
Latest version: v3.4.5

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The bump in major version number reflects more on the substantial increase
in capabilities and ease of use than it does on a break in compatibility
with FiPy 2.x. Few, if any, changes to your existing scripts should be

The significant changes since version 2.1 are:

- :ref:`CoupledEquations` are now supported.
- A more robust mechanism for specifying :ref:`BoundaryConditions` is now
- Most :class:`~fipy.meshes.mesh.Mesh`\es can be partitioned by
- :ref:`PYAMG` and :ref:`SCIPY` have been added to the :ref:`SOLVERS`.
- FiPy is capable of running under :term:`Python 3`.
- "getter" and "setter" methods have been pervasively changed to Python
- The test suite now runs much faster.
- Tests can now be run on a full install using `fipy.test()`.
- The functions of the :mod:`` module are no longer
included in the :mod:`fipy` namespace. See
:mod:`examples.updating.update2_0to3_0` for details.
- Equations containing a :class:`~fipy.terms.transientTerm.TransientTerm`,
must specify the timestep by passing a ``dt=`` argument when calling
:meth:`~fipy.terms.term.Term.solve` or :meth:`~fipy.terms.term.Term.sweep`.

.. warning::

:term:`FiPy` 3 brought unavoidable syntax changes from :term:`FiPy` 2.
Please see :mod:`examples.updating.update2_0to3_0` for guidance on the
changes that you will need to make to your :term:`FiPy` 2.x scripts.


- `332 <>`_:
Inline failure on Ubuntu x86_64
- `324 <>`_:
constraining values with `ImplicitSourceTerm` not documented?
- `317 <>`_:
`gmshImport` tests fail on Windows due to shared file
- `316 <>`_:
changes to `` caused `--inline` problems
- `313 <>`_:
Gmsh I/O
- `307 <>`_:
Failures on sandbox under buildbot
- `306 <>`_:
Add in parallel buildbot testing on more than 2 processors
- `302 <>`_:
`CellVariable.min()` broken in parallel
- `301 <>`_:
`Epetra.PyComm()` broken on Debian
- `300 <>`_:
`examples/cahnHilliard/` broken with -- trilinos
- `299 <>`_:
Viewers not working when plotting meshes with zero cells in parallel
- `298 <>`_:
Memory consumption growth with repeated meshing, especially with
- `294 <>`_:
`--pysparse --inline` failures
- `293 <>`_:
`python examples/cahnHilliard/ --inline` segfaults on OS X
- `292 <>`_:
two `--scipy` failures
- `290 <>`_:
Improve test reporting to avoid inconsequential buildbot failures
- `288 <>`_:
gmsh importer and gmsh tests don't clean up after themselves
- `286 <>`_:
get running in Py3k
- `285 <>`_:
remove deprecated `viewers.make()`
- `284 <>`_:
remove deprecated `Variable.transpose()`
- `281 <>`_:
remove deprecated `NthOrderDiffusionTerm`
- `280 <>`_:
remove deprecated `diffusionTerm=` argument to `ConvectionTerm`
- `277 <>`_:
remove deprecated `steps=` from Solver
- `273 <>`_:
Make `DiffusionTermNoCorrection` the default
- `270 <>`_:
tests take *too* long!!!
- `267 <>`_:
Reduce the run times for chemotaxis tests
- `264 <>`_:
HANG in parallel test of `examples/chemotaxis/` on some
- `261 <>`_:
`GmshImport` should read element colors
- `260 <>`_:
`GmshImport` should support all element types
- `259 <>`_:
Introduce `mesh.x` as shorthand for `mesh.cellCenters[0]` etc
- `258 <>`_:
`GmshExport` is not tested and does not work
- `252 <>`_:
Include Benny's improved interpolation patch
- `250 <>`_:
TeX is wrong in `examples.phase.quaternary`
- `247 <>`_:
`diffusionTerm(var=var1).solver(var=var0)` should fail sensibly
- `243 <>`_:
close out reconstrain branch
- `242 <>`_:
update documentation
- `240 <>`_:
Profile and merge reconstrain branch
- `237 <>`_:
`--Trilinos --no-pysparse` uses Pysparse?!?
- `236 <>`_:
anisotropic diffusion and constraints don't mix
- `235 <>`_:
changed constraints don't propagate
- `231 <>`_:
`` not up to date with respect to keyword arguments
- `223 <>`_:
mesh in FiPy name space
- `218 <>`_:
Absence of `enthought.tvtk` causes test failures
- `216 <>`_:
Fresh FiPy gives "`ImportError: No viewers found`"
- `213 <>`_:
PyPI is failing
- `206 <>`_:
`gnuplot1d` gives error on plot of `FaceVariable`
- `205 <>`_:
wrong cell to cell normal in periodic meshes
- `203 <>`_:
Give helpful error on - or / of meshes
- `202 <>`_:
mesh manipulation of periodic meshes leads to errors
- `201 <>`_:
Use physical velocity in the manual/FAQ
- `200 <>`_:
FAQ gives bad guidance for anisotropic diffusion
- `195 <>`_:
term multiplication changes result
- `163 <>`_:
Default time steps should be infinite
- `162 <>`_:
remove ones and zeros from ``
- `130 <>`_:
tests should be run with `fipy.tests()`
- `86 <>`_:
Grids should take `Lx`, `Ly`, `Lz` arguments
- `77 <>`_:
`CellVariable.hasOld()` should set `self.old`
- `44 <>`_:





- `282 <>`_:
remove deprecated getters and setters
- `279 <>`_:
remove deprecated `fipy.meshes.numMesh` submodule
- `278 <>`_:
remove deprecated forms of Gmsh meshes
- `268 <>`_:
Set up `Zizou` as a working slave
- `262 <>`_:
issue with solvers
- `256 <>`_:
`Grid1D(dx=(1,2,3))` failure
- `251 <>`_:
parallel is broken
- `241 <>`_:
Set Sandbox up as a working slave
- `238 <>`_:
`_BinaryTerm.var` is not predictable
- `233 <>`_:
coupled convection-diffusion always treated as Upwind
- `224 <>`_:
"matrices are not aligned" errors in example test suite
- `222 <>`_:
Non-uniform `Grid3D` fails to __add__
- `221 <>`_:
Problem with fipy and gmsh
- `219 <>`_:
matforge css is hammer-headed
- `208 <>`_:
numpy 2.0: `arrays have a dot method`
- `207 <>`_:
numpy 2.0: `masked arrays cast right of product to ndarray`
- `196 <>`_:
Pysparse won't import in Python 2.6.5 on Windows
- `152 <>`_:
(Re)Implement SciPy solvers
- `138 <>`_:
FAQ on boundary conditions
- `100 <>`_:
testing from the Windows dist using the ipython command line
- `80 <>`_:
Windows - testing - idle `-ipython`
- `46 <>`_:
Variable needs to consider boundary conditions
- `45 <>`_:
Slicing a vector Variable should produce a scalar Variable




The significant changes since version 2.1.1 are:

- :term:`Trilinos` efficiency improvements
- Diagnostics of the parallel environment


- `232 <>`_:
Mayavi broken on windows because it has no `SIGHUP`.
- `230 <>`_:
`` not up to date with respect to keyword arguments
- `226 <>`_:
`MatplotlibViewer` fails if backend doesn't support `flush_events()`
- `225 <>`_:
Windows interactive plotting mostly broken
- `217 <>`_:
Gmsh `CellVariables` can't be unpickled
- `191 <>`_:
`` missing in FiPy 2.1 and from trunk
- `187 <>`_:
Concatenated `Mesh` garbled by `dump.write`/`read`




The significant changes since version 2.1 are:

- :class:`~fipy.viewers.matplotlibViewer.MatplotlibViewer` can display
into an existing set of Matplotlib axes.

- :term:`Pysparse` and :term:`Trilinos` are now completely independent.


- `199 <>`_:
dummy viewer results in
"`NotImplementedError: can't instantiate abstract base class`"
- `198 <>`_:
bug problem with `CylindricalGrid1D`
- `197 <>`_:
How to tell if parallel is configured properly?
- `194 <>`_:
`FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX` on empty matrix with large b-vector throws
- `193 <>`_:
`FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX` raises `ImportError` in FiPy 2.1 and trunk
- `192 <>`_:
`FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX=terms` raises `TypeError` in FiPy 2.1 and trunk




The relatively small change in version number belies significant advances
in :term:`FiPy` capabilities. This release did not receive a "full"
version increment because it is completely (er... [almost]_) compatible
with older scripts.

The significant changes since version 2.0.2 are:

- :term:`FiPy` can use :term:`Trilinos` for :ref:`PARALLEL`.

- We have switched from :term:`MayaVi` 1 to :term:`Mayavi` 2. This
:class:`~fipy.viewers.viewer.Viewer` is an independent process that
allows interaction with the display while a simulation is running.

- Documentation has been switched to :term:`Sphinx`, allowing the entire manual
to be available on the web and for our documentation to link to the
documentation for packages such as :mod:`numpy`, :mod:`scipy`,
:mod:`matplotlib`, and for :term:`Python` itself.


- `190 <>`_:
"matplotlib: list index out of range" when no title given, but only
- `182 <>`_:
`~binOp` doesn't work on branches/version-2_0
- `180 <>`_:
broken arithmetic face to cell distance calculations
- `179 <>`_:
`easy_install` instructions for Mac OS X are broken
- `177 <>`_:
broken `setuptools` url with python 2.6
- `169 <>`_:
The FiPy webpage seems to be broken on Internet Explorer
- `156 <>`_:
update the mayavi viewer to use mayavi 2
- `153 <>`_:
Switch documentation to use `:math:` directive

.. [almost] Only two examples from :term:`FiPy` 2.0 fail when run with
:term:`FiPy` 2.1:

* :file:`examples/phase/` fails because
:class:`~fipy.meshes.mesh.Mesh` no longer provides a
``getCells`` method. The mechanism
for enforcing symmetry in the updated example is both clearer and

* :mod:`` fails because of a
change in the comparison of masked values.

Both of these are subtle issues unlikely to affect very many
:term:`FiPy` users.





- `188 <>`_:
`SMTPSenderRefused: (553, "5.1.8 <>... Domain of sender address does not exist", u'"FiPy" <>')`
- `184 <>`_:
`gmshExport.exportAsMesh()` doesn't work
- `183 <>`_:
FiPy 2.0.2 `LinearJORSolver.__init__` calls `Solver` rather than
- `181 <>`_:
Navier-Stokes again
- `151 <>`_:
update mayavi viewer to use mayavi2
- `13 <>`_:
Mesh refactor


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