
Latest version: v3.4.5

Safety actively analyzes 714815 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This is predominantly a `DevOps`_ release. The focus has been on making
FiPy easier to install with :term:`conda`. It's also possible to install a
minimal set of prerequisites with :term:`pip`. Further, :term:`FiPy` is
automatically tested on all major platforms using cloud-based
:ref:`CONTINUOUSINTEGRATION` (:term:`linux` with :term:`CircleCI`,
:term:`macOS` with :term:`TravisCI`, and :term:`Windows` with


- Make badges work in GitHub and pdf
(`636 <>`_)
- Fix Robin errors
(`615 <>`_)
- Issue555 inclusive license
(`613 <>`_)
- Update CIs
(`607 <>`_)
- Add CHANGELOG and tool to generate from issues and pull requests
(`600 <>`_)
- Explain where to get examples
(`596 <>`_)
- spelling corrections using en_US dictionary
(`594 <>`_)
- Remove `SmoothedAggregationSolver`
(`593 <>`_)
- Nix recipe for FiPy
(`585 <>`_)
- Point PyPI to github master tarball
(`582 <>`_)
- Revise Navier-Stokes expression in the viscous limit
(`580 <>`_)
- Update ``
(`579 <>`_)
Thanks to `Rowin <>`_.
- Add `--inline` to TravisCI tests
(`578 <>`_)
- Add support for binder
(`577 <>`_)
- Fix `epetra vector not numarray`
(`574 <>`_)
- add Codacy badge
(`572 <>`_)
- Fix output when PyTrilinos or PyTrilinos version is unavailable
(`570 <>`_)
Thanks to `shwina <>`_.
- Fix check for PyTrilinos
(`569 <>`_)
Thanks to `shwina <>`_.
- Adding support for GPU solvers via pyamgx
(`567 <>`_)
Thanks to `shwina <>`_.
- revise dedication to the public domain
(`556 <>`_)
- Fix tests that don't work in parallel
(`550 <>`_)
- add badges to index and readme
(`546 <>`_)
- Ensure vector is `dtype` float before matrix multiply
(`544 <>`_)
- Revert "Issue534 physical field mishandles compound units"
(`536 <>`_)
- Document boundary conditions
(`532 <>`_)
- Deadlocks and races
(`524 <>`_)
- Make max/min global
(`520 <>`_)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to :file:`README.rst`
(`516 <>`_)
Thanks to `gitter-badger <>`_.
- Add TravisCI build recipe
(`489 <>`_)


- `631 <>`_:
Clean up :file:`INSTALLATION.rst`
- `628 <>`_:
Problems with the viewer
- `627 <>`_:
- `625 <>`_:
`` should not import fipy
- `623 <>`_:
Start using `versioneer`
- `621 <>`_:
Plot `FaceVariable` with matplotlib
- `617 <>`_:
Pick 1st Value and last Value of 1D `CellVariable` while running in
- `611 <>`_:
The coefficient cannot be a `FaceVariable` ??
- `610 <>`_:
Anisotropy example: Contour plot displaying in legend of figure !?
- `608 <>`_:
`var.mesh`: `Property` object not callable...?
- `603 <>`_:
Can't run basic test or examples
- `602 <>`_:
Revise build and release documentation
- `592 <>`_:
is :file:`resources.rst` useful?
- `590 <>`_:
No module named `pyAMGSolver`
- `584 <>`_:
Viewers don't animate in jupyter notebook
- `566 <>`_:
Support for GPU solvers using pyamgx
- `565 <>`_:
pip install does not work on empty env
- `564 <>`_:
Get green boxes across the board
- `561 <>`_:
Cannot cast array data from `dtype('int64')` to `dtype('int32')`
according to the rule `safe`
- `555 <>`_:
inclusive license
- `551 <>`_:
Sphinx spews many warnings:
- `545 <>`_:
Many Py3k failures
- `543 <>`_:
Epetra Vector can't be integer
- `539 <>`_:
`examples/diffusion/explicit/` is a mess
- `538 <>`_:
- `534 <>`_:
`PhysicalField` mishandles compound units
- `533 <>`_:
pip or conda installation don't make clear where to get examples
- `531 <>`_:
`drop_tol` argument to `scipy.sparse.linalg.splu` is gone
- `530 <>`_:
conda installation instructions not explicit about python version
- `528 <>`_:
scipy 1.0.0 incompatibilities
- `525 <>`_:
conda `guyer/pysparse` doesn't run on osx
- `513 <>`_:
Stokes example gives wrong equation
- `510 <>`_:
Weave, Scipy and `--inline`
- `509 <>`_:
Unable to use conda for installing FiPy in Windows
- `506 <>`_:
Error using spatially varying anisotropic diffusion coefficient
- `488 <>`_:
Gmsh 2.11 breaks `GmshGrids`
- `435 <>`_:
`pip install pysparse` fails with
"`fatal error: 'spmatrix.h' file not found`"
- `434 <>`_:
`pip install fipy` fails with
"`ImportError: No module named ez_setup`"

.. _DevOps:





- `502 <>`_:
gmane is defunct





- remove `recvobj` from calls to `allgather`, require `sendobj`
(`492 <>`_)
- restore trailing whitespace to expected output of pysparse matrix
(`485 <>`_)
- Format version string for pep 440
(`483 <>`_)
- Provide some documentation for what `_faceToCellDistanceRatio` is
and why it's scalar
(`481 <>`_)
- Strip all trailing white spaces and empty lines at EOF for `.py` and
(`479 <>`_)
Thanks to `pya <>`_.
- `fipy/meshes/`: fix `_cellToCellIDs` and more
`concatenate()` calls
(`478 <>`_)
Thanks to `pkgw <>`_.
- Remove incorrect `axis` argument to `concatenate`
(`477 <>`_)
- Updated to NumPy 1.10
(`472 <>`_)
Thanks to `pya <>`_.
- Some spelling corrections
(`471 <>`_)
Thanks to `pkgw <>`_.
- Sort entry points by package name before testing.
(`469 <>`_)
- Update import syntax in examples
(`466 <>`_)
- Update links to prerequisites
(`465 <>`_)
- Correct implementation of `examples.cahnHilliard.mesh2DCoupled`. Fixes
(`463 <>`_)
- Fix typeset analytical solution
(`460 <>`_)
- Clear `pdflatex` build errors by removing :term:`Python` from heading
(`459 <>`_)
- purge gist from viewers and optional module lists in ``
(`456 <>`_)
- Remove deprecated methods that duplicate NumPy ufuncs
(`454 <>`_)
- Remove deprecated Gmsh importers
(`452 <>`_)
- Remove deprecated getters and setters
(`450 <>`_)
- Update links for FiPy developers
(`448 <>`_)
- Render appropriately if in IPython notebook
(`447 <>`_)
- Plot contour in proper axes
(`446 <>`_)
- Robust Gmsh version checking with `distutils.version.StrictVersion`
(`442 <>`_)
- compare gmsh versions as tuples, not floats
(`441 <>`_)
- Corrected two tests
(`439 <>`_)
Thanks to `alfrenardi <>`_.
- Issue426 fix robin example typo
(`431 <>`_)
Thanks to `raybsmith <>`_.
- Issue426 fix robin example analytical solution
(`429 <>`_)
Thanks to `raybsmith <>`_.
- Force `MatplotlibViewer` to display
(`428 <>`_)
- Allow for 2 periodic axes in 3D
(`424 <>`_)
- Bug with Matplotlib 1.4.0 is fixed
(`419 <>`_)


- `498 <>`_:
nonlinear source term
- `496 <>`_:
`scipy.LinearBicgstabSolver` doesn't take arguments
- `494 <>`_:
Gmsh call errors
- `493 <>`_:
`` has read-only access, can't leave comments
- `491 <>`_:
`globalValue` raises error from mpi4py
- `484 <>`_:
Pysparse tests fail
- `482 <>`_:
FiPy development version string not compliant with PEP 440
- `476 <>`_:
`setuptools` 18.4 breaks test suite
- `475 <>`_:
`Grid3D` broken by numpy 1.10
- `470 <>`_:
`Mesh3D` `cellToCellIDs` is broken
- `467 <>`_:
Out-of-sequence Viewer imports
- `462 <>`_:
GMSH version >= 2.10 incorrectly read by ``
- `455 <>`_:
`` gist warning
- `445 <>`_:
`DendriteViewer` puts contours over color bar
- `443 <>`_:
`MatplotlibViewer` still has problems in IPython notebook
- `440 <>`_:
Use github API to get nicely formatted list of issues
- `438 <>`_:
Failed tests on Mac OS X
- `437 <>`_:
Figure misleading in `examples.cahnHilliard.mesh2DCoupled`
- `433 <>`_:
Links to prerequisites are broken
- `430 <>`_:
Make develop the default branch on Github
- `427 <>`_:
`MatplotlibViewer` don't display
- `425 <>`_:
Links for Warren and Guyer are broken on the web page
- `421 <>`_:
The "limits" argument for `Matplotlib2DGridViewer` does not function
- `416 <>`_:
Updates to reflect move to Github





- `415 <>`_:
`MatplotlibGrid2DViewer` error with Matplotlib version 1.4.0
- `414 <>`_:
`PeriodicGrid3D` supports Only 1 axes of periodicity or all 3, not 2
- `413 <>`_:
Remind users of different types of conservation equations
- `412 <>`_:
Pickling Communicators is unnecessary for Grids
- `408 <>`_:
Implement `PeriodicGrid3D`
- `407 <>`_:
Strange deprecation loop in reshape()
- `404 <>`_:
package never gets uploaded to PyPI
- `401 <>`_:
Vector equations are broken when `sweep` is used instead of `solve`.
- `295 <>`_:
Gmsh version must be >= 2.0 errors on `zizou`




The significant changes since version 3.0 are:

- Level sets are now handled by :ref:`LSMLIBDOC` or :ref:`SCIKITFMM`
solver libraries. These libraries are orders of magnitude faster than the
original, :term:`Python`-only prototype.
- The :term:`Matplotlib` :func:`streamplot()` function can be used to display
vector fields.
- Version control was switched to the Git_ distributed version control
system. This system should make it much easier for :term:`FiPy` users to
participate in development.

.. _Git:


- `398 <>`_:
Home page needs out-of-NIST redirects
- `397 <>`_:
Switch to `sphinxcontrib-bibtex`
- `396 <>`_:
enable google analytics
- `395 <>`_:
Documentation change for Ubuntu install
- `393 <>`_:
`CylindricalNonUniformGrid2D` doesn't make a `FaceVariable` for
- `392 <>`_:
`exit_nist.cgi` deprecated
- `391 <>`_:
Péclet inequalities have the wrong sign
- `388 <>`_:
Windows 64 and numpy's `dtype=int`
- `384 <>`_:
Add support for Matplotlib `streamplot`
- `382 <>`_:
Neumann boundary conditions not clearly documented
- `381 <>`_:
numpy 1.7.1 test failures with ``
- `377 <>`_:
`VanLeerConvectionTerm` MinMod slope limiter is broken
- `376 <>`_:
testing `CommitTicketUpdater`
- `375 <>`_:
NumPy 1.7.0 doesn't have `_formatInteger`
- `373 <>`_:
Bug with numpy 1.7.0
- `372 <>`_:
convection problem with cylindrical grid
- `371 <>`_:
`examples/phase/` has problems
- `370 <>`_:
- `368 <>`_:
Viewers don't inline well in IPython notebook
- `367 <>`_:
Change documentation to promote use of stackoverflow
- `366 <>`_:
`unOps` can't be pickled
- `365 <>`_:
Rename communicator instances
- `364 <>`_:
Parallel bug in non-uniform grids and conflicting mesh class and
factory function names
- `360 <>`_:
NIST CSS changed
- `356 <>`_:
link to mailing list is wrong
- `353 <>`_:
Update Ohloh to point at git repo
- `352 <>`_:
`getVersion()` fails on Py3k
- `350 <>`_:
Gmsh importer can't read mesh elements with no tags
- `347 <>`_:
Include mailing list activity frame on front page
- `339 <>`_:
Fix for test failures on `loki`
- `337 <>`_:
Clean up interaction between dependencies and installation process
- `336 <>`_:
`fipy.test()` and `fipy/` clash
- `334 <>`_:
Make the citation links go to the DOI links
- `333 <>`_:
Web page links seem to be broken
- `331 <>`_:
Assorted errors
- `330 <>`_:
`faceValue` as `FaceCenters` gives inline failures
- `329 <>`_:
Gmsh background mesh doesn't work in parallel
- `326 <>`_:
`Gmsh2D` does not respect background mesh
- `323 <>`_:
`getFaceCenters()` should return a `FaceVariable`
- `319 <>`_:
Explicit convection terms should fail when the equation has no
`TransientTerm` `(dt=None)`
- `318 <>`_:
FiPy will not import
- `311 <>`_:
LSMLIB refactor
- `305 <>`_:
`mpirun -np 2 python -Wd test --trilinos` hanging on
sandbox under buildbot
- `297 <>`_:
Remove deprecated gist and gnuplot support
- `291 <>`_:
efficiency_test chokes on ``
- `289 <>`_:
`diffusionTerm._test()` requires Pysparse
- `287 <>`_:
move FiPy to distributed version control
- `275 <>`_:
`mpirun -np 2 python test --no-pysparse` hangs on `bunter`
- `274 <>`_:
Epetra `Norm2` failure in parallel
- `272 <>`_:
Error adding meshes
- `269 <>`_:
Rename `GridXD`
- `255 <>`_:
numpy 1.5.1 and masked arrays
- `253 <>`_:
Move the mail archive link to a more prominent place on web page.
- `245 <>`_:
Fix `fipy.terms._BinaryTerm` test failure in parallel
- `228 <>`_:
`--pysparse` configuration should never attempt MPI imports
- `225 <>`_:
Windows interactive plotting mostly broken
- `209 <>`_:
add Rhie-Chow correction term in stokes cavity example
- `180 <>`_:
broken arithmetic face to cell distance calculations
- `128 <>`_:
Trying to "solve" an integer `CellVariable` should raise an error
- `123 <>`_:
`` doesn't support tensors
- `103 <>`_:
`subscriber()._markStale()` `AttributeError`
- `61 <>`_:
Move `ImplicitDiffusionTerm().solve(var) == 0` "failure" from
`examples.phase.simple` to `examples.diffusion.mesh1D`?





- `346 <>`_:
text in `trunk/examples/convection/`
is out of date
- `342 <>`_:
sign issues for equation with transient, convection and implicit
- `338 <>`_:
SvnToGit clean up


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