
Latest version: v0.10.1

Safety actively analyzes 685670 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Solaris 11 IPS packages 'p5p' now supported `-t p5p`. (Jonathan Craig)
* Python Virtualenv is now supported `-t virtualenv` (`930`_, Simone Margaritelli and Daniel Haskin)
* deb: Files in /etc are now by default marked as config files. (`877`_, Vincent Bernat)
* `fpm --help` output now includes a list of supported package types (`896`_, Daniel Haskin)
* cpan: --[no-]cpan-sandbox-non-core flag to make non-core module sandboxing optional during packaging (`752`_, Matt Sharpe)
* rpm: Add --rpm-dist flag for specifically setting the target distribution of an rpm. (Adam Lamar)
* rpm: Fix a crash if --before-upgrade or --after-upgrade were used. (`822`_, Dave Anderson)
* deb: Ensure maintainer scripts have shebang lines (`836`_, Wesley Spikes)
* deb: Fix bug in maintainer scripts where sometimes we would write an empty shell function. Empty functions aren't valid in shell. (Wesley Spikes)
* Fix symlink copying bug (`863`_, Pete Fritchman)
* python: Default to https for pypi queries (Timothy Sutton)
* New flag --exclude-file for providing a file containing line-delimited exclusions (Jamie Lawrence)
* python: new flag --python-disable-dependency to disable specific python dependencies (Ward Vandewege)
* python: ensure we avoid wheel packages for now until fpm better supports them. (`885`_, Matt Callaway)
* deb: Add support for installation states "abort-remove" and "abort-install" (`887`_, Daniel Haskin)
* If PATH isn't set, and we need it, tell the user (`886`_, Ranjib Dey)
* cpan: --[no-]cpan-test now works correctly (`853`_, Matt Schreiber)
* deb-to-rpm: some improved support for config file knowledge passing from deb to rpm packages (Daniel Haskin)


* The fpm project now uses Contributor Covenant. You can read more about this on the website: http://contributor-covenant.org/
* npm: Fix bug causing all `-s npm` attempts to fail due to a missing method. This bug was introduced in 1.3.0. (`800`_, `806`_; Jordan Sissel)
* rpm: fix bug in rpm input causing a crash if the input rpm did not have any triggers (`801`_, `802`_; Ted Elwartowski)


* deb: conversion from another deb will automatically use any changelog found in the source deb (Jordan Sissel)


* deb: fix md5sums generation such that `dpkg -V` now works (`799`_, Matteo Panella)
* rpm: Use maximum compression when choosing xz (`797`_, Ashish Kulkarni)


* Fixed a bunch of Ruby 1.8.7-related bugs. (Jordan Sissel)
* cpan: Fix bug in author handling (`744`_, Leon Weidauer)
* cpan: Better removal of perllocal.pod (`763`_, `443`_, `510`_, Mathias Lafeldt)
* rpm: Use lstat calls instead of stat, so we don't follow symlinks (`765`_, Shrijeet Paliwal)
* rpm and deb: Now supports script actions on upgrades. This adds two new flags: --before-upgrade and --after-upgrade. (`772`_, `661`_; Daniel Haskin)
* rpm: Package triggers are now supported. New flags: --rpm-trigger-before-install, --rpm-trigger-after-install, --rpm-trigger-before-uninstall, --rpm-trigger-after-target-uninstall. (`626`_, Maxime Caumartin)
* rpm: Add --rpm-init flag; similar to --deb-init. (Josh Dolitsky)
* sh: Skip installation if already installed for the given version. If forced, the old installation is renamed. (`776`_, Chris Gerber)
* deb: Allow Vendor field to be omitted now by specifying `--vendor ""` (`778`_, Nate Brown)
* general: Add --log=level flag for setting log level. Levels are error, warn, info, debug. (Jordan SIssel)
* cpan: Check for Build.PL first before Makefile.PL (`787`_, Daniel Jay Haskin)
* dir: Don't follow symlinks when copying files (`658`_, Jordan Sissel)
* deb: Automatically provide a 'changes' file in debs because lintian complains if they are missing. (`784`_, Jordan Sissel)
* deb: Fix and warn for package names that have spaces (`779`_, Grantlyk)
* npm: Automatically set the prefix to `npm prefix -g` (`758`_, Brady Wetherington and Jordan Sissel)


* rpm: Add --rpm-verifyscript for adding a custom rpm verify script to your package. (Remi Hakim)
* Allow the -p flag to target a directory for writing the output package (`656`_, Jordan Sissel)
* Add --debug-workspace which skips any workspace cleanup to let users debug things if they break. (`720`_, `734`_; Jordan Sissel)
* rpm: Add --rpm-attr for controlling attribute settings per file. This setting will likely be removed in the future once rpmbuild is no longer needed. (`719`_)
* deb: Add --deb-meta-file to add arbitrary files to the control dir (`599`_, Dan Brown)
* deb: Add --deb-interest and --deb-activate for adding package triggers (`595`_, Dan Brown)
* cpan: Fix small bug in handling empty metadata fields (`712`_, Mathias Lafeldt)
* rpm: Fix bug when specifying both --architecture and --rpm-os (`707`_, `716`_; Alan Ivey)
* gem: Fix bug where --gem-version-bins is given but package has no bins (`688`_, Jan Vansteenkiste)
* deb: Set permissions correct on the package's internals. Makes lintian happier. (Jan Vansteenkiste)
* rpm: rpmbuild's _tmppath now respects --workdir (`714`_, Jordan Sissel)
* gem/rpm: Add --rpm-verbatim-gem-dependencies to use old-style (fpm 0.4.x) rpm gem dependencies (`724`_, Jordan Sissel)
* gem/rpm: Fix bug for gem pessimistic constraints when converting to rpm (Tom Duckering)
* python: Fix small bug with pip invocations (`727`_, Dane Knecht)

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