
Latest version: v22.3.0

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Date: 25/04/2014
What's new
1. New sut adapters 4.1.0
2. Network layer library updated to 2.1.0 version (Enhancement 272)
3. Web services: run test without the test content (only for remote tests)
4. Context: new function to unregister user from web services
5. Web services: new unauthenticateClient function
6. Web services: all functions can be called from cli
7. Model of the table users updated to support new option cli, gui and web
8. Web server > administration: user profile access levels (cli, gui and web) added
9. Web services: new function to add and remove project
9. Web services: new function to return server informations only and release notes
10. Web server > system: new method to detect the server status, and new server description and usage
11. Web server > administration: new account tab for user profile
12. Web server > overview : new agents and probes sub pages
13. Model of the table projects updated with a new description column
14. Web server > administration: new option to disconnect user
15. Web server > tests: display my statistic by project
16. Web server > tests: run tests, repository content and statistics
17. New agents package 1.1.0
18. Web services: get statistics for tests updated to support project
19. New probes package 4.0.0 for windows and linux
20. New client 6.1.0 for windows and linux
21. Test Library: new function to share adapter between tests
22. Test Model updated to support shared adapters and save designs
23. New basics tests on samples
24. New sut libraries 3.1.0
25. New template file for design test
26. Task manager/Repo archives: updated report and design functions
27. Test Library: improved step event, result added
28. Test Library: update to return xml structure on step, verdict and reports
28. TestPlan file model updated
29. Test Library: new description function on testcase
30. Web services: new function to export test design from test source
31. Web server > about: new section for contributors
32. Web server > overview: improvment on text
33. First misc package included xtcpyrc 1.0 from contributor jvo
Issues Fixed
1. Web server: use ws xmlrpc to prevent error on creation and project deletion
2. Web server: fix error on configuration column name
3. Test Model: missing agent overwrite option on testplan (Issue 291)
4. Repositories: unable to move file at the root


Date: 23/03/2014
What's new
1. Library logger updated
2. Https support on web services by default (configurable)
3. Add comment on archive updated to support python3
4. Web service: json replace pickle on prepare and schedule a test
5. Improve logs in task manager
6. Major update due to the major update of the client
7. All files model updated
8. Web service: new options close file after save on put file function
9. Remove reference to tac or tas acronym
10. New licenses menu available through the web server
11. New client 6.0.0 for windows
12. New Sut Libraries 3.0.0 (New packaging mode)
13. New Sut Adapters 4.0.0 (New packaging mode)
14. Remote tests: all path in testplans are updated automatically on duplicate folder (Enhancement 240)
15. New mode to construct release notes for adapters and libraries
16. Test library: support multiple values on contains test operators (Enhancement 247)
17. Network layer library updated to 2.0.0 version
18. New probes package 3.0.0
19. Test library / TestModel: support specific testcase name of test unit file (Enhancement 253)
20. Probe server interface: get probe by name function improved
21. Test Library: new function to get adapter unique id
22. New script to generate agent package
23. New agent server interface and agents manager
24. Web services: new function to add, remove, start or stop an agent
25. Automatic deployment of local agents in server boot
26. Test Library: properties function updated to support agent function
27. Test Model: updated to support agents parameters
28. Web services: new importFile function
29. Repo manager updated to support image files on test repositories
30. Test Library/TestModel: updated to support the new image parameter type
31. Web server: package page updated to support agent
32. Iptables rules updated to support agents
Issues Fixed
1. ProbeManager: fix an unexpected keyword argument 'manager' on add/del probe
2. Fix incorrect names returned on kill and cancel tasks
3. Test library: global test result always undefined (Issue 234)
4. Missing a translation in french language
5. Web server: request denied on password update (Issue 239)
6. Fix a missing deprecated warning on sut libraries and adapters for testplan (Issue 242)
7. Test library: string index out of range on string validator (Issue 227)
8. Fix an incorrect event sent when release notes are updated on adapters or libraries
9. Fix no space left warning on prepare test (Issue 228)
10. RepoManager: returns errors on empty filename or folder
11. RepoManager: move folder no more exist (Issue 248)
12. Test library: test id does not exist not handle on xml logger (Issue 255)
13. Test Server Interface: fix test not removed properly from context at the end
14. Fix error on load dataset function in Test Model
15. Fix bad statistics on test data size files


Date: 12/01/2014
What's new
1. Test Library: steps failed in red in report and notifications
2. New embedded httplib2, php-mcrypt, pysnmp, pyasn, uuid for installation from scratch
3. Test Library: new raw display mode on logging event function (info, warning, etc...)
4. New automaton default user (Enhancement 202)
5. New probes 2.3.1
6. New Sut Adapters 3.2.0
7. New Sut Libraries 2.1.0
8. Test Library: new property for none value (Enhancement 206)
9. Test Library: new validator for email, ipv4, ipv6, mac, hostname, http/ftp url and uri
10. Repository/TestModel/TestLibrary/Web services: updated to support the new file model testunit
11. New file models for testunit added
12. New table testunit-stats in database
13. New statistics added for testunit on webserver and database
14. New launch bash to execute the command line of the test on test result
15. Check syntax improved with number line
16. New move folders function for repositories
Issues Fixed
1. fix bad task cleanup on manager (Issue 197)
2. Installation: fix incorrect mysqld package name on download
3. Installation: fix automatic startup of mysql and httpd (Issue 200)
4. Fix syntax error when dataset is missing in testplan (Issue 198)
5. Network layer library updated to 1.6.1 version (Issue 201)
6. Fix no event to client when data is saved in storage
7. Fix bad french translation on download web page (Issue 203)
8. Compiled files not removed after deletion on adapters and libraries repository
9. Fix syntax error when no testsuite exists in testplan
10. Fix list index out of range on test plan run when the project does not exists
11. Add user: fix null value on field system (Issue 220)
12. TemplateMessage object has no attribute getName (Issue 205)


Date: 08/12/2013
What's new
1. Web services: get file from repository updated to support new outputs parameters
2. File models: test suite, test data models updated
3. Test Library: properties handler changed to support inputs/outputs parameters
4. Test Library: new inputs and outputs functions to returns all test parameters
5. Test Model: changed to support new inputs/outputs parameters in testsuite and testplan
6. Test summary event renamed to Description event
7. Test Library: new design and report events on testcase
8. Remove deprecated sut adapters and librairies from documentation cache
9. New TAC client 5.1.0 for windows and linux
10. New Sut Adapters 3.1.0
11. New tests samples
12. Code source documentation added
13. New default directory installation on /opt/ (Enhancement 194)
14. Detecting selinux activation on product installation
15. Database update: new table to support project
16. Web portal update to support administration project
17. Licence updated to support project
18. Web portal: configuration displayed on administration part
19. Daemon server improved (logs, code factory and more)
20. Web portal: new system part with server status
21. New parameters in configuration file
22. Web services: code factory
23. Databases model updated and improved on users table
24. Manager renamed to Leader
25. Authentication user improved, user profile more clear
26. User management: support multiple level access for one user
27. Web services / Task Manager: New test run without keep test result (Enhancement 195)
28. Unlimited license by default
29. Installation product: automatic folders rights update
30. Parameters file renamed to settings.ini
31: Test model: update to support project on dataset load
32. Web server: news test runs history and statistics
33. Web server: nice round on test duration
34. Test Library: new function to add the testcase description
35. Test Library: testcase case report improved
36. Test result notification: html email support
37. New var templates files for email notifications and reports
38. New test result report file
39. Web service: new function to export test report
40. File for logs server renamed to output.log
41. Web services: add testsuite function in testplan updated to support project
42. Web server: basic css style renamed to default
43. Web server: users statistic
44. User authentication method updated to return user id
45. Web server: tests statistics update to support project
46. Web server: new tests statistics to follow duration of writing
Issues fixed
1. Fix uninstall: harcoded database name (Issue 190)
2. Detecting apache/mysql failed (Issue 187)
3. Reload option missing on redhat system (Issue 185)
4. Cleanup installation (Issue 189)
5. Fix installation when selinux is deactivated (Issue 193)
6. Test Library: fix compare function to support unicode
7. Web server: delete the fifth user is not possible
8. Task Manager: task parameters not keep on re-schedulation
9. Test Model: fix incorrect file syntax when remote dataset are missing
10. Web server: fix a incorrect path on download documentations
11. Fix incorrect path of the client to update it automatically
12. Fix table model, data too long for column eventname
13. Fix a missing import os on _extractall function


Date: 15/09/2013
What's new
1. Warning added in testresult and testplan when one or more dataset is missing (Enhancement 155)
2. Mail content improved (Enhancement 157)
3. Preparation Python3 support: no more use of the function has_key on dict
4. Network layer library updated to 1.6.0 version
5. Web server: tests graphics statistics readability improved
6. Task Manager / WebServices / Test Library: updated to support the new type of run as debug
7. Test Library: set automatically the test to fail if an error occured
8. Task Manager / WebServices: updated to support the new type of run without mail notifications (Enhancement 162)
9. New TAC client 5.0.0
10. Test Library: get function is deprecated, use parameter function instead
11. Test Library: new function to get test description
12. File Models: new test data model file
13. Test Model: updated to support dataset parameters (Enhancement 151)
14. Test Library: documentation added on test operators
15. RepoLibraries / RepoAdapters / Task Manager / TestModel: updated to support versionning (no backward compatibility)
16. Test Library: new functions to set the sut adapters and libraries versions
17. Test Library: TestAdapter renamed to SutAdapter, new SutLibrary
18. Automatic deployment for adapters and libraries on boot, new scripts to generate packages easily
19. New default sandbox directory in test repositories
20. Automatic deployment for samples on boot, new scrips to generate the package
21. Web server: multi destination on mail notification (Enhancement 159)
22. Test Library: set automatically the test to fail when an error occured in adapter or library
23. Test Library: max timer value added on interact event
24. New script to generate easily the probe packages
25: Test Library: improvment compare multiple template with and or xor condition
26. Test Library: improved colors used for template mach
27. Test Library: new getLayer function with template message (Enhancement 170)
28. Task Manager / WebServices: new run type successive (Enhancement 169)
29. Test Library: new argument aborted on cleanup function, no backward compatibility (Enhancement 173)
30. Test Library: new general wait function (Enhancement 174)
31. Test Library: new event summary sent to users before the beginning of the test
32. Test Library: multiline support on tas event info, trace, error and warning functions (Enhancement 176)
33. New external library embedded: pexpect, hashlib to support python2.4
34. New Sut Adapters 3.0.0
35. New Sut Libraires 2.0.0
36. New tests samples
37. New probes package 2.3.0
38. Test Library: new deprecated functions
39. Dynamic reload of the configuration without restarting the server
40. Detecting php on installation, exit if not present on the system
Issues fixed
1. Test properties: list empty but not really (Issue 137)
2. Test Library: testcase suffix name does not work anymore (Issue 143)
3. Web server: no warning when mcrypt library is missing (Issue 144)
4. Test Library: incorrect final state result with undefined step (Issue 131)
5. Web server: json library does not exist with php 5.1 (Issue 146)
6. Web server: undefined misc-salt (Issue 142)
7. Web server: delete the fifth user is not possible (Issue 149)
8. Web server: Undefined variable: notifications in administration.php (Issue 148)
9. Archives repository: partial load failed (Issue 140)
10. Web server: no graphics with tests statistic (Issue 150)
11. Test Library: fixed incorrect level info on step event logger
12. Context: fix incorrect connection id on user registration
13. Mysql connection lost: fix exception during statistic user add
14. Test Library: set incorrect final result when an error occurred in the cleanup function (Issue 175)
15. User connected context: fix dictionary changed size during iteration
16. Fix installation: missing python-twisted library
17. Failed to connect to the server on centos french because of the date (Issue 178)
18. Parse test: unable to prepare (Issue 178)
19. Fix installation: whitespace in install directory name (Issue 132)
20. Fix missing iptable rules for outgoing probes connections
21. No probe result, php size limitation on upload (Issue 182)


Date: 08/04/2013
What's new
1. Web server: center menu renamed to Packages
2. Task Manager / Test Model / WebServices: updated to support the new type of run without probes
3. Installation: download missing libraries automatically (Enhancement 121)
4. Network layer library updated to 1.5.0 version
5. Test Library: interact timeout customizable
6. Enable/Disable local or remote probes module
7. Probe Manager: stop a remote probe
8. Probe Server Interface: logs improved on registration
9. Web server: new menu documentations in overview
10. New storage for the documentations
11. Task Manager: disable or enable a waiting task
12. New TAC client 4.2.0 and Probes 2.2.0
Issues fixed
1. TaskManager: failed to update a task
2. Installation failed on redhat because of a syntax error in script (Issue 123)
3. Httpd isn't configured during installation: too much questions about apache (Issue 119)
4. Installation: database name missing in default cfg (Issue 125)
5. Installation: hardcoded database name (Issue 126)
6. Installation: mysql check failed (Issue 120)
7. Installation: template service name incorrect on redhat (Issue 122)
8. Installation: failed to connect to the db (Issue 124)
9. Cleanup uninstallation, service file not removed

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