What's Changed * Updated typing of expires_delta and fresh by eMaerthin in https://github.com/vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended/pull/510 * Allow selective disabling of blocklist check by indrajeet307 in https://github.com/vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended/pull/501
New Contributors * eMaerthin made their first contribution in https://github.com/vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended/pull/510 * indrajeet307 made their first contribution in https://github.com/vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended/pull/501
* Documentation improvements ( 470). Thanks Udit107710! * Drop support for python 3.6 (flask no longer supports 3.6, so following suite here) * Add option to include `current_user` in jinja templates by default (478) * Fix mypy type checks for `current_user` (488)
What's Changed * Fix mypy explicitly mark exported names 484 (thanks KSmanis) * Fix `verify_type` being set to `False` by default in `verify_jwt_in_request()` 483
Overview * Drop support for Flask 1 * This decision comes because flask 1 is no longer being supported upstream and a recent dependency change they released made it difficult to continue testing both versions for compatibility. * Add `verify_type` argument to view decorators to allow accepting both refresh & access tokens 460 (thanks tgross35) * Adds type hinting and MyPy support * Documentation improvements (thanks wjjmjh and Udit107710) * Relax dependency pinning for cryptography package (467)