June 10, 2023
- **Possible backwards incompatibility**: Updated contrib `ExtendedRoom` now
supports arbitrary room-states, state-based descriptions, embedded funcparser
tags, details and random messages. While this feature is made to be as
backwards-compatible as possible, so many people depend on this contrib class
that we are updating the major Evennia version to indicate the big changes.
- New Contrib: `Container` typeclass with new commands for storing and retrieving
things inside them (InspectorCaracal)
- Feature: Add `TagCategoryProperty` for setting categories with multiple tags
as properties directly on objects. Complements `TagProperty`.
- Feature: Attribute-support for saving/loading `deques` with `maxlen=` set.
- Feature: Refactor to provide `evennia.SESSION_HANDLER` for easier overloading
and less risks of circular import problems (Volund)
- Fix: Allow webclient's goldenlayout UI (default) to understand `msg`
`cls` kwarg for customizing the CSS class for every resulting `div` (friarzen)
- Fix: The `AttributeHandler.all()` now actually accepts `category=` as
keyword arg, like our docs already claimed it should (Volund)
- Fix: `TickerHandler` store key updating was refactored, fixing an issue with
updating intervals (InspectorCaracal)
- Docs: Removed warning about Python3.11 on Windows; upstream Twistd now
supports 3.11 on Windows.
- Docs: New Beginner-Tutorial lessons for NPCs, Base-Combat Twitch-Combat and
Turnbased-combat (note that the Beginner tutorial is still WIP).
- Stabilize how to make the major update in the docs.
- Fix: A lot of other minor bug fixes.