
Latest version: v0.3.10

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Released January 17, 2014

- Fixes the List field when marshalling a list of dictionaries. ([165](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/issues/165))
- Adds Boolean and Price types to fields.\_\_all\_\_ ([180](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/issues/180))
- Adds support for serializing a set object with a List field. ([175](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/175))
- Fixes support for using callables as reqparser type arguments ([167](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/167))
- Add configuration variable to control smart-errors behavior on 404 responses. ([181](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/issues/181))
- Fixes bug preventing use of Flask redirects. ([162](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/162))
- Documentation fixes ([173](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/173))
- Fixes bug swallowing tracebacks in handle_error. ([166](https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/166))



Released December 17, 2013

- Removes twilio-specific type checks present in version 0.2.9.
- Correctly bump version number in setup.py.



Released December 17, 2013.

- Adds new `positive` and `iso8601interval` types.
- Typo fix.
- Updating the test infrastructure to use common Twilio conventions and testing



Released November 22, 2013

- Add 'absolute' and 'scheme' to fields.Url



Released November 18, 2013

- blueprint support
- CORS support
- allow custom unauthorized response
- when failing to marshal custom indexable objects, its attributes are checked
- better error messages



Released Aug 6, 2013

- add callable location
- allow field type Fixed to take an attribute argument
- added url_for() wrapper as Api.url_for(resource)

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