
Latest version: v1.0.20240527

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added a ``pull_media`` task.
- Dropped ``--spec`` arguments from ``pipx run`` invocations. The temporary
virtual environments will be cached for a maximum of 14 days anyway, so they
should always be recent enough.



- Added an info message when the fh-fablib version is newer than the required
version (so that projects' fabfiles are updated more often).



- Changed ``_deploy_django`` (and therefore the default deployment) to use hard
resets to update the code on the server instead of ff-only merges, but add an
additional check for uncommitted changes right before resetting as a safety



- Added ``config.environment`` holding the name of the active
environment or ``"default"``.



- Restructured ``fl deploy`` into more building blocks so that
overriding aspects of the deployment is less work.



- Added ``fl nine-reinit-from``.
- Changed the configuration method for multiple environments.

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