In this release we are modifying how decoded tokens work, so that this extension can be more easily used by other JWT providers (212). The important changes in this release are:
* added the `JWT_DECODE_AUDIENCE` configuration option, for using the `aud` claim in JWTs
* Change the `decode_key_callback()` function to now take the unverified headers as well as the unverified claims as arguments. If you have existing code that only takes one argument, it will still work, but you will see a depreciation warning when it is called. You should update your callback to take a second parameter to fix that. As an example `decode_key(claims)` would become `decode_key(claims, headers)`.
* If the `jti` claim doesn't exist in a token, it will now be set to `None` in the decoded dictionary instead of raising an error
* If the `type` claim doesn't exist in a token, it will be marked as an access token and `'type': 'access'` will be set in the decoded dictionary
* If the `fresh` claim doesn't exist in a token, it will be marked as a non-fresh token and `'fresh': False` will be set in the decoded dictionary
Many thanks to acrossen for making this release possible!