype_parent` directly to a prototype-dict.
This makes it easier when dynamically building in-module prototypes.
- `RPSystem contrib` was expanded to support case, so /tall becomes 'tall man'
while /Tall becomes 'Tall man'. One can turn this off if wanting the old style.
- Change `EvTable` fixed-height rebalance algorithm to fill with empty lines at end of
column instead of inserting rows based on cell-size (could be mistaken for a bug).
- Split `return_appearance` hook with helper methods and have it use a template
string in order to make it easier to override.
- Add validation question to default account creation.
- Add `LOCALECHO` client option to add server-side echo for clients that does
not support this (useful for getting a complete log).
- Make `lazy_property` decorator create read/delete-protected properties. This is
because it's used for handlers, and e.g. self.locks=[] is a common beginner mistake.
- Add `$pron()` inlinefunc for pronoun parsing in actor-stance strings using
- Update defauklt website to show Telnet/SSL/SSH connect info. Added new
`SERVER_HOSTNAME` setting for use in the server:port stanza.
- Changed all `at_before/after_*` hooks to `at_pre/post_*` for consistency
across Evennia (the old names still work but are deprecated)
- Change `settings.COMMAND_DEFAULT_ARG_REGEX` default from `None` to a regex meaning that
a space or `/` must separate the cmdname and args. This better fits common expectations.
- Add confirmation question to `ban`/`unban` commands.
- Check new `teleport` and `teleport_here` lock-types in `teleport` command to optionally
allow to limit teleportation of an object or to a specific destination.
- Add `settings.MXP_ENABLED=True` and `settings.MXP_OUTGOING_ONLY=True` as sane defaults,
to avoid known security issues with players entering MXP links.
- Add browser name to webclient `CLIENT_NAME` in `session.protocol_flags`, e.g.
`"Evennia webclient (websocket:firefox)"` or `"evennia webclient (ajax:chrome)"`.
- `TagHandler.add/has(tag=...)` kwarg changed to `add/has(key=...)` for consistency
with other handlers.
- Make `DefaultScript.delete`, `DefaultChannel.delete` and `DefaultAccount.delete` return
bool True/False if deletion was successful (like `DefaultObject.delete` before them)
- `contrib.custom_gametime` days/weeks/months now always starts from 1 (to match
the standard calendar form ... there is no month 0 every year after all).
- `AttributeProperty`/`NAttributeProperty` to allow managing Attributes/NAttributes
on typeclasses in the same way as Django fields.
- Give build/system commands a `name` to fall back to if the non- name is used
by another command (like `open` and `open`. If no duplicate, is optional.
- Move legacy channel-management commands (`ccreate`, `addcom` etc) to a contrib
since their work is now fully handled by the single `channel` command.
- Expand `examine` command's code to much more extensible and modular. Show
attribute categories and value types (when not strings).
- `AttributeHandler.remove(key, return_exception=False, category=None, ...)` changed
to `.remove(key, category=None, return_exception=False, ...)` for consistency.
- New `command cooldown` contrib for making it easier to manage commands using
dynamic cooldowns between uses (owllex)
- Restructured `contrib/` folder, placing all contribs as separate packages under
subfolders. All imports will need to be updated.
- Made `MonitorHandler.add/remove` support `category` for monitoring Attributes
with a category (before only key was used, ignoring category entirely).
- Move `create_*` functions into db managers, leaving `utils.create` only being
wrapper functions (consistent with `utils.search`). No change of api otherwise.
- Add support for `$dbref()` and `$search` when assigning an Attribute value
with the `set` command. This allows assigning real objects from in-game.
- Add ability to examine `/script` and `/channel` entities with `examine` command.
- Homogenize manager search methods to return querysets and not lists.
- Restructure unit tests to always honor default settings; make new parents in
on location for easy use in game dir.
- The `Lunr` search engine used by help excludes common words; the settings-list
`LUNR_STOP_WORD_FILTER_EXCEPTIONS` can be extended to make sure common names are included.
- Add `.deserialize()` method to `_Saver*` structures to help completely
decouple structures from database without needing separate import.
- Add `run_in_main_thread` as a helper for those wanting to code server code
from a web view.
- Update `evennia.utils.logger` to use Twisted's new logging API. No change in Evennia API
except more standard aliases logger.error/info/exception/debug etc can now be used.
- Have `type/force` default to `update`-mode rather than `reset`mode and add more verbose
warning when using reset mode.
- Attribute storage support defaultdics (Hendher)
- Add ObjectParent mixin to default game folder template as an easy, ready-made
way to override features on all ObjectDB-inheriting objects easily.
source location, mimicking behavior of `at_pre_move` hook - returning False will abort move.
- Add `TagProperty`, `AliasProperty` and `PermissionProperty` to assign these
data in a similar way to django fields.
- New `at_pre_object_receive(obj, source_location)` method on Objects. Called on
destination, mimicking behavior of `at_pre_move` hook - returning False will abort move.
- New `at_pre_object_leave(obj, destination)` method on Objects. Called on
- The db pickle-serializer now checks for methods `__serialize_dbobjs__` and `__deserialize_dbobjs__`
to allow custom packing/unpacking of nested dbobjs, to allow storing in Attribute.
- Optimizations to rpsystem contrib performance. Breaking change: `.get_sdesc()` will
now return `None` instead of `.db.desc` if no sdesc is set; fallback in hook (inspectorCaracal)
- Reworked text2html parser to avoid problems with stateful color tags (inspectorCaracal)
- Simplified `EvMenu.options_formatter` hook to use `EvColumn` and f-strings (inspectorcaracal)
- Allow ` CODE`, ` HEADER` etc as well as `CODE`/`HEADER` in batchcode
files - this works better with black linting.
- Added `move_type` str kwarg to `move_to()` calls, optionally identifying the type of
move being done ('teleport', 'disembark', 'give' etc). (volund)
- Made RPSystem contrib msg calls pass `pose` or `say` as msg-`type` for use in
e.g. webclient pane filtering where desired. (volund)
- Added `Account.uses_screenreader(session=None)` as a quick shortcut for
finding if a user uses a screenreader (and adjust display accordingly).
- Fixed bug in `cmdset.remove()` where a command could not be deleted by `key`,
even though doc suggested one could (ChrisLR)
- New contrib `name_generator` for building random real-world based or fantasy-names
based on phonetic rules.
- Enable proper serialization of dict subclasses in Attributes (aogier)
- `object.search` fuzzy-matching now uses `icontains` instead of `istartswith`
to better match how search works elsewhere (volund)
- The `.at_traverse` hook now receives a `exit_obj` kwarg, linking back to the
exit triggering the hook (volund)
- Contrib `buffs` for managing temporary and permanent RPG status buffs effects (tegiminis)
- New `at_server_init()` hook called before all other startup hooks for all
startup modes. Used for more generic overriding (volund)
- New `search` lock type used to completely hide an object from being found by
the `DefaultObject.search` (`caller.search`) method. (CloudKeeper)
- Change setting `MULTISESSION_MODE` to now only control sessions, not how many
characters can be puppeted simultaneously. New settings now control that.
- Add new setting `AUTO_CREATE_CHARACTER_WITH_ACCOUNT`, a boolean deciding if
the new account should also get a matching character (legacy MUD style).
- Add new setting `AUTO_PUPPET_ON_LOGIN`, boolean deciding if one should
automatically puppet the last/available character on connection (legacy MUD style)
- Add new setting `MAX_NR_SIMULTANEUS_PUPPETS` - how many puppets the account
can run at the same time. Used to limit multi-playing.
- Make setting `MAX_NR_CHARACTERS` interact better with the new settings above.
- Allow `$search` funcparser func to search tags and to accept kwargs for more
powerful searches passed into the regular search functions.
- `spawner.spawn` and linked methods now has a kwarg `protfunc_raise_errors`
(default True) to disable strict errors on malformed/not-found protfuncs
- Improve search performance when having many DB-based prototypes via caching.
- Remove the `return_parents` kwarg of `evennia.prototypes.spawner.spawn` since it
was inefficient and unused.
- Made all id fields BigAutoField for all databases. (owllex)
- `EvForm` refactored. New `literals` mapping, for literal mappings into the
main template (e.g. for single-character replacements).
- `EvForm` `cells` kwarg now accepts `EvCells` with custom formatting options
(mainly for custom align/valign). `EvCells` now makes use of `utils.justify`.
- `utils.justify` now supports `align="a"` (absolute alignments. This keeps
the given left indent but crops/fills to the width. Used in EvCells.
- `EvTable` now supports passing `EvColumn`s as a list directly, (`EvTable(table=[colA,colB])`)
- Add `tags=` search criterion to `DefaultObject.search`.
- Add `AT_EXIT_TRAVERSE` signal, firing when an exit is traversed.
- Add integration between Evennia and Discord channels (PR by Inspector Cararacal)
- Support for using a Godot-powered client with Evennia (PR by ChrisLR)
- Added German translation (patch by Zhuraj)