* Allow Flask-JWT-Extended to work with new Cryptography versioning scheme (452)
* Allow overriding cookies domain at runtime (446). Thanks bejito! * Better compatibility with flask 1.x.x and 2.x.x (440). Thanks StefanVDWeide * Documentation updates (443, 444). Thanks killthekitten and juur
* Fix compatibility with Flask 1.x.x that was broke with the 4.2.2 release (see 437). Thanks j178 for pointing this out!
* Added async support to jwt_required view decorator (436). Thanks StefanVDWeide! * Minor documentation improvements. Thanks rohitsanj-jovian!
* Update Flask-JWT-Extended to work with flask 2.x.x. (427).
* Add `JWT_ENCODE_NBF` configuration option to allow disabling the NBF claim during token creation. Thanks magnunleno! 416 * Add a new `get_jwt_request_location()` function to determine where a token was parsed from in a request (useful for implicit token refresh with cookies). Thanks sammck! 420 * Fix wrong error message in edge case with current user in non-decorated route. 408 * Fix JWT in headers followed by a comma raises IndexError 347 * Fix edge cases where `jwt_required(optional=True)` was treating a request as if there was jwt present instead of handling the `InvalidHeaderError`. 421 * Add a `JWT_QUERY_STRING_VALUE_PREFIX` configuration option. 421 * Update error messages to provide more helpful information to callers when they are sending in a token in an unexpected way.