
Latest version: v1.0.20240527

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.. _1.0.20221024: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220824...1.0.20221024

- Started using the ``style-loader`` again in development since it properly
supports source maps.
- Changed the asset rule to also handle MP3 and WAV files; made the regex case
- Added a ``--recreate`` option to the ``fl nine-db-dotenv`` task.
- Added a ``noSplitting`` export to the Webpack library to easily disable the
chunk splitting optimization. It may not be an optimization for projects
using very little JavaScript.
- Stopped using pyinvoke's ``echo`` setting and opted to echo commands
ourselves instead.



.. _1.0.20220824: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220823...1.0.20220824

- Added extra arguments to ``fl pull-db`` which are passed to the remote
``pg_dump`` command.



.. _1.0.20220823: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220615...1.0.20220823

- Added `flake8-bugbear <https://pypi.org/project/flake8-bugbear/>`__.
- Changed the ``output.assetModuleFilename`` configuration to do the right
thing when encountering files outside Django's staticfiles.
- Updated the pre-commit hooks.
- Updated the password set by ``fl reset-pw`` with more iterations so that
repeated ``fl pull-db`` invocations do not cause sign-outs when using Django



.. _1.0.20220615: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220411...1.0.20220615

- Tweaked the ``bumpversion.sh`` script to allow overriding the version from
the commandline.
- Updated the pre-commit hooks installed by ``fl hook`` to enforce absolute
imports and target a minimum of Django 4.0.
- Added a ``htmlPlugin`` utility to the Webpack library for scenarios where
more control is required over the html-webpack-plugin configuration.
- Made the forwarding proxy optional in the ``devServer`` Webpack library



.. _1.0.20220422.1: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220411...1.0.20220422.1

- Augmented ``fl nine-reinit-from`` to also support hosts with ``nine-manage-databases``.



.. _1.0.20220411: https://github.com/feinheit/fh-fablib/compare/1.0.20220405...1.0.20220411

- Added a ``babelRule`` utility to the Webpack library.
- Added a ``_old_dev`` utility so that going back to the old way of running the
webpack development server is easier.
- Switched to a declarative setup.
- Avoided installing fabric 2.7.0 since some combinations of fabric and
paramiko etc. seem to be buggy.

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