
Latest version: v3.4.5

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This maintenance release adds :ref:`LOGGING` and resolves compatibility issues
with recent builds of :term:`PETSc` and :term:`NumPy`.


- Fix numpy 1.25 issues
(`930 <>`_)
- Get CI working again
(`925 <>`_)
- Discourage StackOverflow
(`876 <>`_)
- Add Logging
(`875 <>`_)
- Add tests for the Nix build
(`791 <>`_)


- `896 <>`_:
Poor garbage collection with petsc4py 3.18.3 (was "Memory leak in
`term.justErrorVector()`", but this isn't strictly a leak)




This maintenance release adds a new example contributed by
`Jon83Carvalho <>`_,
clarifies many points in the documentation,
migrates all :ref:`CONTINUOUSINTEGRATION` to
`Azure <>`_,
updates to using
`wheels <>`_
for distribution,
and substantially refactors matrices to work more consistently across


- Update CI documentation to refer only to Azure
(`863 <>`_)
- Refine azure runs
(`851 <>`_)
- Debug CIs
(`848 <>`_)
- Collect contact information on single page
(`847 <>`_)
- Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
(`822 <>`_)
- Replace deprecated numpy types
(`798 <>`_)
- Move trilinos tests to Py3k
(`797 <>`_)
- Fix Python 2.7 conda environment
(`795 <>`_)
- fix: stop divide by zero warning in LU solvers
(`790 <>`_)
- Introduce `SharedTemporaryFile` (bis)
(`769 <>`_)
- Raise `ImportError` before trying to unpack solvers
(`768 <>`_)
- Disable TVTK tests if its prerequisites aren't met
(`764 <>`_)
- Tabulate versions of FiPy dependencies when tests are run
(`763 <>`_)
- Debug CI failures
(`749 <>`_)
- Stokes Cavity - non-Newtonian
(`748 <>`_)
Thanks to `Jon83Carvalho <>`_.
- Refactor matrices
(`721 <>`_)


- `862 <>`_:
Could not load the Qt platform plugin "`xcb`"
- `858 <>`_:
CI issues
- `856 <>`_:
`FaceVariable` does not accumulate properly in parallel
- `850 <>`_:
Switch to wheels
- `849 <>`_:
`linux-py27-pysparse` fails
- `841 <>`_:
`Matplotlib2DViewer` should accept color map as string
- `836 <>`_:
Document that coupled and high-order diffusion terms are
- `833 <>`_:
`` undocumented that it always gzips
- `828 <>`_:
`colorbar=True` no longer works Stokes flow example
- `826 <>`_:
Gmsh load issue
- `818 <>`_:
Document that `GridND` meshes are always Cartesian
- `811 <>`_:
In python 3.9 __repr__ throws an exception with abs
- `801 <>`_:
CircleCI test-36-trilinos-serial extremely slow
- `800 <>`_:
CircleCI conda2_env is really slow and ends up installing FiPy 3.3
- `796 <>`_:
`examples.phase.polyxtal` freezes on CircleCI with Py3k and scipy
- `792 <>`_:
`circleQuad` example fails with Gmsh > 4.4
- `781 <>`_:
`MatplolibViewer.axes` property is not documented
- `778 <>`_:
Binder failed build
- `762 <>`_:
Equations on Website don't show right
- `742 <>`_:
No documentation for `Variable.mag`
- `735 <>`_:
`pip install fipy` fails
- `734 <>`_:
Document the residual
- `688 <>`_:
try-except not needed for circle Viewer
- `676 <>`_:
Default no-flux condition is not explicitly stated
- `609 <>`_:
Parallelizing of Gmsh meshes not clearly documented
- `400 <>`_:
Fix `FaceVariable.globalValue` method



This release fixes assorted viewer issues, fixes a problem with convection
boundary conditions, and introduces spherical meshes.

.. attention::

There are
`known <>`_
`failures <>`_
with the VTK viewers (bitrot has started to set
in since the `demise of Python 2.7`_). There's also a new parallel
failure in `NonUniformGrid1D` that we need to figure out.

.. _demise of Python 2.7:


- Move mailing list
(`747 <>`_)
- `Spherical1D` (`Uniform` and `NonUniform`) meshes
(`732 <>`_)
Thanks to `klkuhlm <>`_.
- fix Neumann BCs using constraints with convection terms
(`719 <>`_)
Thanks to `atismer <>`_.
- Add vertex index inversions
(`716 <>`_)


- `726 <>`_:
`MayaviClient` not compatible with Python 3
- `663 <>`_:
`datamin`/`datamax` argument ignored by viewer
- `662 <>`_:
Issues Scaling `Colorbar` with `Datamin` and `Datamax` `Args`




This release is primarily for compatibility with :mod:`numpy` 1.18.


- Fix documentation
(`711 <>`_)
- build(nix): fix broken plm_rsh_agent error
(`710 <>`_)
- CIs error on deprecation warning
(`708 <>`_)


- `703 <>`_:
FORTRAN array ordering is deprecated




This release adds support for the :term:`PETSc` solvers for


- Add support for PETSc solvers
(`701 <>`_)
- Assorted fixes while supporting PETSc
(`700 <>`_)
- Fix print statements for Py3k
- Resolve Gmsh issues
- Dump only on processor 0
- Only write `timetests` on processor 0
- Fix conda-forge link
- Upload PDF
- Document `print` option of `FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX`
- Use legacy numpy formatting when testing individual modules
- Switch to matplotlib's built-in symlog scaling
- Clean up tests
- Assorted fixes for benchmark 8
(`699 <>`_)
- Stipulate `--force` option for `conda remove fipy`
- Update Miniconda installation url
- Replace `_CellVolumeAverageVariable` class with `Variable` expression
- Fix output for bad call stack
- Make CircleCI build docs on Py3k
(`698 <>`_)
- Fix link to Nick Croft's thesis
(`681 <>`_)
- Fix NIST header footer
(`680 <>`_)
- Use Nixpkgs version of FiPy expression
(`661 <>`_)
- Update the Nix recipe
(`658 <>`_)


- `692 <>`_:
Can't copy example scripts with the command line
- `669 <>`_:
input() deadlock on parallel runs
- `643 <>`_:
Automate release process




This release brings support for Python 2 and Python 3 from the same source,
without any translation. Thanks to `pya <>`_ and
`woodscn <>`_ for getting things started.


- Automate spell check
(`657 <>`_)
- Fix gmsh on windows
(`648 <>`_)
- Fix sphinx documentation
(`647 <>`_)
- Migrate to Py3k
(`645 <>`_)
- `` compatibility with Gmsh > 3.0.6
(`644 <>`_)
Thanks to `xfong <>`_.


- `655 <>`_:
When Python 2 and 3 are installed, Mayavi wont work.
Thanks to `Hendrik410 <>`_.
- `646 <>`_:
Deprecate develop branch
- `643 <>`_:
Automate release process
- `601 <>`_:
:file:`contents.rst` and :file:`manual.rst` are a recursive mess
- `597 <>`_:
Use GitHub link for the compressed archive in documentation
- `557 <>`_:
`faceGradAverage` is stupid
- `552 <>`_:
documentation integration
- `458 <>`_:
Documentation wrong for precedence of `Lx` and `dx` for
- `457 <>`_:
Special methods are not included in Sphinx documentation
- `432 <>`_:
Python 3 issues
- `340 <>`_:
Don't upload packages to PyPI, just add the master url


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