
Latest version: v0.3.10

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released on Jan 9th, 2013

- Fix error handler for exceptions that do not have a message



Released on Jan 8th, 2013

- Crypto support for paging
- Added paging helper for resources
- Stricter arg parse
- Flask view arguments are no longer implicitly parsed by RequestParser
- Fixed incorrectly formatted err message



Released on Jan 8th, 2013

- Smart 404 error in case of slight mistakes in the URL
- Scheme error message
- Attribute/key accessible namespace for reqparse
- Add Namespace with dual attribute/item access
- Added the original requested URI in the error
- Better message if user passes URL w/ no scheme
- Allow chaining of add_argument calls
- Fixed bug 21 : Endpoint name clash on different views
- Fixed string formatting for python 2.6
- Fixed dictionary comprehensions for python 2.6
- Fixed r'' for python 2.6



Released on Nov 19th, 2012

- Fixed a bug in fields.Fixed when formatting a value of 0



Released on Nov 19th, 2012

- Added the Fixed field



First public release

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