
Latest version: v0.10.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Apple M1 users should now work (`1772`_, `1785`_, `1786`_; Jordan Sissel)
* Removed `ffi` ruby library as a dependency. This should make it easier to support a wider range of Ruby versions (Ruby 2.2, 3.0, etc) and platforms (like arm64, Apple M1, etc) in the future. (`1785`_, `1786`_; Jordan Sissel)
* Now uses the correct architecture synonym for ARM 64 systems. Debian uses `arm64` as a synonym for what other systems call `aarch64` (linux kernel, RPM, Arch Linux). (`1775`_; Steve Kamerman)
* Docs: Fix a typo in an example (`1785`_; Zoe O'Connell)
* rpm: File paths can now contain single-quote characters (`1774`_; Jordan Sissel)
* rpm: Use correct SPEC syntax when using --after-upgrade or similar features (`1761`_; Jo Vandeginste. Robert Fielding)
* Ruby 3.0 support: Added `rexml` as a runtime dependency. In Ruby 2.0, `rexml` came by default, but in Ruby 3.0, `rexml` is now a bundled gem and some distributiosn do not include it by default. (`1794`_; Jordan Sissel)
* Fix error "git: not found (Git::GitExecuteError)". Now loads `git` library only when using git features. (`1753`_, `1748`_, `1751`_, `1766`_; Jordan Sissel, Cameron Nemo, Jason Rogers, Luke Short)
* deb: Fix syntax error in `postinst` (`--after-install`) script. (`1752`_, `1749`_, `1764`_; rmanus, Adam Mohammed, Elliot Murphy, kimw, Jordan Sissel)
* deb: --deb-compression now uses the same compression and file suffix on the control.tar file (`1760`_; Philippe Poilbarbe)



* Pin ffi dependency to ruby ffi 1.12.x to try keeping fpm compatible with older/abandoned rubies like 2.0 and 2.1. (`1709`_; Matt Patterson)
* deb: New flag to add 'set -e' to all scripts. `--deb-maintainerscripts-force-errorchecks` which defaults to off. (`1697`_; Andreas Ulm)
* deb: Fix bug when converting rubygems to debs where certain constraints like `~>1` would generate a deb dependency that couldn't be satisfied. (`1699`_; Vlastimil Holer)
* deb: Fix error 'uninitialized constant FPM::Package::Deb::Zlib' (`1739`_, `1740`_; Federico Lancerin)
* python: Prepend to PYTHONPATH instead of replacing it. This should help on platforms that rely heavily on PYTHONPATH, such as NixOSX (`1711`_, `1710`_; anarg)
* python: Add `--python-trusted-host` flag which passes `--trusted-host` flag to `pip` (`1737`_; Vladimir Ponarevsky)
* Documentation improvements (`1724`_, `1738`_, `1667`_, `1636`_)
* Dockerfile updated to Alpine 3.12 (`1745`_; Cameron Nemo)
* Remove the 'backports' deprecation warning (`1727`_; Jose Galvez)
* sh: Performance improvement when printing package metadata (`1729`_; James Logsdon, Ed Healy)
* rpm: Add support for `xzmt` compression (multithreaded xz compressor) to help when creating very large packages (several gigabytes). (`1447`_, `1419`_; amnobc)
* rpm: Add `--rpm-macro-expansion` flag to enable macro expansion in scripts during rpmbuild. See https://rpm.org/user_doc/scriptlet_expansion.html for more details. (`#1642`_; juliantrzeciak)
* deb: use correct control.tar filename (`1668`_; Mike Perham)



* snap: Snap packages can now be created! (`1490`_; kyrofa)
* Fix an installation problem where a dependency (childprocess) fails to install correctly. (1592; Jordan Sissel)



* cpan: Fix a crash where fpm would crash trying to parse a perl version string (`1515`_, `1514`; Jordan Sissel, William N. Braswell, Jr)



* cpan: Fixes some package building by setting PERL5LIB correctly (`1509`_, `1511`_; William N. Braswell, Jr)
* cpan: Adds `--[no-]cpan-verbose` flag which, when set, runs `cpanm` with the `--verbose` flag (`1511`_; William N. Braswell, Jr)



* Pin `ruby-xz` dependency to one which allows Ruby versions older than 2.3.0 (`1494`_; Marat Sharafutdinov)
* Documentation improvements: `1488`_; Arthur Burkart. `1384`_; Justin Kolberg. `1452`_; Anatoli Babenia.
* python: Improve support for the `~=` dependency comparison. (`1482`_; Roman Vasilyev)
* deb: Add `--deb-generate-changes` flag to have fpm output a `.changes` file (`1492`_; Spida)
* deb: Add `--deb-dist` flag to set the target distribution (similar to `--rpm-dist`). (`1492`_; Spida)
* apk: Make --before-install, --before-upgrade, and --after-upgrade work correctly. (`1422`_; Charles R. Portwood II)
* rpm: add `xzmt` for multithreaded xz compression (Amnon BC)
* rpm: fix shell function name `install` conflicting with `install` program. In
postinst (after-install), the function is now called `_install` to avoid
conflicting with `/usr/bin/install` (`1434`_; Torsten Schmidt)
* rpm: Allow binary "arch dependent" files in noarch rpms (Jordan Sissel)
* - deb: --config-files ? (`1440`_, `1443`_; NoBodyCam)
* FPM source repo now contains a Brewfile for use with Homebrew.
* FPM source repo has a Dockerfile for invoking fpm with docker. (`1484`_, ;Allan Lewis

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