
Latest version: v1.0.20240527

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Started sourcing ``.profile`` again when running psql admin commands
on the server.
- Fixed many problems with obviously untested ``nine-*`` tasks.



- Added ``github`` to create a repo on GitHub using the `GitHub CLI
<https://cli.github.com/>__` and immediately push the code there.
- Fixed uses of ``input()`` which somehow didn't work like they were
supposed to at all.



- Renamed the entrypoint from ``fab`` to ``fl``.
- Switched from running ``pip`` directly to the recommended ``python -m
pip`` everywhere.
- Avoided starting too many processes by executing binaries in
``node_modules/.bin`` directly instead of going through ``yarn run``.



- Made ``nine-venv`` recreate the virtualenv from scratch.
- Made ``local`` recreate ``node_modules`` and the virtualenv from



- Fixed ``nine-alias-remove`` to actually remove the second subdomain.
- Added a ``--include-www`` option to ``nine-alias-add`` and
``nine-alias-remove``. The ``www.`` subdomain isn't added or removed
by default anymore.



- Removed the redundant ``--trailing-comma es5`` argument to prettier,
it is the default.
- Splitted ``_fmt_pipx_cmds`` into ``_fmt_isort`` and ``_fmt_black``.
- Reordered ``fmt`` to run Python tasks first, as ``check`` does.
- Extracted the branch check into its own ``_check_branch`` function.
- Changed ``nine-venv`` to prefer pyenv shims instead of the potentially
outdated system-provided python3 binary.

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