
Latest version: v22.3.0

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Date: 10/08/2019
What's new
1. (major) Full support for python3 on server side and test framework
2. (minor) Some codes cleanup
3. (minor) Timeshift feature removed from test framework
4. (minor) Backups folder removed from var, no more needed
5. (major) Windows support for server side execution
6. (medium) Rest api: /results/compress/zip removed
7. (medium) Test snippets updated, some dependencies removed
8. (major) ExchangeData (json/xml) plugin no more needed
9. (major) Merge test interop in sut adapters
10. (minor) Test repositories library removed from test executor
11. (major) Reorganization of the project files with new python import
12. (major) New distribution of the server on pypi
13. (medium) Reload installed adapter from command line (--reload)
14. (major) New distribution for plugins server on pypi
15. (major) New docker image with python3
Issues Fixed
1. (minor) fix snippets UI, agent keyword always used
2. (minor) fix documentations on command usage to start the server
3. (minor) fix unable to reload task properly on server start


Date: 20/07/2019
What's new
1. (medium) merge build forder inside the core to be more easy to make integration of the solution
2. (minor) build: deletion of the cleanup script, not really useful (use build.sh instead)
3. (minor) activate Access-Control-Allow-Origin on reverse proxy
4. (major) no more mysql database usage, replaced by sqlite3
5. (minor) remove ifconfig command usage
6. (major) no more all adapters and libraries plugins embedded by defaut (performance improvement)
7. (major) new adapters and libraries packages version
8. (major) new method of user identification in rest api, only for reverse proxy mode usage
9. (medium) no more checking if the web server is available before to start the core server
10. (medium) update on tree files in server side to support docker mode
11. (major) new method to authenticate user and prepare to support next auth type
12. (medium) no more embedded third party tools plugins by default
13. (medum) Rest API: support CORS security
14. (major) clients/agents deployment from server removed
15. (minor) automatic default folders created in Var
16. (major) automatic backup of tests and adapters removed, prefer to use git/svn to do that
17. (major) remove sut adapters/libraries versionning, prefer to use git/svn to do that
18. (minor) new functions on startup script
19. (major) automatic installation of the product no more provided
20. (major) no more plugins embedded by default
21. (major) new command to install plugins
22. (major) New majors tests snippets
23. (major) Threading activated on rest api
24. (major) Probes features removed from the product, prefer to use agent
25. (medium) New default users on database
26. (major) Somes features removed (snapshot, test statistics)
27. (medium) outputs feature in test file removed
28. (major) merge between adapters and libraries
29. (major) test framework: reduce cpu on received function in adapter
30. (minor) continue python3 support and windows platform
31. (major) new docker image available!!
Issues Fixed
1. (minor) python library psycopg2_binary updated to removed error in logs
2. (medium) fix missing catch exception when global variable is missing
3. (medium) installation: pip command not found on system (issue 20)
4. (minor) installation: disable gpg key checking for yum installation
5. (medium) fix issue 22 - unable to build test designs in version 19
6. (major) fix issue 21 - error executing test plan with REST interface
7. (minor) prevent sql injection in rest api (projects, variables and users parts)
8. (medium) rest api: return project granted in users listing method
9. (major) rest api: fix error to add user from rest api, bad level
10 (medium) fix issue on testsuite: unable to get data from cache on test init


Date: 05/08/2018
What's new
1. (major) test model - change the way to access to the adapters and libraries
2. (major) new major of generic sut adapters and libraries
3. (medium) support generic adapters or libraries on build online documentations
4. (medium) code update to support python3.5 on core, test library, sut libraries and adapters
5. (minor) no more add sql queries in debug mode in logs, VERBOSE mode can be activated
6. (minor) python traceback added on documentation generation for adapters and libraries
7. (minor) repository manager updated to ignore __pycache__ folders present in python3
8. (medium) test model: access data from any level for custom parameter (pull request 7)
9. (medium) check syntax: parent testname added in error message, useful for test global
10. (major) test files model updated to support xml format as default, no more zlib (backward compatibility)
11. (minor) rest api: code cleanup to be more respectful of python language and code factory
12. (medium) rest api: update location and rename/move test path in test plan/global (pull request 8)
13. (minor) new python ansible library embedded by default
14. (minor) PyYAML library installed by default, to support the new ansible adapter
15. (major) embedded python libraries updated and drop support of python 2.6
16. (minor) new chef interop module
17. (minor) small improvments in cron scripts
18. (minor) web: new feature to add security banner on the login page of the web interface
19. (minor) rest api: some update in the swagger api documentation
20. (medium) rest api: improvment in administration user part
21. (medium) web server: update to use the rest api on user part
22. (minor) ignore __pycache__ during build of adapters and libraries packages
23. (major) new cache memory for users and relations, optimization to reduce the number of queries in db
24. (major) new cache memory for projects, optimization to reduce the number of queries in db
25. (minor) rest api: update parameters on search variable by name or id
26. (minor) web server: pretty json print called automatically on test variable load
27. (major) web server: update to use the rest api on test variables part
28. (major) new cache memory for test variables, sql queries decreased
29. (minor) code splitted in testmodel file to be more readable
30. (medium) rest api: update adapters/Libs version for multiple entities (pull request 18)
31. (major) new code source files tree organization, to be more clear
32. (medium) rest api: integration of the find test usage feature (pull request 18)
33. (medium) test interop: extensivetesting plugin renamed to extensiveautomation
34. (major) product renamed to extensive automation
35. (minor) new basic scenarios in snippets part
36. (medium) test library: new custom json test properties
37. (major) all file models updated to support the new "scope" attribute in test parameters
38. (major) test library: new feature to save in the cache all parameters with the scope equals to cache
39. (medium) build: new curl package embedded by default
40. (minor) nodejs v6 removed from package
41. (minor) code factory in adapters; new functions to check agent and timeout for adapter in test library
42. (major) test library: shared test parameter renamed to global
43. (major) test library/test model: important improvement of the custom json parameter
44. (medium) docker support (pull request 19)
45. (major) new client 19.0.0
46. (major) new toolbox 14.0.0
47. (major) client no more embbeded by default in the server
Issues Fixed
1. (minor) fix typo error in logs messages
2. (medium) fix regression, unable to generate test design with test global only
3. (minor) test interop vsphere: error during clone virtual machine issue 11
4. (medium) check syntax in testplan/testglobal: fix regression test name missing in error messages
5. (medium) fix regression: unable to check syntax of a test global
6. (minor) password update from web server, fix PHP Warning expects string parameter, object given
7. (medium) rest api: fix update password ressource, missing sha1 procedure
8. (medium) web server: unable to display test report in test results part
9. (minor) test executor: fix issue 13 - getSize function missing on template message
10. (medium) test library: fix encoding in test operators
11. (minor) test creator: fix issue on capture regex
12. (minor) fix copyright in test report
13. (major) Fix installation process, integration of the pip command
14. (medium) Rest API: unable to update user with minimal parameters


Date: 11/02/2018
What's new
1. (minor) test library: change open source project url in test report header
2. (major) toolboxes windows and linux no more embedded in the package
3. (medium) no more default agent and probe running on server side
4. (medium) no more toolbox deployed on boot server
5. (medium) build: update of the python selenium library with version 3.9.0
6. (minor) remove deprecated python modules: commands, compiler
7. (major) rest api: /rest/results/* updated to support replay id, new type of reports and more
8. (major) test library: task uuid added in test logger xml events
9. (major) rest api: /rest/tasks/* updated with news functions
10. (major) rest api: /rest/tests/* updated with news functions
11. (major) XmlRPC API no more available, client update not possible from 17.1 to the new version
12. (major) no more dependencies with python-twisted libraries
13. (minor) licence feature removed from the product, code simplification
14. (major) Web server: no more support php 5.1
15. (major) Web server: xmlrpc api no more used
16. (minor) Test Interop: new function to search a project by name
17. (major) Test Interop: update runTest, [add|Update]Variable function to the support the new rest api
18. (minor) xtcpyrc-3.0.tar.gz removed from the project, no more development on it
19. (minor) code cleanup to support python 3.5 and more in future
20. (major) rest api: no more return base64 and compressed data en response
21. (medium) test interop: new functions in quality center plugin
22. (major) cleanup on default users, new monitor user with read only access
23. (major) New major client 18.0.0 embedded
24. (medium) Web server: change on add user page, no more options for access rights
25. (medium) New set of sut adapters 12.0.0
26. (minor) New tests samples
27. (minor) test library: support float with comma in test properties
28. (minor) New set of sut librairies 8.1.0
29. (major) Scheduler - modification of id for all run type
Issues Fixed
1. (minor) test library: undefined variable in virtualRun function - issue 1
2. (minor) unable to reset libraries and adapters repositories
3. (minor) unable to import test abstract, extension not authorized
4. (minor) test library: fix bad test basic report with test abstract in testplan
5. (minor) test library: fix encoding in info messages in test report
6. (medium) web server: unable to link project to user - issue 4
7. (major) fix pysnmp error import 'module' object has no attribute 'noValue'


Date: 22/10/2017
What's new
1. (medium) New script to generate api key for user
2. (medium) Rest API: return None instead of undefined when the test result is not yet available
3. (major) Build: new nodejs v6.11 embedded by default
4. (medium) New email interop library
5. (medium) Build: new sut adapters 11.1.0
6. (major) Build: executable client, toolboxes and plugins are no more embedded by default, can be always added manually
7. (medium) Build: new client 12.1.0
8. (medium) Task Manager: new function to send test report in attachment
9. (minor) Web server: display download links only if additionals packages exists in server
10. (minor) Web server: alphabetical ordered for all users and projects list
11. (minor) Build: some improvements in default snippets (run_cmd,...)
12. (major) Test Library: new feature to save cache data in memory instead of a file
13. (minor) Test Library: new function to get previous step from a testcase
14. (medium) Cli: new state to indicate when the server is booting or not
15. (minor) Rest API: /results/status updated to return the progress of the execution in percent
16. (minor) Test Library: add wait message in the basic report
17. (medium) Test Library: new json test properties
18. (major) New function to terminate or interrupt a test or a testcase
Issues Fixed
1. (minor) Test Model: fix bad generic adapters/libraries version in loading modules event
2. (minor) Repo Archives: no more log an error when the test result is not found in repository
3. (minor) Task Manager: fix issue to enable to receive basic report by email
4. (medium) Test Library/TestModel: bad test executed on fail condition, only for testplan/testglobal
5. (minor) Test Library: wrong reference name for TestOperatorsLib in line 4456 - Issue 3
6. (minor) Test Library: Condition and Label methods of TestCase class missing in help - Issue 4
7. (minor) Test Library: fix error in test logger xml, bad variable name


Date: 04/06/2017
What's new
1. (medium) Test Library: new feature to stop a testplan/testglobal before the end
2. (minor) Test Model: update to support the new feature to force to stop a test
3. (medium) Build: new embedded python libraries (jsonpath-ng)
4. (medium) Test Library: change to support tuple object on prepare layer function
5. (medium) New snippets to send REST and SOAP requests with jsonpath/xpath and regular expressions
6. (medium) New major adapters 11.0.0
7. (medium) New major libraries 8.0.0
8. (minor) Update and new tests samples
9. (major) New major toolbox 12.0.0
10. (minor) Web server: xmlrpc api marked as deprecated
11. (minor) Build: update to support selenium 3.4.2
12. (minor) Web server: more informations added on 'are you sure' warning before to do a deletion
13. (minor) Web server: new cancel button on the edition page of a project variable
14. (medium) Test Model: support the not condition on testplan preparation
15. (major) New major client 17.0.0
16. (medium) New version of the testplan file model (new parent-condition and control fields)
17. (minor) Test Library: new function to get all the content in the cache
18. (major) Repo tests: check if all tests files exists inside a testplan or testglobal before to open-it
19. (minor) Test library: new feature to keep data in the cache even with a reset
20. (minor) Web server: truncate long string value on variable projects
21. (medium) Test Interop: new function to search/update variable in a extensivetesting instance
22. (major) Build: new pyte 0.6.0 library to support special character in ssh stream
23. (major) Rest API: return json on search/listing variables functions and support json on add/update
24. (minor) Web server: new feature to print pretty json on project variables
25. (medium) Web server: all old stuffs like documentations are removed
26. (major) Test repository: new folders reserved (recycle and sandbox) - delete, remane and more actions denied
27. (major) Documentation builder: new wrapt python library added and code factory
28. (major) Test Library: new public decorator for documentation
29. (minor) Test Library: code factory in adapters and libraries files and add support of the new public decorator
30. (minor) Rest API: new option to get the basic html report on /results/report/html ressource
31. (major) Rest API: New swagger, yaml and online documentation
32. (minor) Test Library: new functions to add folder, save and get file in the public area
33. (medium) Default database samples updated
34. (medium) Test Library: step result added on basic test report
35. (major) Test Library: improvement to compute the final verdict of a testcase
36. (major) Test Library: errors and logs messages can be added on basic test report
37. (medium) Update of all test models to support the configurable timeout parameter
38. (minor) New script to convert a test in xml format
39. (medium) Python xml library: updated to support huge tree and content
40. (medium) Test result: support xml huge tree and content
41. (minor) New script to generate default certificate with sha256 signature and alternate name
42. (minor) Test library: string protecton added on step result definition
43. (major) XmlRPC API: Win32 client and toolbox are deprecated on automatic process feature
44. (major) Web server: update in download page to get the 64-bit client and toolbox
45. (medium) New embedded 64-bit plugins for toolbox and client
46. (medium) Test interop: new public function to add variable in the remote instance
47. (medium) New column in user table to handle apikey id and secret
Issues Fixed
1. (medium) Build: fix old pyasn1 version before to install the new one
2. (minor) Web server: project variables - bad redirection page on duplicate action
3. (minor) Web server: project variables - add flag to avoid bad incorrect scrolling on expand action
4. (medium) Unable to reload configuration from cli, signal import missing
5. (medium) Rest API: unable to update a variable from rest api with projectid as argument
6. (medium) Test Library: fix bad encoding in test operator
7. (minor) Test Library: fix bad test result when some steps are failed and other undefined
8. (minor) Archives repository: return empty list with get comments function, in all errors cases
9. (minor) Test Library: remove bad error message on compare template
10. (minor) Fix bad link to the shell recorder from the web download page
11. (medium) Regression - unable to use the generate command from xtctl cli

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