* Fixed a bunch of Ruby 1.8.7-related bugs. (Jordan Sissel)
* cpan: Fix bug in author handling (`744`_, Leon Weidauer)
* cpan: Better removal of perllocal.pod (`763`_, `443`_, `510`_, Mathias Lafeldt)
* rpm: Use lstat calls instead of stat, so we don't follow symlinks (`765`_, Shrijeet Paliwal)
* rpm and deb: Now supports script actions on upgrades. This adds two new flags: --before-upgrade and --after-upgrade. (`772`_, `661`_; Daniel Haskin)
* rpm: Package triggers are now supported. New flags: --rpm-trigger-before-install, --rpm-trigger-after-install, --rpm-trigger-before-uninstall, --rpm-trigger-after-target-uninstall. (`626`_, Maxime Caumartin)
* rpm: Add --rpm-init flag; similar to --deb-init. (Josh Dolitsky)
* sh: Skip installation if already installed for the given version. If forced, the old installation is renamed. (`776`_, Chris Gerber)
* deb: Allow Vendor field to be omitted now by specifying `--vendor ""` (`778`_, Nate Brown)
* general: Add --log=level flag for setting log level. Levels are error, warn, info, debug. (Jordan SIssel)
* cpan: Check for Build.PL first before Makefile.PL (`787`_, Daniel Jay Haskin)
* dir: Don't follow symlinks when copying files (`658`_, Jordan Sissel)
* deb: Automatically provide a 'changes' file in debs because lintian complains if they are missing. (`784`_, Jordan Sissel)
* deb: Fix and warn for package names that have spaces (`779`_, Grantlyk)
* npm: Automatically set the prefix to `npm prefix -g` (`758`_, Brady Wetherington and Jordan Sissel)