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Date: 10/03/2013
What's new
1. Web server: help administration updated
2. Web server: title added on overview page
3. Web server: global tests statistics
4. Web server: user tests statistics
5. Privileges update: manager can export test verdict, add/remove comments to archives
6. Web Services: refreshTestsStats functions deprecated and removed
7. New startup script to support CentOS 6, Red Hat 5 and 6
8. Apache: virtual host configuration embedded, with certificates
9. New packaging with install and uninstall scripts
10. Task Manager: updated to support a number of run
11. Iptables rules embedded with script of installation
12. Start server script improved
13. Default probes to start updated to support the probe of type "command"
14. Task Manager: updated to return the current number of run with waiting tasks
Issues fixed
1. Web server: fix syntax error in help overview/about page
2. Add a missing check with openssl binary
3. Warning message: sha module no more used with python greater to 2.5
4. Fix incorrect default ip in config file
5. Server web not ready, incorrect url and port to support ssl


Date: 30/01/2013
What's new
1. Local adapters directory removed (no backward compatibility)
2. Test system logging added to debug
3. Test Library: steps definition, new start function
4. User time connection reduced by four
5. Test Library: new function to initialize network socket
6. Test Library: support "tas-eth" parameter on get function
7. Test Library: new mac address validator
8. Test Library: new ipv4 address validator
9. Test Library: new update key and name function for templatelayer
10. Test Library: new getInt function on templatemessage and templatelayer
11. Test Library: new restart function on timer
12. Test Library: testsuites manager updated to support csv test result export
13. Test Model, Task Manager and Archives Manager: updated to support csv test result export
14. Web Services: new exportTestResultCsv function for admin and tester
15. User Manager: new authentication with salt and sha1 algorithm
16. Database model for users updated (no backward compatibility)
17. New dynamic configuration in database
18. New web server with some nice features on port 8082 with ssl
19. New feature to add, delete, update and disable user account
20. Backup paths removed from the context
21. Web Services: addUser/delUser/refreshUsers functions are deprecated and removed
22. User manager: new statistics
23. New licence model
24. User and stats manager: code cleanup
25. Web server: new user profile
26. Receive emails notifications on specific test result verdict or task states
27. Tests repository manager updated to support test data files
28. Libs updated: new files models
29. Test Library: tas-ip and tas-mac parameters updated, interface name added
30. Test Library: new dataset parameter (Enhancement 54)
31. Automatic backup for all repositories
32. Network layer library updated to 1.4.0 version
33. Network parameters (keepalive) is now configurable in tas.ini
34. Test Library: Network parameters are now configurable in test.ini
35. Test Library: user assistance (Enhancement 55)
36. Test Library: no more use the class Parameters, removed from helper
37. Scheduler changed to 3.1.0 version
Issues fixed
1. Help manager: return incorrect value on error
2. Doc generator: minor fix
3. Fix incorrect statistics for adapters and libraries repositories
4. Task backup missing on test replay
5. Test Library: getParameters function missing
6. Web services: fix error on killTask when the task does not exist
7. No auto update for client 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 (Issue 115)
8. Xmlrpc fault can't serialize output (Issue 104)
9. Test Library: test blocked, fix internal cleanup
10. Task Manager: debugging mode improved
11. Probes deployment failed (Issue 117)
12. Test Library: fix getevent function on templatemessage
13. Test Library: failed to add comments on testplan, variable referenced before assignment
14. Probre Manager: fix incorrect bind ip to start probe
15. Bad link to download tac client (Issue 114)
16. No error returned when the task manager failed to fork a test
17. ParseTest: fix undefined variable te
18. Stats Manager: incorrect avg on duration (Issue 112)


Date: 29/09/2012
What's new
1. Test Library: support "tas-ip" and "tas-mac" parameters on get function
2. Test Library: str description added on template object
3. Web Services: new moveFileRepo function for admin, tester and developer users.
4. New configuration keys for modules tsi, wsu, psi and esi to bind on specific ip
5. Web Services: new refreshContextServer, refreshTasks functions for admin and tester
6. Server date added on the context of connection
7. Automatic deployment of the probes package on boot
8. Check update client function improved
9. Test Library: support italic font on display functions
10. Test Library: steps definition improved
11. TaskManager: new schedulation type weekly added
12. RepoManager: more metadata added on listing function
13. Test Library: get value by the key with case sensitive option
14. TestModel: factory code and improvements
15. New adapters storage data
16. Test Library: storing misc data function
17. New libraries repository for adapters
18. Test Library: test definition format changed, new abort function
19. Test Library: template layer updated to add raw data
20. TestLogger: timer term replaced by match
21. TestLogger: text events color is now configurable
22. Test Library: Timers and state manager support
23. Improvement: helper documentations are compressed before sending
24. Improvement: releases notes are compressed before sending
Issues fixed
1. Fix bad parsing during the discovery of all network interfaces (support french system)
2. Test Library: fix incorrect documentations with step definition
3. Repository Adapter: incorrect deny to rename file
4. Doc generator: fix to support function without arguments


Date: 14/07/2012
What's new
1. New config file to start default probes
2. Web Services: new addProbe, delProbe functions for admin and tester
3: Licence support with probes
4. Web Services: new addAdapterRepo function for admin and developer
5. Network layer library changed to 1.3.0 version
6. Helper and release notes are encoded on xml rpc call
7. Test Library: new library for adapters and templates
8. Test Library: new tas template comparator
9. Partial load of archives on connection
10. TextExecutorLib: new RegEx and NotRegEx operators
11. Web Services: new refreshHelper function for admin and tester
12. Partial load of tasks history on connection
13. Web Services: new checkSyntaxAdapter and checkSyntaxAdapters functions for admin and developer
14. TaskManager: new schedulation type added every xx
15. Final verdict added on the result test filename
16. Network interfaces list added on the context
17. New config key to disable the remote adapter development
Issues fixed
1. Log message improved: address already in use
2. Doc Generator: Boolean variable not correctly handled
3. Test Library: fix missing bold argument in the adapter library
4. Test Library: fix documentations in the template library


Date: 09/06/2012
What's new
1. TestLibrary: new types validators: string, integer, float, date, time and datetime (Enhancement 76)
2. Test Library: new font parameter on xml logger
3. TaskManager: tests are prepared firstly in the temp environment before the real run
4. New backups storage
5. Microsecond support on test result folder name to avoid overwrite
6. DbManager: sql query escaped and return the last id on insert data
7. Database type and version added on context
8. Database status check on boot with timeout support
9. Web server status check on boot with timeout support
10. Logger changed to the version 1.0.2
11. Scheduler changed to 3.0.0 version
12. TaskManager: recursivity full support, new table in db
13. Web Services: new rescheduleTest function for admin and tester
14. Web Services: new refreshRunningProbes function for admin and tester
15. New config key to enable/disable debug logs on running tests
16. Test Statistics improved with execution time, number of tp and ts by day week and month; two new tables in db
17. New config key to enable/disable users notification on statistic, archives update
18. Statistics users notification disabled by default
19. Web Services: new refreshTestsStats function for admin and tester
20. New default users: developer and manager
21. RepoManager: code review and improvements
22. Remote repository for adapters
23. New test result model (trx file), no backward compatibility
24. Web Services: addComment, loadComments, delComments functions for archives and admin/tester user
25. Network layer library changed to 1.2.0 version
26. EventServerInterface: new notify functions by users type
27. New public folders for tests and adapters backups
28. Web Services: new functions backupRepo, deleteBackupsRepo for admin and some factory code
29. UserManager: support user creation with multiple rights
30. Web Services: new functions refreshUsers for admin and manager
31. Test Library: new library for operators and validators
Issues fixed
1. Can't connect to local MySQL server (Issue 92)
2. Failed to add new user (Issue 95)
3. The deletion of his own user account is now denied
4. Incorrect tac version in index.php (Issue 93)
5. Server refused to start "web server not ready" (Issue 101)


Date: 28/03/2012
What's new
1. TestModel: support "float" parameter on get function
2. TextExecutorLib: new storage to save/load temporary data from testcases
3. Web Services: function killTask updated to return taskId to client
4. Web Services: function killTask is now authorized for tester
5. Web Services: new cancelAllTasks and cancelTask functions for admin and tester
6. Scheduler changed to 2.2.0 version
7. Help Manager updated to support sut adapters documentations
8. New tmp path in configuration file
9. New cache for the documentation
10. Web Services: new functions for admin only: genCacheHelp
11. Web Services: new response code "400 failed"
12. Task name prefixed by test path only for remote file
13. Web Services: new refreshStatsRepoArchives function for admin and user
14. Web Services: new refreshStatsServer function for admin
15. Web Services: getFileRepo updated to return testsuite id on testplan
16. All level logs improved
17. Log level set to INFO for stable release

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