Date: 09/06/2012
What's new
1. TestLibrary: new types validators: string, integer, float, date, time and datetime (Enhancement 76)
2. Test Library: new font parameter on xml logger
3. TaskManager: tests are prepared firstly in the temp environment before the real run
4. New backups storage
5. Microsecond support on test result folder name to avoid overwrite
6. DbManager: sql query escaped and return the last id on insert data
7. Database type and version added on context
8. Database status check on boot with timeout support
9. Web server status check on boot with timeout support
10. Logger changed to the version 1.0.2
11. Scheduler changed to 3.0.0 version
12. TaskManager: recursivity full support, new table in db
13. Web Services: new rescheduleTest function for admin and tester
14. Web Services: new refreshRunningProbes function for admin and tester
15. New config key to enable/disable debug logs on running tests
16. Test Statistics improved with execution time, number of tp and ts by day week and month; two new tables in db
17. New config key to enable/disable users notification on statistic, archives update
18. Statistics users notification disabled by default
19. Web Services: new refreshTestsStats function for admin and tester
20. New default users: developer and manager
21. RepoManager: code review and improvements
22. Remote repository for adapters
23. New test result model (trx file), no backward compatibility
24. Web Services: addComment, loadComments, delComments functions for archives and admin/tester user
25. Network layer library changed to 1.2.0 version
26. EventServerInterface: new notify functions by users type
27. New public folders for tests and adapters backups
28. Web Services: new functions backupRepo, deleteBackupsRepo for admin and some factory code
29. UserManager: support user creation with multiple rights
30. Web Services: new functions refreshUsers for admin and manager
31. Test Library: new library for operators and validators
Issues fixed
1. Can't connect to local MySQL server (Issue 92)
2. Failed to add new user (Issue 95)
3. The deletion of his own user account is now denied
4. Incorrect tac version in index.php (Issue 93)
5. Server refused to start "web server not ready" (Issue 101)