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- Compatibility with Flask 2.3 ([962](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/962))



- Compatibility with Flask 2.0



Released February 06, 2020

- Add Python 3.8 support ([835](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/835))
- Fix wrongly parsed Decimal fields ([855](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/855))
- Fix overridden response when calling abort with Response ([817](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/817))
- Various small fixes and updates to documentation



Released December 18, 2018

- Fix error handling in python3 ([696](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/696))
- Fix arguments with type=list ([705](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/705))
- Return code for `parse_args()` is now configurable ([722](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/722))
- Removed `flask_restful.paging` module.
- Removed misleading `help_on_404` functionality ([722](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/722))
- JSON keys are no longer sorted by default in debug mode in python3 ([680](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/680))
- Various small fixes and updates to documentation



Released May 31, 2017

- `Argument.help` now supports unicode strings ([564](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/564))
- Flags can now be passed to `inputs.regex` ([621](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/621))
- Fix behavior of `action='append'` in conjunction with `location='json'` ([645](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/645))
- `method_decorators` can be a `dict` to apply decorator behavior for only specific HTTP methods ([532](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/532))
- JSON keys are no longer sorted by default in debug mode in python3 ([680](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/680))
- Various small fixes and updates to documentation



Released December 9, 2015

- Add `nullable` option to request parser to allow/disallow null values for arguments ([538](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/538))
- Use Flask's exception log method in `handle_error(e)` method instead of directly logging the exception notice. ([496](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/496))
- `Argument.help` now allows more flexible message formatting using the `{error_msg}` string interpolation token. ([518](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/518))
- Prevent representation from being chosen at random when `Accept: */*` ([524](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/524))
- Headers from `HTTPException`s are now returned in the response instead of being discarded ([523](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/523))
- Marshalling now checks for a `__marshallable__` method first before defaulting back to `__getitem__` ([](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/issues/324))
- Flask 1.0 compatability fixes ([506](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/pull/506))

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